28 Sep 06
The moment will be well chosen to carry out an antiaging strategy; in order to delay the effects of aging, take the resolution to follow a good life hygiene. A very favorable day for tackling fruitful discussions with your children. Your love affairs will be well protected, and your beloved one will shower you with charming attentions. Risk of quarrel with a friend of yours; try to prevent things from becoming acrimonious. Caution will be necessary in the management of your finances; make a tailored budget.
29 Sep 06
Fight against your tendency to mull over the past instead of dealing with the present and preparing the future. One can change nothing in the past, whether for good or ill; therefore, it would be better to leave it in oblivion. All activities related to purchasing or selling will be favored. Tackle long-term projects that have been waiting for a conclusion. Also, concentrate your attention on all business that begins to stir and that deserves to be handled. Despite evident inconvenience, you'll readily mingle love and work.
30 Sep 06
Propitious moment for strengthening ties with your parents and children. Good financial operations. This day seems very creative; major transformations will take place and the events will make you evolve profoundly, all to your advantage; you'll achieve large-scale projects. An ideal day to resume studies, undergo examinations or follow a training course. Beware of all that could harm you on the legal plane. For the time being, go without shellfish, raw vegetables, raw-milk cheeses.
1 Oct 06
You might suffer from pains in your back or from cardiac palpitations. Try to stifle your critical attitude, otherwise you'll not escape a domestic scene. Pecuniary difficulties. Do not revive bad memories. Avoid important business interviews these days, for you'll run the risk of judging your associates too subjectively. You'll make an exceptional encounter with a person who'll make your heart leap.
2 Oct 06
Show great cautiousness in your sentimental and sexual relationships because there'll be an undeniable risk of complications. You'll want to assert your independence toward the ones you love, but you'll wonder about their possible reaction, and so you really won't know on what foot to stand on; either way, you'll have to decide! Risks of arguments with your friends because of your stubbornness. Ideal day to discuss a pay raise with your boss. In teamwork, you'll be congratulated.
3 Oct 06
Concerning love, you'll flee mediocrity and routine. If you're looking for an ideal partner, you might meet them in a million different persons. Check your blood pressure regularly; you could get high blood pressure just from one day to the next. The stars are going to inspire you to great self-confidence, which will allow you to achieve feats in more than one field. It'll also be the moment to undertake some delicate steps.
4 Oct 06
You'll try to expand your professional activity and, at the same time, manage your finances carefully; your efforts will be quickly rewarded. Your sense of business and transactions will seem somewhat blunted; don't force your talent, wait some time for recovering all your efficiency. Know that reading is an indispensable food for your mind. Don't read good books -- there're really too many of them; only read the best ones. You won't spare your pains in order to improve your purchasing power.
5 Oct 06
A favorable day for the achievement of family projects, particularly for moving or buying an important electrical household appliance. Risks of headaches. Clear renewal of vitality in the domain of love; you'll feel more inclined to share your spare time, and a relationship to which you give great importance is going to take place. Stormy contacts with your friends are bound to happen if you tackle too sensitive subjects for discussion.
6 Oct 06
Be confident: It would be absurd and even dangerous to worry about unhappy events that will probably never take place! Don't be too hard up; it would be time to curb your expenses. Possible liver or stomach problems, so avoid too spicy dishes and seafood, and also refrain from tobacco and alcohol. At work, you'll be confronted with situations, the issue of which you cannot foresee. Some tensions in your friendships, but there will also be some unexpected, interesting encounters.
7 Oct 06
You'll know how to communicate your joy of living and your enthusiasm to your entourage. In your professional activity as well as in your family life, you'll multiply projects while greatly favoring team spirit. Always a risk of excessive nervousness and overwork; you have an exaggerated tendency to trespass your limits; moderate your ardors and take some rest. Avoid food excesses too, for your stomach and kidneys might take their revenge by playing dirty tricks on you.
8 Oct 06
Try to control your expenses. Successful friendship relations thanks to the interests you share; encounters and new experiences will enchant you. On the other hand, some difficulties of dialogue with your children. You'll feel at the highest of your form, with your vivacious mind and your alert senses. With your parents, try not to be aggressive in words. In your career, your efforts will be crowned with success.
9 Oct 06
You'll do your best to secure a position where you'll be the least accountable to others, even though this must be done at the cost of lowering of your quality of life. You'll discard your natural shyness and will show audacity if circumstances demand it. The Moon will prepare for natives of the sign more than one amorous surprise. Instances of love at first sight may be without a future but will be amusing and diverting. But she can also bring about a sudden and unforeseen rupture!
10 Oct 06
You'll have chances in the friendship field; you can use the personal relations of your friends to get substantial advantage in the domain of work or career. Hearing will be slightly bothersome; protect your ears against excessive noise levels. You'll probably know a void moment, but you'll soon afterward recover your forceful dynamism, which will allow you to restart vigorously; you'll even take a pleasure in entering competition with others.
11 Oct 06
Your sentimental relationships are likely to turn sour; control your utterings. If you deal with humanitarian work, you'll have an opportunity to show what you're capable of, and you'll feel extremely happy. If you're suffering from some sort of disorder, be sure to take care of your health, or your organism could be completely upset. You'll be capable of precisely evaluating the financial risks to take so as to enable your resources to bear their fruits.
