28 Aug 06
Your social life will prove disappointing this time, and you'll realize that true friends are rare; think to be a true friend yourself. This astral environment will stimulate your creative imagination; numerous projects will take form in your mind, and you'll only have difficulty choosing the best of them. Less centered than usual on what's useful, you'll lose nothing of your efficiency. Indeed, benefiting from a larger and more global vision of the surrounding realities, you'll display much more cleverness than usual.
29 Aug 06
In love, your desires will be near the point of being fulfilled and your hopes will be crowned with success. Take up a healthier food diet before it's too late. Your relationships with your close ones will prove rather difficult; beware of your brutal frankness, as it may hurt those whom you love; put some honey on your tongue and then everything will turn out well. You'll be inclined to indulge in impossible hopes or utopian desires; try to come back quickly to reality. This day will be rather unfavorable to the purchase of a house or the settlement of an inheritance issue.
30 Aug 06
Your life as a couple will experience a bright spell: perfect complicity with your mate. If pains in your lower back return, don't lift weights that are too heavy for you, and maintain a good posture. Good fortune for all natives of this sign: successful speculations, good luck in games, cleverness in various negotiations and transactions. Certain of your friends may cause you harm, but don't abandon them.
31 Aug 06
Always passionate for financial combinations, you'll establish very complex strategies designed to make good returns on your resources; nevertheless, avoid too great complications, as simplicity can be more efficient. You'll enjoy great lucidity and admirable capacity for remembering; all this will help you progress rapidly in your career. Well decided not be let yourself be manipulated by your mate, you might go as far as to lash out if they persists in refusing to heed your needs and desires.
1 Sep 06
You'll feel a rather strong inner tension, which may lead to clumsy movements; practice yoga or some other relaxation exercises. Sufficiently tense relationships in the family domain. On the financial or real estate plane, take a maximum of warranties and precautions. In your couple, good feelings will be at their brightest; single natives of the sign will make encounters, but they not engage themselves too easily.
2 Sep 06
Lend an attentive ear to your children. Careerwise, there'll be much to do: You'll be swamped, and this situation might very well cause you to neglect your spare time; in any case, your purse will profit by it all. It'll be difficult to be immune to backaches, but basic precautions will allow you to limit the discomfort. Propitious climate for settling differences with the state as well as with individuals. One might try to abuse your credulity; don't have confidence in whomever you happen to know.
3 Sep 06
Your home life will provide you with intense satisfactions. You must assert yourself more and not let your toes be stepped on. You'll be able to make titanic efforts; profit by your present apparently inexhaustible vitality to finish all pending works and projects, and don't waste it by indulging in futile activities. You'll enjoy increased cleverness in all fields. However, be cautious, as your excess of self-confidence might play dirty tricks on you. Astral climate extremely propitious to joys of the heart.
4 Sep 06
You'll be brimming over with imagination, curious about everything and thirsty for knowledge. Numerous original ideas will occur to you. A favorable day for finances, but don't be too sure of your appraisal if you make investments or if you indulge in speculation; it'll be in your interest to take the advice of specialists into account. You'll recover all your energy if you let go some of your steam. Forcefully drive all morbid and defeatist thoughts away. You'll privilege diplomacy and tact in your relationships with your coworkers.
5 Sep 06
Don't fear changes, particularly the ones that will occur in your professional environment; some time for adaptation will obviously be necessary, but these transformations will be advantageous to you. A day favorable to doubt and concern; in spite of all, have confidence in your good star; you can also count on your friends. The amorous field will be very changing, fraught with unfaithfulness, quarrels and jealousies. If you're of a certain age, beware of the midlife crisis! Eat foods rich in magnesium.
6 Sep 06
You'll be in a position to succeed in a first-rate financial operation, which will make people jealous of you. Beware of drafts! You'll have the impression that your close ones elude you, that they don't care about what you think, and this will quite upset you. You'll have the ability to solve problems of practical life as if by magic. This day should bring you great amorous satisfactions: intimacy, complicity, sensuality.
7 Sep 06
You'll be in a position to improve your social situation in a spectacular manner. You'll have the desire to live dangerously; you can take some physical risks, by achieving sports feats, for instance. If you've had problems, everything will now clear up in a happy way. Your material life will be well protected, but beware of excessive spendings. Physically, your liver and throat should be watched over. Your prestige will be on the increase: people will admire you, appreciate you, and will be proud to be agreeable to you.
8 Sep 06
If you have designs on a man or woman, you'll instinctively know how to go about in order to seduce him or her without much difficulty. A small decrease in muscle tone; do sport. Your morale will again be at a peak; profit by the current circumstances to bring your dearest projects to a successful conclusion. Your sentimental life will bring you numerous small joys, which it would be foolish to disdain.
9 Sep 06
A favorable day for solidifying your material situation. Risks of difficult digestion. Slow down your tempo, for depression is lying in wait for you. You'll be in the mood for home life and domestic joys. It will be difficult to drag you out of your cozy cocoon and your slippers, and you'll have the ability to create a warm ambiance in your home. This time, don't rely as much on your intuition as you usually do. You'll feel a powerful renewal of passion for your beloved one; a candlelit dinner is possible.
