25 Oct 06
You'll have great chances to obtain a promotion or a pay raise. Risks of physical accidents. Beware of scandalmongers. In love as well as in friendship, don't let yourself be blindly carried away by a certain taste for adventure and exoticism; the awakening might be brutal if you did not take the necessary precautions in time. Everything that's related to finances will have to be studied carefully.
26 Oct 06
You'll feel in good physical form, and your small chronic ills will spare you for the time being. Don't complain any more about your ill luck, think instead to organize your success. With your children, you must show firmness, otherwise the situation will soon get out of control. A favorable day for whatever is in relation with foreigners. Think of putting your friends' sincerity to the test by asking them a small service or a loan of money.
27 Oct 06
This day will be propitious to sentimental encounters; passion will be complete, since it will concern the physical as well as intellectual levels. Definite improvement of your fiscal situation; you will have increased luck in speculating. You are sure to meet some interesting new people. You must think to take better care of your children; don't hesitate to give them counsel, but do not oppress them.
28 Oct 06
You'll be so centered on the achievement of your objectives that tenderness and openness to others will go to the back burner. Chance will this time be on the side of the arts and sciences: university professors, art amateurs or critics, museum curators, researchers and scientists will be favored. You'll be both more dynamic and more relaxed and, thus, you can multiply activities without feeling fatigue. You'll do things in a serious but relaxed and pleasant manner.
29 Oct 06
Couple life subject to bad conditions. In general, you'll have an interest in being very careful in the management of your finances; don't spend on what is useful, but only for what is absolutely indispensable. You'll be able to count on the frankness and honesty of your friends. It'll be necessary to question the validity of some of the choices that you had decided on with such enthusiasm and conviction. At work, your creative imagination will be at its peak, and you'll have great chances to obtain the promotion that you've been dreaming about.
30 Oct 06
In work, you'll be favored by fortune. Beware of blood troubles; don't let your small malaises degenerate, as it may be difficult to cure them later on. Your ears and eyes may be sensitive -- beware of inflammation. It will be the moment to try everything so as to achieve a reconciliation with your close ones. Heartwise, you'll be inclined to become enthusiastic too quickly; wait some time to believe the wonderful things that are promised you! You'll show lucidity in financial matters.
31 Oct 06
Do not succumb to the temptation of basing your well-being much more on other people's toil than on your own work; self-reliance is always necessary and rewarding. Have a more balanced diet. A few black clouds over your love affairs because of differences of views relative to your way of conceiving life or to a project; be flexible. Traps will be numerous in your professional life, so be on your guard.
01 Nov 06
Your professional situation will be spectacularly on the upswing. You'll run the risk of succumbing to love at first sight, although that could threaten to shatter your existing love situation. Beware, don't give up the prey for its shadow! Do not give in to an unreasonable whim of one of your children. Be careful in your utterances. Don't try to pull other people's chestnuts out of the fire.
02 Nov 06
You'll be clear-minded enough to give up some idealized projects; but you'll have a tendency to grant your confidence too easily. Watch your words, otherwise you won't be able to avoid various sorrows and annoyances. There will be tenderness and good accord on the sensual plane; still there may be a tendency to dream too much, and that won't save you from having disappointments. You'll enjoy good health.
November 03, 2006
If conflicts arise in your work, it will be in your interest to stay away from them; in any case, keep a low profile. A little fatigue, so eat wheat germ, sesame seeds, dried beans and lentils. Think about having a healthier diet and doing daily exercise. You'll see life in terms of black and white for no precise reason; you must respond vigorously! Everything would fare better if you brought your ambitions back into reasonable limits.
November 05, 2006
You'll enjoy plenty of vitality and energy. Everything that you undertake now has a chance of coming to a successful end under excellent conditions. You'll finally see your most cherished aspirations carried out, your life being constructed or reconstructed, and you'll have few worries to grapple with. There will certainly be some money problems or legal complications; but on the other hand, there'll be very happy affective moments.
November 06, 2006
You'll succeed in disentangling a desperately complicated situation with much dexterity, and you will receive warm compliments. Beware of inconsiderate gossip; to avoid being the subject of rumors, do not commit indiscretions. In your home, avoid hurtful words; turn your tongue seven times in your mouth before speaking. Do not sell your furniture with a view to making a profit! You'll encounter persons with whom you'll have profound affinities.
November 07, 2006
You can count on some valuable friendly support, which will give you the means of carrying out a project that you hold so close to your heart. The stars will protect you, and nothing serious can bring you down. Possibility of friction with your spouse or partner; try to be much more tactful so as to improve things. Your cholesterol level could increase; have a blood test done, replace meat with fish more often and butter with vegetable oils.
