November 17, 2006
Real estate speculation may yield very interesting returns. Be more careful than usual in your relationships, and do not put your confidence in anybody. There may be a considerable improvement in your state of health. In your family, disturbances might arise, primarily because of your defiance; try to show patience! An auspicious day for career, especially if your activity is in relation with the public.
November 18, 2006
Your unforeseen expenses will be compensated by unexpected money coming in. Your social situation will be improved. To maintain a healthy weight, a distribution of your daily caloric intake in four or five meals could do you the utmost good and help you to preserve your figure better. You'd better put all your cards on the table with your mate; frankness will help you get out of all complicated situations.
November 19, 2006
You may be attracted to persons so different from you that misunderstanding may arise very quickly. Some uncertainties which have hampered you until now will disappear, thus allowing you to build your life on more solid bases. Avoid fatigue by getting rid of nuisances. Possible health troubles if you're predisposed to hypotension. Don't commit the error of trying to cheat with the tax office.
20 Nov 06
Not at all affected by fatigue, you'll be quite capable of making steady and even difficult efforts. Don't complain about the briefness of life; instead, take advantage of all the pleasures that life offers you. With some diplomacy it'll be possible to neutralize a dangerous situation. Concentrate on having an objective interpretation of facts. The atmosphere within your home will be serene.
21 Nov 06
You'll experience day of good material luck, but all will depend on your courage and perseverance. Your tenderness toward your family will be richly rewarded by the stars. The efforts that you've been making for a long time in your work will finally begin to bear fruit. But you must refrain from taking your desires for reality. Beware: A heated discussion with a friend may very well turn sour.
22 Nov 06
Your amorous initiatives will be favored and bliss will set in. If you're single, you'll be caught off guard by love at first sight. You'll have some budgetary problems because you've been improvident; think to make a strict savings immediately. Be firm as far as your rights are concerned and do not allow others to exploit you. If you've decided to achieve any project, you'll have the means to do so, and good luck will help you.
23 Nov 06
You'll be prone to giving your love affairs an idealistic and mystical turn. You'll tackle a thousand things at a time, and with astonishing efficiency. Beware of a lack of flexibility in your relationships, as this may cause you troubles in your work as well as in your private life. In order to overcome your edginess give your preference to foods with soothing effects -- fruits, vegetables, yogurts and so on.
24 Nov 06
You'll be inclined to giving in to all your amorous crazes and surrendering to your outbursts without the slightest restraint; beware of disillusionment! Don't give yourself free rein on the moral plane, control your actions well. Be careful: You'll be tempted to take foolish risks that will expose you more to miscalculations than to abundant profits. Your relationships with your close ones will be serene and pleasurable.
25 Nov 06
Changes in your work; try to adapt yourself to the new situation. Sometimes you'll be a prey to unhappiness; show common sense and courage to get out of it! Excellent material prospects: expansion and consolidation will be on the schedule. Several interesting projects can be set up, but take your time in starting them. If you're single, you'll be in a hurry to get married; still, take time to think about it.
26 Nov 06
Current astral influxes will incite your relations as a couple to take an interesting turn. Only make essential purchases and forget all the rest. Your throat will be sensitive; be wary of food excesses and careless eating habits and eat a balanced, organic diet. A very positive day if you have worked in the right direction; if not, you'll know problems that, though difficult, can be solved by an energetic action.
27 Nov 06
Excellent relations with your associates and friends. You may suffer from backaches, notably in the lower part of your spine; don't do any work that requires force and endurance. An interesting encounter is more than probable in the circle of your acquaintances. A favorable day in many respects, on the condition that you act instead of hesitate. Your intuition will be effective in helping you sniff out good bargains.
28 Nov 06
You'll have better chances than usual of succeeding in your various undertakings. The financial area will be favored: Money entries will be regular and your resources will be well managed. Be very diplomatic with your family; if you speak tactless words, your close relatives won't forget them. It'll be necessary to think of being more diplomatic in your amorous relationships; you'd better draw in your horns and put honey on the tip of your tongue.
29 Nov 06
Your professional activity will be good and fruitful, however, there will be a tendency to rush through your projects. Your sentimental life will give you many joys this time. Edginess will be the dominant trait of this day, so try to soothe your nerves. Don't let yourself be dragged by your friends and acquaintances into hazardous ventures that could destabilize your life as well as your budget.
30 Nov 06
Do not take refuge in occultism with a view to escaping the rigors of life. You'll probably have some intestinal problems; drink plenty of water between your meals. Heartwise, try to know exactly what you want instead of going round in circles; do not commit the error of promising without real intention to keep your word. Your relationships with your family circle will be marked with cordiality.
1 Dec 06
You are going to make the acquaintance of people who'll be useful to you in one way or another. Avoid lawsuits if you can: They won't be favorable to you in any way. You'll be particularly vulnerable to contagion; problems of a physical nature cannot be completely discarded. At work, numerous obstacles will lie in your way, and you'll have to devote much time and effort in order to overcome them.
