4 Oct 06 The good astral aspects will allow you to express your creativeness; your most difficult, daring projects will come to success against all expectations. You'll have the impression that all people are conspiring against you: your spouse seems to you less affectionate, your children more unbearable than ever, your colleagues less kind, the tax service more voracious! Your friends might disappoint you; but give them a chance to justify themselves instead of judging them summarily and condemning them irrevocably; you'll realize that you won't regret having been understanding.
Whoa........ quite true leh........!
5 Oct 06 Relaxed family climate; you'll know how to listen to your children whenever they wish. Possibility of numerous exasperations in relation to an inheritance, a succession, a lawsuit. Dental problems ... to improve the state of your teeth, use a dental waterjet. Extremely satisfactory day for the heart -- in every small event of life, you'll know how to give pleasure to your beloved one. Single people will make new acquaintances.
6 Oct 06 You'll hardly have any chance in speculation. Tackle the problems of your family life seriously. Somewhat stormy but stimulating sentimental climate; but some small disputes and a bit of jealousy are much better than perfect understanding in a relationship that is falling asleep! If you're wise enough to accept life as it comes, you can get the best out of it. You'll need a well-balanced diet, low in fats and rich in fruits and vegetables.
7 Oct 06 Don't lend money to your friends without having thought twice and even many times: You may never see your money or your friends again -- or more probably both of them. Nothing really serious should come to thwart your plans; but this won't be a reason for taking excessive risks. You'll be torn between the desire to act, to forge ahead and the fear of failure. So long as you won't have opted for a well-defined attitude, you'll find yourself in a terribly uncomfortable situation and may miss many opportunities; well, make up your mind!
8 Oct 06 Don't count too much on your friends to solve your money problems. Your home will be for you a haven of peace. Numerous friendly contacts and many new ideas will stimulate your mind and energy; don't hesitate to break routine, to discard cliches, to innovate in all domains. A career promotion may present itself to you this time. In love, you'll also have much chance, but do not overdo things. Your immune defenses will be weakened; sustain them with vitamins and trace elements.
9 OCt 06 You'll be rather receptive to appeals of various snake-oil salesmen; thus warned, you must show all the perspicacity and common sense you're capable of so as not to succumb to such siren songs. An encounter that intervenes in a quite unexpected manner can take a very interesting turn for single people. Try to avoid thoughtless, impulsive acts and to lead a more calm, more regular life; your nervous balance will depend on this, and it will also be the case with your efficiency
10 Oct 06 You'll perfectly know how to present yourself most advantageously and convince the most skeptical people. With your close ones, you'll also make use of your increased magnetism, and this will work wonders. You can profit by useful sympathies and supports coming from persons of the opposite sex. Don't believe so firmly anymore that material possessions and honors bring about happiness. You can give a finishing touch to your most important projects and hatch out a strategy based on efficiency. You'll have the best chances to bring your undertakings to success.
11 Oct 06 You'll live a day without financial problems, and you may even have good money coming in or get a pay raise. Your children may perhaps give you trouble, but don't despair! Pains in the lumbar zone may make a comeback; don't lift too heavy weights, but think to do some gentle exercise and stretching. You'll have every reason to expect agreeable events and an affective life as harmonious as possible.
12 Oct 06 Increased luck in gambling, excellent initiatives in various financial transactions. You'll manage to settle a litigious matter definitely. Your energy will be at its top this time, your activities will be intensive and take up all your time; an overflowing energy will stimulate you. You'll stake on the long term in your professional as well as sentimental matters. If you have to make a choice, your preference will go to the one that's most likely to resist time.
13 Oct 06 Give your heart a new chance, don't let yourself be discouraged by your recent disappointments; an encounter will take place. If you don't have time or the desire to practice a sport, you'll imperatively have to do some exercise every day; do some jogging or hiking, which activate blood circulation and breathing and reinforce your abdominal muscles. Avoid taking important steps, going on a long trip or starting a big project.
14 Oct 06 Your home life may be in danger if you don't succeed rapidly in getting rid of the hold a person of your own family has over you, especially if they act incorrectly and behave as if your home is their own conquered land. Protect your vital space; be unmoving on this score. Emotional storms in perspective; the climate will be all the more tense between you and your mate as you won't be ready to recognize your wrongs.
15 Oct 06 Your vitality may be on the decline; react against the possible onset of the blues. Beware of your own logic, which will not be completely realistic. Remember that charity begins at home. With your children, try to avoid being too possessive. Do not succumb to the temptation of dubious financial combinations or of those that fall at the limit of lawfulness; in this way your success will be assured.
16 Oct 06 At work, don't allow anybody to put a spoke in your wheel. Some health problems are likely, so be careful. Do not subject yourself to useless torments. In view of the astral turbulences, postpone until a later date all essential decisions. Don't be distressed to see that things do not evolve as you wished. Here will come the perfect moment to engage your everlasting faith with a loved one, to get betrothed or to be married happily.