November 08, 2006
Excellent professional climate: Good luck will be on your side at work, especially if your activities are related to foreigners. Some pecuniary difficulties without importance but which will bother you nonetheless. In family, you'll enjoy warm affection. There will be a noticeable fall of you nervous resistance; take time to relax, to sleep, to amuse yourself instead of always being on-the-go.
November 09, 2006
Professionally, it will be time to impose your choices, to have confidence in yourself and your means. If you have some sentimental disappointments, which is more than probable, do not allow them to prevent you from working as normal. You'll need to relieve your tired kidneys; try oat flakes and foods rich in sulfur -- green cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts -- and drink plenty of water.
November 10, 2006
Your relationship with your heart's elected one will be founded on confidence and complicity. The singles will put an end to their search for love. A swelling of the glands is to be feared, and you'll be very vulnerable to tonsillitis; treat your ills correctly, not by ignoring them. Your relationships with your entourage will often be conflictual; keep a cool head. If you don't resist your current tendency to act in an unpredictable way, you won't achieve very much.
November 11, 2006
You'll be able to avoid an amorous delusion or deception. Some problems with administrative authorities might arise because of your past negligence. Excellent professional prospects within the framework of the current changes. Buy the object of your desires in order to maintain your joy of living, but don't get into debt for that. The more you will distinguish the true from the false, the more real satisfactions you'll obtain.
November 13, 2006
A favorable day for health: your small illnesses, fatigue or stress will only be bad memories. Your children will give you some hard times, but everything will be smoothed out. The stars will be on your side, and you'll have good chances to win; but don't go so far as to bet your own shirt! Sure of your capacities, you'll know how to show the best side of yourself at work; your dynamism and your enterprising spirit will be very much appreciated.
November 14, 2006
Harmonious relationships with your mate, your children and your friends. You'll have a new lease on life. Beware of risks of food poisoning, of falls and of limb fractures. These days will be very favorable to the launching of a new personal project, to the research of new lodgings or to moving. There will be good opportunities to make new friends. This will be a day marked with serenity at all levels.
November 15, 2006
More than ever you'll be inclined to exercise your charm all around. Beware of overwork and its harmful consequences; sleep more. You'll have some difficulties carrying out your daily occupations and will be obsessed with the idea of preserving peace in your family; take it easy and let time do its work. This day will bring you many successes in various fields, on condition, however, that you know how to seize each opportunity. Avoid discussing real-estate transactions or inheritance matters.
November 16, 2006
Heartwise, your charm will be marvelously operative; people will be quickly seduced by your personality. Your intuition will be sharpened, and it will permit you to reach certain of your objectives. Your professional achievements will be proportional to the efforts you'll make. Your vitality will undergo a very slight drop. Very good understanding in your family; your home will be for you a haven of peace.
November 17, 2006
You'll succeed in keeping your serenity in the face of your neighbors' provocations. You'll manage to keep your budget in good balance. In your professional life, unexpected changes are possible; but if you're surprised at the beginning, you'll largely benefit from these changes in the long run. You'll be full of enthusiasm, and your joy of living will charm everybody around you. Life at home will be pleasant. Couples married for several years will renew their honeymoon.
November 18, 2006
Nice real-estate prospects: You'll buy or sell a property under the best possible conditions. Concerning love, don't surrender under the spell of fancy words, think well and don't engage yourself too hastily or keep yourself at a distance. It's in your family surroundings that major changes are likely to occur; try to adapt yourself to the new situation. Be careful of your utterings, as it will not be necessary to keep silent all the time, but to talk with reserve and circumspection.
November 19, 2006
You'll have the opportunity to tie solid relations with people of various nationalities, races, religions or cultures. Nice gains financially. In family, contacts will be fine; you'll accept dialogueueueue, and that will give the possibility of clearing up certain misunderstandings. You'll feel in great physical and mental shape. In work, your slightest effort will be crowned with success. There'll be a very important meeting for quite a number of singles.
20 Nov 06
Sort out your papers and put your affairs in due order, otherwise you'll risk a loss, or at least some trouble. Beware of chills and refrain from too fatty or too rich dishes. Learn to communicate with an open heart. Everything will go well heartwise; the adventures that were originally considered as transitory and superficial might take a serious turn. Your family life may cause you problems, but you can solve them easily.
21 Nov 06
At work, criticisms and jealousy can hurt your self-pride; don't make a big issue out of it, stay cool. Liver disorders are to be expected if you continue eating too-rich food and drinking more than is reasonable! Your children will do some foolish things, which will annoy you very much; however there'll be no need to raise your voice. For most natives of the sign, this day will be marked by enthralling love affairs and blazing sensual pleasures.