23 Sep 06
Beware, you'll have a strong tendency to live above your means! Don't think that you can always get away with it; you may very well find yourself this time in a blind alley. You'll feel rather nervous, emotional, ill at ease. If you don't take necessary precautions, your emotional life could very well become difficult, especially if you live in couple. You'll imagine that a rival puts you in the shade or that your preferred one turns his or her eyes elsewhere; doubtlessly your fear will only be imaginary.
24 Sep 06
An exalting and decisive sentimental encounter might take place. Take some rest so as to recover your efficiency rapidly. It will be in your highest interest to note down all your expenses carefully, even though it may cost you a terrible effort; you'll thus avoid great money problems soon. (Well, don't hesitate to try!) You'll give much importance to your social and everyday life and you'll have easy relationships. You'll have ideas of genius, but will have difficulty carrying them out right away.
25 Sep 06
The astral influxes will be such that they'll allow you to achieve some professional feats. The pettiness and hurtful words of your neighbors won't succeed in troubling you; however, some family concerns will perturb you. Profit by this planetary calm to ask yourself some questions of capital importance, such as: Have I given a sense to my life? Am I not spreading myself thin instead of concentrating myself on the essential? Am I living actually or only vegetating?
26 Sep 06
It would be a good time to recharge your batteries so as to recover your strength and energy. You might profit by a small financial success; but if a too-enticing proposal is made to you, gather all necessary documentation before giving your approval. In your life as a couple, don't show too much independence and personal freedom. The moment will be favorable to highlighting your innovative ideas and to presenting your creative projects
27 Sep 06
Shaky couples will find new energy. Your impulsiveness may play dirty tricks on you; try to preserve your self-control. Risks of serious problems of communication with your family if you don't show tolerance and understanding; don't try to have the last word in everything; know how to listen. Your success will be strictly proportional to your efforts, but you must remain cautious. The help of your best friends will prove precious. Think to make investments; privilege safe values.
28 Sep 06
With certain of your friends, the atmosphere may become stormy. Don't make a hasty decision, as you might afterward regret to have broken off too quickly; accept an openhearted explanation. You'll be in a position to take stock of your health problems and to solve them efficiently. At work, a promotion is in view, but do not for as much lessen your enthusiasm and your determination. Draw in your horns and your sentimental conflicts will fade away. Sport or exercise will help you let off steam in a wholesome manner.
29 Sep 06
Your relationships with your employers or with certain of your superiors may be stormy. You'll in all likelihood suffer from some health problems, which will be provoked by bad digestion or faulty elimination; refrain from canned foods and salted cheeses. Interesting opportunities should present themselves on the material plane; don't miss them, for you won't find others soon. Heartwise, on the other hand, don't expect great changes.
30 Sep 06
A very favorable day for your love affairs; the opposite sex won't be able to resist your charm. Watch your back, for hazard is always capricious. Your cholesterol level will begin to rise slightly, not so much because of your diet, but above all because of stress; do everything in your power to relax during and after your work. You'll succeed without much difficulty in making the most out of any situation. You'll try to eliminate all problems susceptible to disturb the family harmony.
1 Oct 06
You can get very interesting results in your work. You'll have insolent luck with money. Very agreeable surprises concerning your home and family are in the offing; it would be the right moment to do transformations in your lodgings or to improve your standing. A favorable day for romantic encounters, tenderness and gentleness. You'll experience very happy moments heartwise. Vague pains in the abdominal zone, but the malaise will quickly disappear.
2 Oct 06
Avoid at all costs such situations that might set off your latent aggressiveness; in this way your success will be assured. Familial dissensions will be numerous and can end up in disputes. Be courageous enough to propose your ideas as well as your projects. There will be risks of serious complications in your couple, as questions of interest will unfortunately tend to take precedence over tenderness.
3 Oct 06
If the career you're pursuing does not give you enough satisfactions, make contacts in view of a career change. You'll be strongly inclined to grant yourself a luxury that is conspicuously superfluous for your present status. Don't eat too much or too quickly, otherwise you could encounter digestive problems. Receive friends of yours; this will help you change ideas, for you'll be very prone to constantly turn over the same grievances in your mind.
4 Oct 06
It will be difficult for you to work in a team; nevertheless, you'll be compelled to do it. Try to bear the constraints, and don't kick over the traces -- patience will prove paying. Your eyes will probably be tired and your eyesight will be less acute than usual. You'll probably be very irritable, contrary to your rather gentle and placid temperament; it's difficult to say if this your aggressiveness is of physical or psychological origin. The fact is that the influxes of the day will make the climate rather irritating.
5 Oct 06
Your intestines will be sensitive, so refrain more than ever from abusing salt and fats. You may commit a notorious financial imprudence, but you'll get consolation from friends. Consider things with optimism. You'll be excessively quick to be stirred up, with love at first sight after love at first sight! A favorable day to discover a passion in the artistic field, and you'll indulge in it joyfully.
