19 Oct 06
You could enjoy peaceful happiness alongside of your dear ones; but don't lose sight of financial problems, which will take on disturbing proportions if you don't tackle them rapidly. This time you'll have the possibility of showing your talents and skills. This planetary environment will give you the chance to make some interesting friends or to have some passionate adventures and meetings. Be careful, your tendency to overeat could make a forceful comeback! In addition, your immune resistance will be reduced.
20 Oct 06
You're very likely to have arguments with your beloved one if you continue to place them after your professional concerns. Be very careful not to endanger the balance of your budget; this rather unhealthy lunar climate may cause you to take some bad decisions in this field; be doubly prudent. A day placed under the sign of good fortune: You'll be successful in whatever you undertake. A favorable climate for starting the new diet that you've been thinking about for a long time.
21 Oct 06
You'll in all likelihood meet some minor difficulties in your work; but don't let yourself be discouraged by the obstacles. Take advice from your true friends, this will give you necessary energy to struggle efficiently. Besides the necessity to maintain a high morale, you must try to overcome your physical fatigue by resting a few moments every time an opportunity presents itself during the day. Beware, don't let yourself be intoxicated by your different successes and commit regrettable errors of judgment about people and things.
22 Oct 06
Don't readily abuse stimulants like coffee or tea any longer: They're very harmful to you in the long run. Despite any aversion for routine, try to have three well-balanced meals per day. Heartwise, your affairs will have many chances to turn out well. You must beware of envy; satisfy yourself with what life has granted you. Your finances will fare badly; it will be time to face reality squarely and to stop believing in fantansy.
23 Oct 06
You'll have the possibility to develop your material and professional situation thanks to your great tactical skills; you'll proceed prudently, then you'll dash ahead while taking calculated risks. You'll live marvelous moments amidst your close ones. Don't believe too much in fantasy in order to prevent cruel disappointments; keep your sense of reality. You'll make amorous conquests, but they'll be rather ephemeral. You would like to help people in need, but don't go too far in this direction.
24 Oct 06
Good association proposals will be made to you this time. If you suffer from a great weight excess, it will be the time to remedy it; begin to eat in a different way and to exert yourself more by doing exercise. In love, put an end to that sulkiness, otherwise you could miss a fantastic opportunity. The astral juncture will be very favorable to the realization of your various professional projects.
25 Oct 06
It'll be the moment to start making a strict saving program and to manage your budget strictly; otherwise, you'll let yourself go to crazy spending and will soon find yourself in a blind alley. The stars will help you to multiply contacts, to meet people who are likely to be interested in your ideas or projects. Marvelous understanding with the one whom you love or whom you're going to meet this time. You'll be inclined to indulge in food excesses, and your stomach is well likely going to have to pay for it.
26 Oct 06
You love your friends and intend to maintain good relations with them, but this time you're likely to clash seriously with one of them; try to empty the abscess before it ulcerates your contacts. You'll be able to widen your horizons and to have more intensive contacts with your friends and acquaintances. Don't take things too much to heart: With some aloofness, you'll have a better view of things, and then everything will fare better. You're most likely to be confronted with sentimental problems that are difficult to solve; listen to your heart!
27 Oct 06
You'll be full of fervor toward the beloved one; but do not indulge in illusions. Make sure that your ideas are not merely the fruit of your idealistic imagination. This time, follow your reasoning rather than your intuitions; in this way you won't risk making mistakes. A good day for commercial deals. Those natives of this sign who are sick, nervous or tired must refrain from expending too much energy. If you set about thinking too deeply, you'll find yourself submersed in negative thoughts.
28 Oct 06
Take time to rest if you want to avoid fatigue, which could reduce the sharpness of your senses and lessen your morale. The planetary turbulences will throw you into a climate of strife and even of adversity at work: Many mishaps or delays in view, but you'll wind up winning if you can maintain a low profile and, above all, show patience. Your love life will be in the limelight -- you'll charm with radiance and will add your treasures of wittiness to your natural panache. Your relationships with your children will be more relaxed and warm than usual.
29 Oct 06
A new love affair will be delightful, but hardly trustful. The planetary influences will be favorable to you if you live in couple, as understanding will be good. Expect to have problems with your children. Beware of nonchalance! Take things in hand instead of waiting for events to decide for you. If you want to improve your professional situation, this will be the moment to take up a career change or enroll in a retraining course.
30 Oct 06
The moment will be ill chosen to make a decision of capital importance, as your judgment will be rather shaky. In your home, you'll try to escape tedious tasks; but you'll do just enough so that your mate can have nothing to reproach you for. It will be the ideal moment to defend your personal interests. The stars will plunge you into an exceptional amorous frenzy: You'll conduct two or three passions at the same time! Risks of headache, shortness of breath and abnormal fatigue.
31 Oct 06
Your physical impulses will be exacerbated. Think of protecting your arteries by cutting down on fats and consuming much more fish. You'll be tempted to impose a strict discipline on your children; but you'll quickly realize that this isn't necessarily the best method of education -- prefer tenderness and complicity. Business rivalries are certainly going to trouble your professional life, but don't react in an inopportune way, keep calm.
