13 Aug 06
Know that platonic love may present a certain charm when it is transitory, but when drawn-out it may imply some inadequacy. Dining out today would give a big boost to your morale. You may need much courage and steadfastness to overcome the numerous aggravations you'll encounter this day. You'll be inclined to spend your money without rhyme or reason in order to calm your anxieties; think to spare your bank account.
14 Aug 06
Do not hesitate to buy that much coveted appliance, for it will make all the household happy; but you'll hardly be able to resist the temptation to purchase too costly a luxury. Your love life will be rather complicated, for your present unstable and changeable mood will incite you to ventures and strange encounters. In family, you'll be surrounded with affection -- all those who are dear to your heart will prove you their attachment.
15 Aug 06
Healthwise, beware of metabolism troubles; a visit to a nutritionist will perhaps be useful. You'll feel oppressed without really knowing why, and you'll often let yourself labor under unfounded fears. React vigorously by appealing to your common sense and your analytic mind. Unexpected encounters may be at the origin of pleasurable liaisons; but you must keep them secret because, whether you're single or not, they'll give rise to many disagreeable comments and much jealousy.
16 Aug 06
Go out, join a judo club or something else of the kind: you'll make a very interesting encounter there; whether friendship or love, it's always good to have both. You'll be well protected against bad surprises, and all that you envisage or wish will have good chances to be solidified. Therefore, you must at all costs avoid going round in circles! The professional sector will be favored. Good climate in the family sphere, with much understanding with your parents.
17 Aug 06
Financial questions will make you think, and you'll find yourself ill-assured. Try to put an end to your bad habits: reduce your rations of cigarettes, avoid alcohol, moderate your romantic ardors. It will depend only on you to reach your objectives; continue to believe in yourself. You'll find intense charms to couple life, and you will be placed under the sign of good understanding. If you're single, you'll multiply amorous ventures.
18 Aug 06
You'll do your best to answer the expectations of those who love you or depend on you; but you'll be confronted with a choice between your professional responsibilities and your family obligations. Show much courage. Beware of hasty decisions, ill-conceived plans and waste! Wait some time more before making important appointments or carrying out financial operations that imply big capitals.
19 Aug 06
The family climate will be serene and merry. Go to people and alleviate their misfortune; this will be the best way for you to prevent the blues. If you have no sentimental ties, you'll live a very agreeable amorous venture today. Neuralgias may constitute a risk, and your lower members as well as your hips could become more sensitive. All your professional activities will profit by positive influxes.
20 Aug 06
In love, risks of pointless but devastating jealousy; learn to be confident. Beware, money problems may give rise to serious quarrels with your spouse! Beware of your fits of bad humor, which will subject you to a constant nervous tension. Take care of your appearance; this could help you to positively influence others. Good prospects for intellectual workers; but manual workers must beware of accidents.
21 Aug 06
You'll have a better opinion of yourself this time, and you'll have a better idea of your financial possibilities. Some people whom you love may disappoint you, and you'll be very much affected by that. Don't look at your future with fear; if you show magnanimity, good luck will always be with you. You'll need a lot of proteins; you can find them in yogurts and nonfat cheeses, as well as beans, fish and lean meats.
22 Aug 06
Beware of the counsel people will give you generously these days; you'd better follow your intuition. Refrain from saying unconsidered words, otherwise you may encounter unnecessary problems. Do not consider changing jobs this time. You should be careful to preserve your forces; do not overwork. You may have to reappraise your present sentimental relationships under the pressure of unforeseen or compulsive events.
23 Aug 06
You'll notice intrigues in your entourage and will have a painful feeling of frustration about it; it will be a harsh lesson that, at any rate, will have the merit of helping you know human nature better. If, despite your good intentions, you'll still feel the irresistible need to smoke, limit yourself to fewer cigarettes every day. You'll be in full possession of your physical and intellectual means. It'll then be possible for you to succeed in all that you'll undertake on condition, of course, that you stay within the limits of your possibilities.
24 Aug 06
Risks of respiratory infections; a dry cough may develop into a loose cough. Concentrate yourself on present realities and build your happiness with what you presently have; what a lack of intelligence to spend your life to desire what you don't have and to regret what you no longer have! Don't put your beloved one on a pedestal; that's what's the most dangerous. Indeed, if you do that, the day when you become conscious that your mate has faults like everybody else, you'll then be stunned and you won't be able to forgive them for that!
25 Aug 06
Attractive proposals will be made to you; try to keep your head cool and to examine everything thoroughly. In order to progress in one field or another, now would be the time to take some perfectly calculated risks. The moment will be well chosen to give the best of yourself in your professional activity as well as in your family life. You'll be less fearful of others and you'll succeed in dominating your latent timidity. You'll have very stimulating relations with the person you love.
