15 Jul 06
Your relations with your mate won't be devoid of turmoil; the discussions will be stormy, and neither you nor they will want to lose the privilege of uttering the last word; be the more intelligent of the two by speaking less and by listening more. This lunar climate may bring about money concerns or problems in your business. There'll also be tensions in your professional relationships. The planets will give you a homebound mood and make you love domestic joys; it will be quite difficult to drag you out of your cozy cocoon and your slippers!
16 Jul 06
You'll have great chances to do your work in particularly favorable conditions; if you're looking for a good associate, you'll find them at this time. All intellectual activities will be favored; profit by the opportunity to widen your cultural horizon. You'll triumph over microbes and viruses of all kinds as your energy will be at a peak; don't forget to get sufficient rest and sleep. Fruitful discussions in your family; your relationships with your nearest and dearest will give you full satisfaction.
17 Jul 06
The stars will advise you to be a little more easygoing; indeed, you tend to be too strict and tense, and this may prove harmful to your efficiency. In your work, delegate some your responsibilities if you can, and keep as low a profile as possible. The paranormal and occult may greatly appeal to you at this time; explore them if you'd like, but be careful not to let yourself be exploited by charlatans. Give your health a chance by abstaining from all excesses
18 Jul 06
Beware of selfishness! You'll end with making a vacuum around you if you continue giving in to this tendency. You have problems? Well, console yourself, for you're in the good company of entire mankind. We all have problems in life, whatever our origin, race, culture, social condition or destiny. You'll be conscious of the actuality and the strength of your attraction to your mate, and you'll succeed in expressing it directly and frankly, which will give you much satisfaction. You'll know a good success in your work.
19 Jul 06
Filled with self-confidence and conscious of your charm, you'll feel quite at ease on every front. If you have to face a difficult situation, you'll know how to dedramatize it and deal with it cool-headedly. Your professional conscience and integrity will be greatly appreciated; but you must try to control your perfectionist tendency, which can sometimes hamper your efficiency. Be careful with your diet; if you continue to overeat sweets and fats, you may soon have a serious problem of health.
20 Jul 06
This is not a time to declare your love for the person of your dreams, as you are not yet convincing enough; let time help you. You are lucky with money this day; don't hesitate to try the lottery, but only with a small sum. Beware of headaches or lightheadedness! This would be a good day to start to work on some self-improvements that you have been planning. A good diet or exercise routine will help a lot. Have a checkup of your eyesight, particularly if you have to make long car drives.
21 Jul 06
This time, you'll be more concerned about your own life than about all the rest, but this won't mean that satisfactions in other fields will be denied you. However, one of your ambitions will be thwarted by circumstances independent of your will. You'll have the visit of faraway friends. You'll also have fruitful exchanges of ideas with your various relations. If you lend your money to anyone, don't think to be able to recuperate it.
22 Jul 06
Your love affairs will have the benediction of the stars; you'll be happy and contented, and this will make you forget all your possible problems. With this astral climate, you may be subject to headaches and migraines. However, by modifying your diet correctly, you can efficaciously prevent or fight such troubles. Learn to feed yourself in a wholesome way; eat a balanced diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables.
23 Jul 06
Possibilities of catching a cold or another virus; take vitamin C, eat a healthy diet and get plenty of rest. Why not appeal to your friends if you have a problem too difficult to solve? Your relationships with your close circle will not be quite harmonious, for you may often react too strongly. Don't throw your money out of the window, think of the difficult periods that you've experienced and that might make a comeback one day.
24 Jul 06
Your love affairs will be well favored; the support of the stars will allow you to establish deeper and richer relationships. You'll be inhabited by great optimism; everything will suddenly become easy for you and for those who are around you. You'll be at the same time active, dynamic and quite relaxed. Astral climate very favorable to taking a good resolution concerning your health. Why not, for instance, decide definitely to stop smoking?
25 Jul 06
If you act hastily and thoughtlessly, you may jeopardize many of your present chances; try to control your impulses and coordinate your actions. Beware of intakes that may prove harmful in the short or long term: besides alcohol, tobacco, inappropriate medicines or drugs, there're also excesses of sweets, pastries and fats. At your work, know how to profit by the current changes even though this requires an unusual effort of you; your success or failure will depend entirely on the way you'll act and react.
26 Jul 06
An association proposal may be made to you; accept it only after having thought twice, for it's possible that it conceals some deceit that you'd realize only later! You may feel torn between the desire to impose yourself in your work, to use your abilities to your advantage and to give up before the obstacles. Don't count too much on others, or else you'll know disappointments. In love, you'd like to express your spontaneity, but something will prevent you from doing it.
27 Jul 06
A friend of yours might disappoint you; don't go on about this incident. You'll have to steer a middle course between career and family life. If you decide to embark on a risky undertaking, take all necessary precautions since the juncture is strewn with traps. Show a sense of humor, don't take everything seriously and take even less tragically. You'll find much charm in your conjugal life; single natives of the sign will have a chance to meet their soul mate.
28 Jul 06
If you're living as a couple, beware of the possible tense atmosphere that results from the professional preoccupations of your mate. You'll feel the need to escape your everyday routine, which seems so savorless to you. And then you may meet a person who'll give your life this note of the unexpected, of mystery and of fancy that you've been missing so much. It's possible that you'll be concerned about metaphysical questions to which you can't find satisfactory answers.