12 Oct 06
Be very careful in your gestures, because there'll be an imminent risk of accident or fall at home or at work. You'll succeed in maintaining a sympathetic and agreeable atmosphere at home; you'll soothe out all the attempts at discord, and you'll make the necessary concessions to avoid conflicts with your close ones. Risk of sentimental instability: Your relationships will prove complicated or stormy. Take into account the necessity of reestablishing order in your finances and ensuring your material future.
13 Oct 06
A project that you really have your heart set on will require a lot of efforts, but success is guaranteed. You'll live your love affairs as on a roller coaster, but this won't be without charm. Be careful of certain friends. During this day, nothing is more prejudicial to you than pessimism; but if you're optimistic and realistic, you can gain some nice successes on all fronts. A relaxing atmosphere will reign in your home. Closely watch over your children's health; make sure they are up-to-date with their vaccinations.
14 Oct 06
Your contacts with others will be difficult and your moods will be rather ghastly; much nervousness in the air. Don't allow anybody to mingle with your personal affairs; to avoid this, don't talk too much, remain discreet. The astral climate of the day won't be fantastically favorable to you, as you'll feel hampered in your drive, which is for you the worst of mishaps. Material well-being, comfort, the satisfaction of your aesthetic tastes will be at the center of your preoccupations; you'll tend to spend much money to satisfy these needs.
15 Oct 06
If you wish to try your luck with speculation, go ahead this time; the cosmic influxes will probably bring you pleasant surprises; but don't stake too much on anything. On the sentimental side, you're likely to be mistaken, to take a purely physical attraction for something much more important and profound. Rather unstable health, with possibility of risks of respiratory problems or other pains. You'll hardly be motivated to fight, and you won't really know what you want.
16 Oct 06
Don't exhaust yourself pursuing a perfection that only exists in your mind. Tensions within your couple; but on the contrary, you can make a charming encounter or savor the thrill of an adventure. Take care of your appearance; this could help you to positively influence others. This day will begin with a feeling of frustration; it's because you're going to face great responsibilities; take courage.
17 Oct 06
At work, some unforeseen modifications are possible. Your friendship and family relationships will be very good. The natives suffering from liver troubles could see their state improve. Beware that you don't lose your sense of reality, and don't embark on delicate adventures. Heartwise, you'll be as inflammable as tinder! Take care of your exterior appearance, as it will bring you luck this time.
18 Oct 06
Beginning love affairs will be favored. You'll realize now that family life plays a great role in maintaining your psychic equilibrium, and you will do everything in your power to render it harmonious. Eyesight problems are possible: Go and see your ophthalmologist. A very favorable day for studies and acquisition of new knowledge. A bad surprise or a disappointment in prospect. But you'll enjoy real affective compensations.
19 Oct 06
Try to forget the insults that someone will make you. If you dance faster than the music, you'll lose much of your efficiency. It'll be the moment for you to take serious care of your financial situation; a sound and efficient management will enable you to make your resources bear fruit. You could receive a stroke of luck. Don't envy others: They actually have as many problems as you do. In love, it'll be necessary to be more tolerant and less exclusive. Your digestion may be disturbed, so eat foods that are rich in fiber.
20 Oct 06
You'll be inclined toward intolerance and intransigence; as a result, the family climate will be oppressive. If you have dull hair or if your nails break, it's a sign of a lack of vitamin A; eat plenty of carrots, spinach, string beans, endives, pork liver and some butter. You'll have the chance of making some encounters that probably could fulfill your heart's desires. You'll compel yourself to develop and follow a precise financial strategy, and you'll quickly obtain good results.
21 Oct 06
Profit by the dynamic influence of the stars to solve the most urgent pecuniary problems; you'll then be able to pay an old debt. If you must travel, expect delays of trains or planes, or mechanical breakdowns. If you deem that something goes wrong in your couple, make the effort to talk about it frankly and serenely, in a dialog in which each one would express their deep aspirations and suggestions designed to improve your conjugal life in the future.
22 Oct 06
Harmonious family life. It would be a good thing that you be less strict and demanding with your associates. Disagreements are to be feared with a colleague or associate; respond with much flexibility, be ready to recognize your wrongs. Possible dermatological troubles; give your preference to fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. In love, you're going to vibrate in a climate of very sensual fusion with your mate. Progressive improvement on the material plane, money seeking to get into purse from almost everywhere.
23 Oct 06
You'll be vulnerable to people who often appeal to your kindness. You'll once again feel anxious and distressed, apparently without any sound reason. If you wish to strengthen your bonds within a community, it will be now the perfect moment for you to do so. You'll spend some good moments with an old friend. Favorable circumstances will allow you to progress with giant steps in your professional activity.
24 Oct 06
Your intuition will incline you toward showing an interest in everything that's unexplainable, and it won't be impossible for you to discover your psychic aptitudes. Love won't be totally at rest -- it will be necessary to foresee some hard ordeals for sincere lovers; some natives will be sent far away from their tender halves, others will have to leave temporarily for abroad. A very satisfactory day for mental activities as well as meetings of all kinds.