17 Oct 06 Physically, you'll feel as well as possible: good nervous resistance, good use of psychic energy, capacity of quick recuperation after sustained efforts. You'll get the best of everyday life. It'll be the moment to renovate your interior and to make it more comfortable, more appealing. In love, in order to preserve all your chances to reach harmony, don't impose your will. In work, spare your collaborators and avoid argument.
18 Oct 06 Be careful if you practice sports or if you drive a car. Don't let yourself be blocked by fixed ideas: question them! In your family life, disturbing events may occur; you'll clearly say what's on your mind, which may hurt, but at least will have the appreciable advantage of clarifying the situation. You'll succeed as well as possible in inspiring confidence and in getting increased responsibilities.
19 Act 06 A favorable day for all sorts of intellectual effort; read a lot, be interested in various subjects. You'd better not have a love affair in your professional realm, as problems could arise, and your reputation would be tarnished -- find a hunting ground that's less dangerous. You'll meet with success in your career; however, watch out for jealous people, whom you'll find among your enemies as well as your friends. Adopt a more strict diet if you need to lower your cholesterol level.
20 Oct 06 On the career front, your efficiency and your sense of reality will help you to find concrete solutions to most problems; success will be guaranteed. Despite your various responsibilities and occupations, do your utmost to devote more time to your dear ones; give absolute priority to your family life, you won't regret it. You'll have very precise objectives in mind and you'll do everything possible to carry them out. Let your heart speak out -- it'll be an excellent guide in the art of persuasion.
21 Oct 06 Don't be too mistrustful, and think that friendship can very well become love one day, for your greatest joy. Don't evaluate your friendship relations in terms of possible material profit. You'll obtain appreciable results in medical, paramedical, financial and judicial careers and also in insurance. Take time to take stock of the situation before the onset of important transformations, for it's on your present action and reaction that your destiny and that of other persons will depend.
22 Oct 06 A friendship will begin to evolve into a more tender relationship. Don't be a chatterbox, it'll be dangerous this time! Great dynamism on all the line, and that will be very useful to you in your work; listen well to what will be said to you and express yourself clearly so as to avoid any confusion. Think to organize your estate as of now in order to simplify things for your inheritors and to pay less in taxes. Very favorable ambiance for peaceful love affairs and happy moments with the beloved one.
23 Oct 06 You'll be carried away by feelings of generosity and magnanimity, and you won't hesitate to show them. Watch out for the siren song of various groups! This astral benevolence could principally manifest itself in the realm of love; it will satisfy everyone who's looking for a soul mate, just where and when they're hoping for it. Despite your recent difficulties, things will smooth themselves out little by little thanks to a more lenient astral climate. Above all, don't get discouraged; continue fighting for yourself.
24 Oct 06 It would be about time to take more serious care of your children, to share in their worries and projects; thus the emotional ties will be tightened and will lead to real complicity. Harmonious, peaceful and secure sentimental life, just as you like it. It'll be the moment to establish a vast program of savings in order to prevent month-ends from continually turning into nightmares. Don't bury yourself in your hideaway, go out to meet other people: That'll boost your morale and will open unsuspected horizons to you.
25 Oct 06 The stars will bring a possibility of professional promotion or an honorific distinction. If you're unemployed, your chances of finding a new job will increase. Think of sparing your liver, otherwise you may have serious digestive problems. Beware of too nice promises. Your intuition will be your best guide; don't hesitate to rely on it and to have confidence in yourself. Be prepared for some stirs in your conjugal life.
26 Oct 06 You'll have many opportunities to meet a partner to your liking who will share your passions; have an honest demeanor. Be careful of overwork and its damaging consequences; certainly, you'll want to do well, but your resistance will be declining, and you'd better slow down your pace temporarily. Sleep more. It'll be difficult for you to make some savings, but prudence will be essential in the financial domain. With your outrageous criticisms, you're likely to tire out your best-intentioned associates.
27 Oct 06 You will not hesitate to have many passing fancies developing all at once, but you'll run the risk of getting more inconveniences than satisfactions. Be less critical of others and more considerate toward your nearest and dearest; turn your tongue seven times in your mouth before speaking. Your various activities may be very disorderly; try to remain methodical in order not to be trapped by events.
28 Oct 06 The superiority complex of certain natives of the sign will win them lasting hostilities; this will take place particularly in the professional life. Be modest and keep a low profile. Some soft music will contribute to calm your nerves. You'll undergo a rather sensible decrease of vitality that will compel you to have more sleep or to slow down your activities. Avoid the disagreements that can be provoked by your present instability of humor. Single folks, you could well claim victory this time; you'll finally find the ideal partner!
29 Oct 06 The stars will smile on you with good amorous and erotic prospects. Organize a reunion of your various friends, for this will bear happy repercussions on your own life. A little fall of appetite: Try new and exotic dishes so as not to become bored. Good luck at many levels, so don't hesitate too much. If your present professional situation doesn't satisfy you, take energetic measures in order to change it.
30 Oct 06 wind of material luck will restore your self-confidence. All that concerns your family and your close ones in domestic life will be favored. This would be the time to go and visit your parents. Your professional activities will prove very profitable. On the other hand, a sentimental disappointment is possible. You'll do everything in your power to prevent boredom and monotony from settling in your life.