22 Nov 06
You'll be very skillful and will know how to obtain a lot from everybody, particularly on the professional plane. Don't worry about that unexpected incident: Nobody's able to foresee everything and something has to be left to chance! You'll have the impression that you've ended certain important phases of your life and that a brand new future is opening up to you; armed with your renewed enthusiasm, move ahead! Everything will go well healthwise, but you'll have to avoid excessive fatigue.
23 Nov 06
If your spouse and children dream of calmness at home, they'll be disappointed, because you'll compel your whole small world to outdo themselves. If you feel tired, sleep more. Love and money won't get along well; think about it, otherwise you'll have problems. On the material plane, try to find a right balance between too risky operations and traditional investments. You'll have the energy and audacity necessary to sweep obstacles off your road and to achieve important professional goals
24 Nov 06
Beautiful amorous encounters are in the offing! Do not embark on speculative deals at this time, especially if they compel you to risk all or part of your inheritance. There will be a tendency to harbor resentment against others. You'll spare no efforts so as to achieve your professional goals; but beware of overwork! You'll like to please, to seduce, and you will exploit your charms with conviction and gusto.
25 Nov 06
This day will be good for long-term intellectual works, for competitive examinations and for interviews. You'll succeed in easing a difficult situation that has been weighing on you for a long time. You might have intestinal problems, so keep a close watch on your foods; avoid salty dishes and heavy sauces. Think carefully about certain projects by studying them in detail before making an important decision.
26 Nov 06
There will be important and very varied opportunities to seize. In your family circle, you'll do your best to maintain a warm climate. Refrain from making excessive physical efforts. If you deem that your present job doesn't correspond exactly with your tastes, make contacts and begin to look around for a new one without delay. In your life as a couple, try to tackle calm and frank conversations with your mate.
27 Nov 06
If you live as a couple, there'll be an opportunity to deepen your relationships with your partner; show yourself more understanding and demonstrative. This astral climate will be favorable to creations of all kinds; those who have a creative activity -- artists, dressmakers, musicians -- will benefit from a good source of inspiration. Expect some unforeseen events coming from your family or concerning your residence. Redouble precautions against crooks of all types, who'll try to abuse your credulity.
28 Nov 06
On the sentimental side, you may be possessive and resentful, and that is likely to create a tense atmosphere. You will see good vitality and quick recuperation from illness. The small adventurous side to your character will awaken, and you'll have to control it, otherwise you'll experience disappointment. Despite the slightly indifferent attitude of your close relatives, you won't be upset with them.
29 Nov 06
The stars will shine on you at work, as your image will shine with all its glory and your superiors and colleagues will be full of admiration for you. Be on the lookout for simple reunions, family activities, the company of good friends or good neighbors. You'll have nothing to fear in terms of your health. Important changes will take place, so don't cling to your old habits; you must be willing to continue forward.
30 Nov 06
You'll bring an extremely difficult and very ambitious project to a successful conclusion. Risks of health problems; refrain from all excesses. Don't feel too bitter if your children show themselves to be ungrateful to you. Those of you who aren't born managers will succeed in making profitable transactions; you'll develop your financial situation in a very significant way. Become aware of your impulsive nature in all your moves so as to prevent errors and misunderstandings.
1 Dec 06
There'll be charming encounters or a spectacular improvement of your existing love relationships. Even if you're disillusioned, this time you'll give love the first place in your life. Be doubly careful if you're predisposed to cardiovascular troubles. You'll be overflowing with dynamism and will fight efficaciously against microbes and viruses. Sensitive and intuitive, you'll be able to use your flair to work wonders in your career.
2 Dec 06
You'll have original ideas capable of enabling you to progress in your career. It would be wise to avoid meddling in the conflicts that are sure to arise around you this time. You will risk having impossible hopes or utopian desires; try to keep your head cool so that you can stick fast to reality. Your relationships with your nearest and dearest will be marked with serenity, and no cloud will come to darken your sky.
3 Dec 06
You'll be in excellent health, of excellent humor and in high spirits. Your personality will have an opportunity to bloom. Your material aspirations and your desire for expansion will allow you to achieve some beautiful successes. Good management of your finances. You'll offer your close ones your gaiety, your good humor and your joy of living. An amorous relationship will become a friendly relationship.
4 Dec 06
Your enterprising spirit will increase; it will allow you to conceive and achieve daring, original projects. Safeguard your private life, don't let it be intruded upon by anyone. Avoid discussing philosophical, political or religious subjects with your friends, for they're sure to cause misunderstandings and arguments. Beware of your finances, as they won't be brilliant and will give way to nasty surprises!
5 Dec 06
Your current energy will allow you to indulge in a host of activities without feeling tired. You'll be favored by fortune, as you'll find judicious means to strengthen your budget. Endowed with fantastic dynamism, you'll find pleasure in demolishing the obstacles that impede your progress. For couples, discussions may degenerate if each party is not prepared to water down his or her wine.