01 Nov 06
Clear improvement of your state of health if you suffer from a disease of nervous origin. Beware of foolish expenses, as a lean period is not so far away as it seems! On the professional plane, the day will be positive and will help you to progress, to carry out your projects. A day of luck in several respects. Your optimism will be at a peak; your love affairs, your children, your leisure will bring you many pleasures.
02 Nov 06
Longtime lovers will bask in happiness; thanks to the excellent astral aspects, your love will take on a refreshing new aspect. As for singles, they'll readily let themselves be trapped by Cupid. At work, you'll be very appreciated for your original ideas. You should observe very strict hygiene in your contacts with others because you'll be exposed to risks of contamination. Concerning your children's education, be ready to listen to other voices than your own. Dare to use your contacts for carrying out a project.
November 03, 2006
It'll be the right moment to change your style or to move your residence. Problems with your colleagues at work seem inevitable, but you can choose to react with coolness and firmness. It's not impossible that your emotional life takes on a completely unexpected change. Occult sciences may be beneficial to you this time, so try to develop the parapsychological powers that, indeed, exist within you.
November 05, 2006
At work, you'll meet with no obstacle; you'll be well in the limelight of the professional scene. This day will be very favorable to health; yoga, natural therapies and the sun will work wonders for you. Do not nurture impossible dreams; this will be the best means to avoid disappointment. It will be difficult for you to escape financial pressure, to make love take precedence over money; but do not let these difficulties weigh you down.
November 06, 2006
This day will provide you with new sensations in your love relationships. Don't put yourself in the wrong -- this will be the best way to keep a peaceful atmosphere; seek the company of young and cheerful people. This day will be favorable to mental curiosity and inventiveness. A colleague at work will try to play a nasty trick on you. A muddled family matter that has been going on for a long time will be settled to the satisfaction of all.
November 07, 2006
A romantic climate will reign and your heart will be on fire. Do not make any lavish investments for the time being; it is the opportune moment to tighten your belt. Examine your various projects more closely. At work, a situation that was shaky will improve, strengthen and solidify. Improve your health by limiting your consumption of alcohol and sweets. Take care of your appearance; this could help you to positively influence others.
November 08, 2006
You'll find satisfaction in several fields; and if you still complain, you'll really deserve to be unhappy! A very good day for reorganizing the management of your finances, for considering new investments; moneywise, you should feel better. Good understanding and complicity with the loved one; it'll go very well as far as cuddles as concerned. Try to balance your family life and your professional activities: it's difficult, but you can do it.
November 09, 2006
You'll seek by all means to satisfy your need for emotional security; if you're single, you'll make a promising encounter by the middle of this day. Give more of yourself to your friends. Don't tire yourself too much; and if you feel that your immune defenses are falling, without delay adopt a good diet with plenty of vitamins and trace elements. Even though you find yourself confronted with numerous problems, don't complain; keep silent in order to favor good reflection.
November 10, 2006
You will have a good work tempo, but beware of certain persons of your circle who may be laying some traps for you. Risks of transitory tension in your friendly relationships. Transported by powerful amorous outbursts, you'll let yourself be carried away unrestrainedly to torrid eroticism. You'll also be in top form, but beware of excessive perfectionism, otherwise you may encounter unnecessary problems.
November 11, 2006
Your relationships with your loved ones will be placed under the sign of passion. Show a good amount of diplomacy in dealing with others; in this way your success will be assured. Fortuitous encounters may lead to profound friendships. You'll tend to see things superficially and to judge according to appearances. If you hope for a favorable evolution of your affairs, delve deeply into each issue that presents itself.
November 13, 2006
Profit by the current favorable influxes so as to widen the circle of your relationships; you'll have the possibility to make more acquaintances. The stars will give you more of the courage and enthusiasm you need to face the problems of existence. Don't play at making your loved one jealous; their reactions could be devastating. In family, don't judge everything in relation to yourself. Slow down your expenses without delay in order to avoid a somewhat critical situation.
November 14, 2006
Your professional and material life will meet with a beautiful expansion. This time your friends will bring you solid support; be a good friend yourself. Lucid and realistic, you'll manage your business very well and you'll be able to improve your material situation. Euphoric day: you'll enjoy marvelous love affairs, your children will give you many joys, and your most difficult problems will find a satisfying solution.
November 15, 2006
Remarkable successes in your job; but they are, unfortunately, likely to complicate your family life. Try to solve definitively certain problems that regularly disturb the atmosphere of your household; you'll succeed in this endeavor, for sure! This time the ant will take precedence over the grasshopper: you'll make good long-term investments. Lower vitality along with possibility of a slight malfunction of the liver; go on a small diet.
November 16, 2006
You'll have the possibility to make very safe investments and to manage your family finances efficiently; this day will be particularly favorable to the sale of a plot of land or a house. A renewal of vitality; it will be an ideal day to undertake a diet or to follow a fitness program; don't let yourself become rusty. Ask yourself if you haven't somewhat neglected your children; they do need your presence.