29 Jul 06
Don't count too much on the goodwill of your debtors and even less on luck in speculations. The moment would be ill-advised to bet all your savings in the stock market. Your friendships will give you much pleasure and you'll make good new acquaintances today. Your vitality will undergo a slight weakening; avoid alcoholic beverages, get some rest. Go and visit your parents: this will do you and them lots of good.
30 Jul 06
Zoom on your professional life: your competence will be readily recognized. However, be careful not to spoil everything by excessive vanity -- or by excessive modesty, which has practically the same effects. Snuff out your perfectionism. Let others fulfill some of your obligations; accept their aid even though the results may not be perfect. Make use of more diplomacy in your relationships with elder persons, for you'll have difficulty avoiding some disagreements with them.
31 Jul 06
You'll probably encounter some thorny problems in the career domain, but you'll rapidly recover your good judgment and your sharpness of mind. Don't overrate your strength: Rest will prove necessary, and too great fatigue can provoke backaches and heart weaknesses. Put a little distance between you and your family-in-law if you want to preserve your conjugal understanding; don't leave it any possibility of interference with your private life, otherwise you'll have to cope with an awkward situation.
1 Aug 06
It will be wise not to sign certain papers hastily right now; wait a few days. Cut off relations with those who don't really interest you and who only think of profiting from you. Persevere in your efforts and you'll lift up mountains. Your relationships will open doors to you and will facilitate your social ascension; your spontaneity and your personality will allow you to push yourself forward.
2 Aug 06
Festivities will inspire you: at the theater, the cinema, music concerts, you can meet a person with whom you'll have much in common. Beware of intestinal problems due to a sudden change of diet or to viruses, this especially regards natives of the sign who'll go abroad. You'll be well decided to carry through your projects; however, routine works will always remain a curse for you: Avoid them as often as possible this time or delegate them to a person whose seriousness and punctuality you know well.
3 Aug 06
Despite the nature and number of your problems, make all the necessary efforts to dominate them, to have an imperturbable and courageous attitude. Take your problems for what they effectively are -- not for catastrophes but for challenges that life sets up for you to meet. Think to relax and rest more. This astral ambiance will incite you to get away from reality and to dream. You'll be less daring and less concrete than usual.
4 Aug 06
This time, more than ever, you must refrain from overeating meat if you don't want to run the risk of serious health problems. You're going to benefit by the support of the stars; this can consist of solid encouragements in your career or an improvement of your social and material situation. Rely more on your own judgment and your own intuition than on the opinions of others. The ideas you'll have concerning others might turn out later on to be quite right.
5 Aug 06
Resolutely stay off the beaten track; you'll win by showing originality and creativity. The stars will cause you to have reactions that are patently exaggerated and quite disproportionate to the surrounding events; thus you may find yourself to be ridiculous, and you will suffer from it. You'll let yourself be charmed by the refined and courteous manners of a person whom you met during a meeting, and you may begin to dream much about that person. Don't renounce a project of travel with your spouse or mate.
6 Aug 06
In order to be in better health and prevent cardiovascular diseases, think to reduce your consumption of fatty foods; replace them, as often as possible, with fish and fresh vegetable oils. This astral climate will incline some natives of the sign to certain euphoria or, more exactly, to a somewhat blunted sense of good and evil; therefore beware of a tendency toward moral laxity. Above all, don't give in to the temptation to try to solve your problems by ways that border illegality or scandal.
7 Aug 06
For many of you, work will be intense, and you may suffer from overwork if you don't have enough willpower to force yourself to take moments of rest during the daytime. You'll try to impose yourself and to make yourself be obeyed; this will be useful, but it won't be necessary to shout so as to obtain the desired results. You'll no doubt suffer from slight insomnia. What's the most anguishing is that your fears will be diffuse and pointless.
8 Aug 06
You'll have the possibility of improving your material situation thanks to clever deals and safe investments. Avoid trying to do too many things at once, and beware of rumors and hearsay. You'll feel rather under the weather; but you will benefit if you think to eat a balanced, organic diet. Unexpected events will compel you to see certain persons of your professional, friendly or familial circle in a new light.
9 Aug 06
You must beware of certain smooth talkers; categorically refuse any contact with those who have everything to please you! Lady Fortune will be favorable to you in many respects. Avoid tactlessness and blunders in your contacts with your entourage, particularly with those on whom you more or less depend: spouse, superiors, associates, colleagues. In face of criticism, instead of remaining stubborn and entering into conflict with your associates, you should heed what they have to say.
10 Aug 06
At work, you'll continue your ascension to the summit; your popularity will be very strong, and your superiors will appreciate you beyond your hopes. But always show modesty and diplomacy. Many natives of the sign will have to expect problems in their emotional lives. Some of them can hardly admit their mate's desires for independence or change. For others, there may be a sentimental adventure during a trip or with a foreigner.
11 Aug 06
Small financial problems will disturb you and compel you to postpone your wild desires for spending. Your religious and philosophical convictions will suddenly be strongly shaken; doubt will settle in your mind, and you'll be seized by a kind of metaphysical anguish that may last for some time. Disturbances in your emotional life. You'll feel an almost pathological fear of losing the object of your love; this fear may give rise to crises of jealousy that will irritate your mate very much.
12 Aug 06
You must take energetic measures to stop a drain that may seriously unbalance your budget. There'll be risks of a breaking off in many couples, be they under formation or already solidly formed; to prevent such an event, try to be understanding and tolerant. Your professional activities will seem to you outrageously routine, and you'll be seized by a strong desire to slam the door; try however to moderate your anger, for its consequences might be much more negative than they appear.