26 Aug 06
You'll risk having serious problems with one of your children. Your relationships with your close ones will more than ever depend on your moods; show yourself to be more open, more expansive and more communicative. A favorable day for mathematicians, geographers and computer scientists, who will all benefit by an inspiration. You'll show courage, and your strength of character will allow you to bring your various undertakings to a successful conclusion.
27 Aug 06
It will be in your interest to show diplomacy in your professional and friendly relationships. Remind yourself that it's useless to begin a multitude of things without ever finishing them. This planetary ambiance will be clearly favorable to the solution of certain basic problems. Spectacular improvement of your amorous relationships; you'll know how to soften your approach with some humor, but do not overdo things.
28 Aug 06
Your love affairs can be very passionate and tumultuous this time, but of short duration and subject to sudden changes. Avoid losing your precious time in gossip or sterile agitation. You will see successful friendly relations thanks to the interests that you share with others. Show prudence and courage at the same time in the pursuit of your projects. Above all, don't embark on ill-prepared undertakings.
29 Aug 06
In your work, a new and interesting proposal will perhaps be made to you; before accepting or rejecting it, don't hesitate to consult persons capable of giving you useful advice. Multiply hobbies and all activities that are likely to interest you passionately, so that you'll never have time to be bored with yourself. Beware of too great losses of energy! You tend to overestimate your possibilities, and that can this time provoke nervous troubles in some natives of this sign.
30 Aug 06
A fascinating person may appear suddenly in your life; but nothing gratifying will result from this. You'll enjoy good health if you refrain from excesses in all fields. The problems that will occur will concern exchanges, communication, learning or travel. You won't necessarily have annoyances in these domains, but you will be compelled to cope with normal problems and to solve them satisfactorily. Try to present a joint front with your spouse concerning your children.
31 Aug 06
Your family life will procure you the serenity and the tranquility of which you're in dire need. You could suffer from a lessening of strength or from vertebral troubles. Put your sensitiveness aside if you don't want to lose some of your friends. This day will be dominated by business and material life; finish what's underway and update everything. You would do best to avoid launching a new project.
1 Sep 06
The malaises that you're suffering from at present are more psychic than physical, for your general state of health is not bad. It's your concerns and anguishes that are the cause. Look for peace of soul, and then you'll be in a good shape, like a flower early in the morning. These astral influences will accentuate the contradictions inherent in your personality. If you begin to entertain gloomy ideas, if you no longer have the desire to be active, if you take no further interest in your entourage, then you must react very swiftly, for these are the first signs of a nervous breakdown.
2 Sep 06
This will be a good day to get engaged or married, or to begin a life as a couple; in any case, you'll try to maintain a climate of harmony, an emotional balance that is indispensable to your own balance. You're going to make encounters that will prove interesting in many respects. Learn to savor all that life gives you instead of balking at the moments that you don't find perfect. The agreement with your children will be good, because you'll show yourself understanding. Beware of those who speak or swear all the time.
3 Sep 06
A favorable day for love affairs, but it won't be among the best ones to get married. Take care of your physical appearance. You can expect favorable conditions, with interesting returns, for your job; however, you may be subjected to changes of humor, and this might complicate things. Prodded by an electrifying planetary ambiance, you'll make great progress in more than one field. You'll harvest armfuls of various satisfactions. The present family problems will end and disappear.
4 Sep 06
Motivated and full of charm, you'll be convinced that nothing can resist you; but you'll have to deal with competitors who are as capable as you are. Your family concerns may affect your professional activities; try to control and organize yourself. Your recent small successes in your career will tend to make you willful; beware of a possible backlash. Take a short trip: You'll then have great chances to meet the amorous mate of your dreams. You'll be at your top physical and mental form.
5 Sep 06
Put some humor in your life as a couple, don't take yourselves too seriously. Risks of heavy headaches. You'll have an opportunity to speak in public; if you're seized by fright, take the plunge anyway! You'll react with enthusiasm or violence to all situations, and your relationships with your nearest and dearest will be rather passionate. You could discover an ideal lodging, but on the condition that you do some active research.
6 Sep 06
In work, your efforts will be well supported; you'll also know how to cultivate useful relationships. Beware of certain of your friends who are too intrusive. Beware of excessive spending! Take your spouse's counsel of prudence into consideration and, if necessary, let him or her take care of the purse strings; otherwise you may have bad surprises very soon. Benefiting from great dynamism, you'll discharge your responsibilities with tremendous efficiency.
7 Sep 06
Be honest with yourself regarding your motives; you may be in a relationship for all the wrong reasons. Communicating with others and making yourself clearly understood must be a highlight this day. Problems and obstacles that have previously been difficult should soften their edges. Your nervous resistance will be good and your overall energy, satisfying. In your work you'll need much patience and diplomacy.