6 Oct 06
You'll be favored by fortune, as you'll meet people who can considerably help you in more than one sphere. Dazzling professional progress, and also some money coming in. For couples, understanding with the mate will be good. You'll be blessed with a beautiful joy of living and brimming optimism; think to profit by this situation to definitively eradicate the anxieties that have often tortured you.
7 Oct 06
Your family life will be rather quiet -- not boring, but without hitches, and this is what suits you best. Trips will favor sentimental encounters of single people. It's possible that you'll finally meet the person who suits you. Nothing is more positive than this solar climate, which will allow spectacular actions. Your can take risks without great risk, for luck will stubbornly stick to you. If you're in the heat of a fight, rejoice, for you'll be holding all the winning cards.
8 Oct 06
If you are single, you'll only meet people very different from you; do not commit yourself under any pretext. Don't remain all wrapped up in your problems. The more you will distinguish the true from the false, the more real satisfactions you'll obtain. You'll show a distinct instability in your demeanor, and this may disorient those whom you love. Resist your desire to acquire new material things all the time. Think of broadening your mind.
9 Oct 06
In your work, projects will take form; their achievement will be all the more slow as they're important. You can already establish the basis of a firm or an activity that will last for years. You'll be somewhat disturbed by contradictory astral influences; don't worry about it; just don't make any important decisions, and things will turn out well. You'll feel the imperious need to be surrounded by those whom you love and will take a pleasure in organizing friendly or family gatherings.
10 Oct 06
You'll be happy and will know how to say and demonstrate it to your beloved one. You'll labor under the fear of an unfortunate event that might take place; you'll be anguished at the least threat of a danger, the least sign of a possible catastrophe. The planetary turbulences will sow disorder in your family life; certain latent conflicts may burst out in full daylight, but you'll no doubt have difficulty smoothing things out. You'll be able to please, charm, bewitch; you'll have powerful emotional outbursts.
11 Oct 06
Devote a little more time to your family. Be careful of your exaggerated reactions, which sometimes go counter to your interests. It'll be possible for you to sort out a difficult situation by appealing to your friends; you'd be wrong to refuse this option under the pretext that you would be obliged to return the favor. Strokes of luck will occur in many domains, particularly in your emotional life and at work. You'll be entitled to real and whole satisfactions if you follow the path that you've traced for yourself.
12 Oct 06
An encounter taking place in a completely unexpected way may turn out to be interesting for single people. Beware of imprudent initiatives on the material plane, as you will lack patience and discernment in this domain; in the management of the family budget, take your spouse's opinion into account. You'll tend to spread yourself too thin this time, thus losing your efficiency. You'll also be very receptive to appeals from various persons.
13 Oct 06
Positive changes will take place in your life: You'll make new encounters or will start more enriching activities. Increased tendency toward inflammation. Financial situation will be in expansion, and you can count on a helping hand from luck. You can launch a large-scale financial transaction by investing important capital; this astral climate will assist your efforts. A favorable climate for matters of the heart; your emotional relationships will evolve in a good direction.
14 Oct 06
This astral environment will be frustrating heartwise; it hardly foretells joys and satisfactions, but rather an air that will be sad and darkened by a separation, an estrangement, a bereavement, or by misunderstandings or a clash of moods. The help of your close ones will be very useful, if not indispensable, in recovering your serenity. You'll need to be the target of much attention and solicitude. At times, however, the persons you love will show themselves distant, and you'll feel profoundly bitter about this. Don't dramatize the situation.
15 Oct 06
Careerwise, it's possible that you'll find a new motivation. Take stock of your health: Don't any longer have recourse so frequently to medical drugs and don't treat certain ills with such disdain. You'll have reasons for dissatisfaction with your home life; but you must try to relativize things. Your love affairs will be tense, probably because you expect too much from them; think to have a more laid-back attitude.
16 Oct 06
If you're a smoker, think of the nonsmokers' rights, especially for asthmatics, for those suffering from respiratory insufficiency and for children. You'll have a very busy schedule and could tend to forget to live! Also, you're likely to waste your energy in having arguments with certain members of your family. Concerning love, don't engage yourself during this day, let things become clearer -- the fulfillment of your desires will only be more beautiful.
17 Oct 06
The support and attachment of your family circle and fiends will prove essential. Even though you don't show your sentiments, your close ones can know that they have a place in your heart. You'll like to mix work and pleasure, to combine business with enjoyment, but that won't be possible this time without getting yourself into trouble; it'd be better to refrain from certain forbidden fruits. On the other hand, you'll have a great thirst for knowledge and discovery; perfect, begin right away to work!
18 Oct 06
You'll need a lot of tact and diplomacy if you work in a team or if you have a staff under your orders. Extraordinary complicity with your loved one. Taxes, bills, bank drafts ... you'll get everything on your back at the same time; react in a positive way and you'll find the way to increase your profits or gain returns on your resources. Stimulating contacts with your friends: You'll have a thousand and one things to tell one another and you'll spend some very pleasant moments together. In the family, your children will give you great joys.