10 Sep 06
Know that an unexpected event is not an obstacle, but a challenge to take on. You'll lead a brilliant social life; but try not to neglect your family too much. Your spouse will hardly be understanding, and disputes might arise if you don't make an effort to be reasonable. In love, you'll always want more pleasure; in case of a temptation, ask yourself if the person of your desires is really worth it. In your job, your need for expansion will push you to take excessive risks. Hardly favorable day for a moving.
11 Sep 06
It would be preferable that you refrain from eating saturated fats for some time; indeed, your cholesterol level might be on the increase, and a blood checkup would be very desirable. Your family life may evolve in a very tense climate; don't take on sensitive subjects. A reappraisal of your couple life is possible, but it will prove more salutary than painful. Don't revolt if situations don't evolve in the way you wish; cultivate patience.
12 Sep 06
You'll tend to raise your voice in order to obtain what you believe is due to you; know that gentleness and diplomacy have never killed anyone, and yet they always work wonders. Everything will go well for you on the professional plane if you're wise enough to talk only a little. You won't feel always at ease because, on one hand, you'll want to impose your will and, on the other hand, you'll insist on maintaining harmonious and pleasant relations with your entourage.
13 Sep 06
It would be a pity not to seek to exploit all the resources that are within you. Luck with money will smile to you; and if you've had an unhappy experience, a bankruptcy for instance, you'll come out of it more daring and stronger than before. It will be in your interest to keep a close watch on your figure, otherwise you might be subject to health problems. Refrain from too-ambitious undertakings, which might end with dire failure. Don't be too demanding with your close ones.
14 Sep 06
It'll be in your interest to provide yourself with moments of composure so as to recover your peace of mind. Nothing is ever granted beforehand; continue to fight. You'll try to impose your authority on your close ones but, at the same time, you'll wish for good ties with them; know that it's not possible to want one thing and its opposite at the same time. New sentimental encounters in sight; you'll have far too much to choose from. Refrain from carrying out risky investments and audacious stock market operations.
15 Sep 06
With overflowing imagination, you'll introduce some fantasy into your sentimental relationships, and that will have the effect of reviving them. No problem in view between you and your mate; you'll both be tuned to the same wavelength. Beautiful opportunities to make money: special bonuses, allowances, pensions, etc. Don't let your close relatives meddle in your private life. It's a good thing to have ambitions, but they must remain moderate. Take better care of your physical appearance; it will bring you great chance.
16 Sep 06
This solar climate will inspire you with determination and tenacity in your work. Let your close ones act as they like, don't interfere with them. You'll like to go out with your friends, and you'll meet new faces. But you won't be able to refrain from arguing with vehemence, so make a small effort at being more sociable and open; you'll win in this way. If you reduce your consumption of tobacco, alcohol and coffee, you'll certainly fare much better.
17 Sep 06
Regardless of the economic juncture, your bank account will swell; but don't spend even a single cent with a view to impressing others. Any health problem from which you've been suffering will begin to disappear this time. You'll have an opportunity to tighten certain friendship or love ties. Clear improvement of your professional situation; the moment seems well chosen to ask for a pay raise or promotion.
18 Sep 06
In love, don't try to do two things at once. Adopt a firm attitude with your children; if they're still small and if they begin their schooling, impose very strict sleep hours on them, otherwise they'll be tired, nervous and uncontrollable. Your professional activities will be fluctuating, but you'll finally establish a situation that will assure your future. Take your problems for what they actually are, that is not for catastrophes, but for challenges to be met. Your health will be strongly influenced by your moods.
19 Sep 06
Don't wallow in your recent unhappy love affairs. In work, you'll give precedence to originality and independence, even if these two qualities are generally frowned upon by the firm that employs you; but this time you'll be appreciated and it will be made known to you. Fluctuating humors, but you won't have to be concerned about them. Be vigilant where your food is concerned. A vitamin cure would do you good by allowing you to recover your strength.
20 Sep 06
This time, you'd better heed the advice of your close ones. Many natives of the sign will try to legalize their love; there'll be marriage projects in the air for sincere, or foolish, amorous ones. As for established couples, they'll redouble their tenderness. Risks of tremblings and palpitations. You'll work well and will obtain good results; but don't make a total obsession of your job. Show open-mindedness and tolerance in your relationships.
21 Sep 06
Don't fear to take a difficult step, for you'll have the support of the stars. Try to be modest, flexible and tolerant in your relationships and you'll avoid many a conflict. Let your mate have more freedom, for your possessiveness may smother him or her. Your liver, a little overcharged, could show some dysfunction that will provoke increased sensitivity to cold; cover yourself sufficiently, do some exercise and take a very hot drink from time to time. Everything you build up this time will prove useful to your future.
22 Sep 06
Your physical and mental balance will need good quality melodies. You'll be right to smile to life. You'll be romantic, sentimental and tender, expressing your love for your dear one with ease and delicacy; your feelings will be particularly intense and profound. Beware, you'll tend to make a great thesis to be defended out of each subject of current conversation! You can count on the support of the stars to find a job or obtain a pay raise.