2 Dec 06
You'll have much energy and vitality, and you'll like to spend it by frequenting circles that are very different from your own; this will be very beneficial to you, as it will help you to broaden your horizons. Remember that a friendship is always useful to something in some way. Beware of your current tendency toward being extravagant, as it might make you do foolish things that you'll have to regret.
3 Dec 06
This day will be favorable to all those who must go through admission or promotion examinations or those who take up a reeducation course. Your strength and vitality will be on the increase. Your family life will bring you profound gratifications: your spouse will know how to encourage and support you, and with your children, there'll be beautiful complicity. There'll be sudden changes in your projects and utterly remarkable strokes of luck.
4 Dec 06
Don't spoil a beautiful slice of your life by spending your time imagining all that you have not been able to obtain and taking pleasure in sterile regrets; cultivate hope! This time you'll sort out your relationships so as to retain only the most trustful ones. Try to avoid domestic storms by refraining from saying hurtful words. You'll be tempted to make impetuous relationship decisions; beware of scandal!
5 Dec 06
Even if you've sworn that single life suited you perfectly, you'll risk changing ideas now; but nobody will complain about that! Beware of disputes with your close ones, as these dissensions could turn out badly. You'll make a fortuitous encounter that can prove useful to you on the professional or personal planes. Your digestive system will be weakened; think to moderate your anarchic food intake.
6 Dec 06
Persevere in spite of certain crushing difficulties -- you'll realize that you have resources that you were not aware of. You'll have the possibility to achieve a feat and to win a great professional victory. If you hope for a promotion, then show imagination. You'll have to choose between two solutions in a family issue; opt for the better one, which will demand more sacrifices. The tendency of the day will be the maintenance of a good general state of health.
7 Dec 06
Beware of aggressiveness: Try to remain cool in all your relationships. You'll vibrate in a climate of emotional and sensual fusion with your partner. Take care of your teeth, for they will become more fragile with age; it would be preferable to have them checked by a dentist. Long-term unemployed people will have a chance to find a job. If you work, opportunities of promotion or expansion will present themselves to you.
8 Dec 06
You'll have no chance to win even a single cent in speculation at this time, so guard your money jealously. In compensation, you'll have very agreeable contacts and really thrilling exchanges of ideas. It will be useless to stay on your positions if you want to solve a relationship conflict. You'll be more audacious than ever and will take excessive risks, but this might cause you some problems.
9 Dec 06
A long-standing problem in your family will finally be solved. Are your relationships with your loved one tense? A calm and constructive dialogue will smooth everything out. You'll feel exasperated by the restraints of family life and professional obligations, and you'll need much courage in order to continue to hold tight to them. Physically, continue to do sport, remembering that regularity is much more important than intensity.
10 Dec 06
You'll have good ideas, and it will be necessary to put them immediately into practice. There'll be no question of withdrawing into your shell, as you'll take audacious initiatives and you'll lead an active social life now. Your charming power will increase tenfold, and you'll be very eager to love and to be loved. Don't overstep your limits, for you won't be immune to overwork -- try to take more periods of rest.
11 Dec 06
No major health problems, but it will be necessary to control your blood circulation and your cholesterol level. You can propose a new project to your superiors or ask them for a pay raise. Show yourself to be reasonable; it's useless to put yourself in an embarrassing situation in order just to prove something. You'll gather immediate sympathies, which will reveal themselves both useful and agreeable.
12 Dec 06
Your psychic faculties will be brilliant and will allow you to grasp things that have eluded you until now. In your sentimental life, don't make any irrevocable decisions for the time being; instead, let things sort themselves out. On the health front, slight venous weaknesses are possible this time. At work, you'll be able to rectify a difficult situation or solve a thorny problem. Bravo!
13 Dec 06
This day must bring you an exceptional amorous event and numerous satisfactions resulting from stability, constancy and faithfulness toward your beloved one. Try to slow down you life tempo a little bit. For some of the natives of this sign, family problems will come to the fore of their preoccupations. Your imagination may flare up and cause you bitter delusions; remain with your feet firmly planted on earth.
14 Dec 06
Some money coming in will allow you to improve your living conditions at home. Your life as a couple will be very pleasurable, and your home will be for you a haven of peace. You'll make enriching encounters and you can convince influential people to take an interest in your projects. Don't overdo things; unwind somewhat and adopt a detached attitude toward your problems. Learn to relax more.
15 Dec 06
You'll be all at the disposal of your friends, and this will give them much pleasure. You won't have to go to the other end of the world in order to find love: It will be there, at your arm's reach! Everything will go well: You'll efficiently control your energy and you'll succeed in launching great projects. You'll need to exert yourself physically and do a good drainage of your digestive system.