6 Dec 06
You'll have an opportunity to establish relationships with highly placed persons. At work, control your utterings, and only discuss those subjects that are strictly professional. A very good day to envisage new investment modes or to think of the best way to deal with a litigious matter; you'll succeed in balancing your budget or strengthening a shaky situation. You might have very interesting dreams or flashes of a premonitory character.
7 Dec 06
The prospects of improving your home are excellent, but you'll have to do the work yourself. Risks of strife and anger in your love life. At work, your inventive mind will be stimulated, and this will help you find an ideal solution to every problem. A crisis of aggressiveness and bad humor; try to control yourself in order not to embitter the family atmosphere -- turn your tongue seven times in your mouth before speaking.
8 Dec 06
Love will reserve for you good surprises. Before dreaming of wonders -- and especially before talking to others about your projects -- assure yourself of your real possibilities. If you keep smiling, you'll notice that others will come toward you. Are your finances shaky? You'll be perfectly able to remedy the situation today. The more you will distinguish the true from the false, the more real satisfactions you'll obtain.
9 Dec 06
The stars will smile on you today, as you can expect to make a thrilling sentimental encounter. You'll benefit from good astral protection in the administrative and judicial fields. Filled with self-confidence and conscious of your charm, you'll feel quite at ease on every front. You'll know what you have to do, so don't let anyone or anything divert you from your way; in this way your success will be assured.
10 Dec 06
In your work, target your projects; however, you must avoid trying to do two things at once. With your children, take time to control their communications and to help them in their homework. In love, you'll be more expansive than usual. The stars will bring an easy financial situation. Increased vitality, which will be at the origin of your greater self-confidence and your more optimistic vision of life.
11 Dec 06
The stars will bring a climate of good understanding with your friends and neighbors. If you don't say things tactfully, you'll risk hurting more than one person -- perhaps even yourself. In order to improve your life as a couple, you must try to maintain a sincere dialogue between you and your mate. If you're single, this will be a day of great chance: You'll make a very beautiful encounter!
12 Dec 06
If you want to engage your heart durably, this is the right day to do so; and if you only want to live a charming love adventure, this day will be favorable to it as well. A friend whom you've not heard from in a long time will show up at your house or workplace and will give you a reviving breath. Current astral influxes will incite unhoped-for opportunities to allow you to succeed in your work.
13 Dec 06
Good general resistance, good nervous balance, good digestion too; however, possible dental or respiratory troubles. To succeed in your professional or personal projects, restrict yourself to the essential and show perseverance. The more you will distinguish the true from the false, the more real satisfactions you'll obtain. If you are having difficulty finding a soul mate, it's because your standards are too high.
14 Dec 06
You will meet very good amorous prospects that will unite good common sense, fervor and sensuality. In your family, you'll attempt to lead your dear ones with a firm hand, but beware that it's not always advantageous to play at dictators. Your chances to succeed in excellent financial deals will be increased. If you're confronted with a problem of inheritance, you'll find a judicious solution today.
15 Dec 06
If you have to negotiate a delicate business or discuss a contract, ask competent people for their advice and beware of your current hazy ideas. For your health's sake, resist the temptations of alcohol and tobacco. Know that everything has its brighter side; it's necessary to be positive under all circumstances. Great success in your work due to your good reputation of integrity and dependability.
16 Dec 06
Your chances to win in games and speculation endeavors will be particularly good. Some venous weakness; do some jogging to increase your blood flow. In family, you won't have to look far for a solution, because it's already there! The moment will be well chosen to carry out transformations in your home. In your career, don't try to overdo things, for you could exhaust your forces or go beyond your means.
17 Dec 06
The planetary influences will be favorable to all contacts and trips. This time you'll have the right to unusual, romantic and marvelous love affairs, and you'll know how to profit by them well! At work, your renewed dynamism will allow you to do your job in double-quick time; beware of too much haste. Your friends will show you kindness and loyalty, and you will show them the same in return.
18 Dec 06
Affectionate relationships with your friends, who will give you their support. A lesson of humility given by life will make you see things under the proper light. It's highly possible that you'll be irresistibly attracted by a person with whom you have little in common and who lives in a world totally different from yours. You'll have the possibility to improve your material situation, on condition to know how to seize good occasions.
19 Dec 06
An amorous union contracted this time will have excellent chances of success. Be careful in your investments; consult an expert. Refrain from expenses that will not prove indispensable. Beware of too rich dishes and of chocolate; privilege fresh and light foods. Your relationships with your entourage will be excellent. You'll have great chances to come to terms with yourself and with the world at large.
20 Dec 06
Your sense of order will work wonders in your job, especially if you pursue an independent or commercial career. You'll be favored by fortune, as you'll have good money coming in. An authority conflict with your spouse will risk maintaining an exhausting climate of tension. Beware of your aggressive impulses which will surface this time. Good physical form; if you've had your nerves on edge, you'll note a clear improvement.