25 Oct 06
You'll surely benefit from the support of the stars in the financial field; but avoid biting off more than you can chew, and don't empty your purse for the sake of speculations. Give a helping hand urgently to your children. You'll able to take strong measures designed to modify certain situations that weigh on you. The encounters that will take place during this day might bring about great changes in your life.
26 Oct 06
Luck will smile to you in your practice of new leisure activities. You'll be given discrete assistance. Don't abuse wood-fire or barbecue cooking: It may be toxic because of burned particles; concerning this subject, know that microwave ovens may be much healthier to use. If you're not afraid of failure, then it's failure that will fear you this time and will keep away from your path; so dare to launch original initiatives and take calculated risks.
27 Oct 06
You'll reach perfect understanding with your nearest and dearest and you will find an appropriate solution to a problem in your family. Try to hold your tongue: Don't confide your secrets to your friends, for very rapidly they'll become open secrets. Do not move forward with your eyes closed any field. This day will be intense but complicated heartwise; it can bring you the best as well as the worst.
28 Oct 06
Energy and fatigue will alternate, but your overall physical state will improve because you'll know better how to take care of yourself and how to refrain from what's harmful to you. You'll be tempted to renounce the ideal that you've pursued for a long time. Life in your home will be a little disturbed by concerns of a professional order. You should separate things and keep your family out of your work preoccupations; relationships will then be facilitated.
29 Oct 06
Powerful friendships will help you progress in your career. You'll not know what stance to adopt concerning your children, and this will annoy you. Disturbed atmosphere as far as your physical and mental state are concerned -- tendency toward edginess, clumsy movements, rather pronounced stress and, above all, diffuse anxiety. Get some rest and give yourself a treat. Beware of your utterances that may outrun your thoughts and cause damage.
30 Oct 06
You've done your best to make harmony reign in your home, but you've not quite succeeded in your efforts; you'll deem that your spouse is not reasonable at all and you'll react badly. A day marked with changes in many fields; confidently greet what comes along and wholeheartedly play the game. You may know love at first sight, whatever your age or your disillusionment concerning love. Think to profit well by your moments of rest and leisure; don't spend them merely watching television.
31 Oct 06
You are sure to have hood nervous resistance, but don't try to overstep your limits. Possibility of a breaking off of a love relationship that you've enjoyed for a long time. Eat less fatty foods and try to get more exercise and sleep. You'll be more realistic than ever, and this will allow you to demonstrate your professional competence. You'll find satisfactory solutions to the most difficult problems.
01 Nov 06
Clear improvement of your state of health if you suffer from a disease of nervous origin. Beware of foolish expenses, as a lean period is not so far away as it seems! On the professional plane, the day will be positive and will help you to progress, to carry out your projects. A day of luck in several respects. Your optimism will be at a peak; your love affairs, your children, your leisure will bring you many pleasures.
02 Nov 06
Love will be present: You'll meet a rare pearl and you'll feel attached to them right away. Force yourself to get into as regular a sleeping rhythm as possible. With your children, avoid engaging in power struggles. Your lack of realism is likely to play nasty tricks on you; above all, beware of excessive financial risks and hasty stock exchange transactions. You'll have a lot of imagination, but it'll be necessary to know how to use it in the best possible way so as to develop your business.
November 03, 2006
The stars will encourage you to launch a drastic savings program; don't resist this influence, even though you'll feel great impulses to spend your money. You could have some quarrels with certain colleagues, but show diplomacy and modesty. Heartwise, there'll be ease and harmony because you've learned how to draw in your horns. Try to see the brighter side of things and be convinced that perfection is not of this world at all.
November 05, 2006
Discreet help will be brought to you. Unexpected opportunities or contacts can favor your introduction into a new environment. Another positive factor will play an important role in your friendships, and it can prove most profitable to you. In love, don't un-bury the hatchet and don't waste your time stirring up old frictions. Moral qualities at work will lead to brilliant successes. Think to adopt a low-fat, low-sugar diet and to also give up foods that don't suit you.
November 06, 2006
Adopt a more strict working discipline, and your professional horizon will soon become much brighter. Control your finances; don't buy anything on credit. You can expect charming sentimental encounters and find new ways to broaden your emotional connections. If you're predisposed to kidney stones, avoid watercress, sorrel, rhubarb and abuse of red meats; drink plenty of non-mineralized fresh water.
November 07, 2006
Your present feeling of emotional insecurity will push you to tie very strong bonds. If you want to improve your health, try improving your diet; talk to your doctor or your dietitian about it. Stop smoking. The stars will give you the opportunity to affirm your ambitions and to achieve some of your projects. You'll have a hard time coping with boredom; indulge in some kind of hobby that you have a passion for.
November 08, 2006
If you're single, your love affairs will give you only few satisfactions; but if you live in couple, you'll experiences harmony and unforgettable joys. You'll feel an almost irrepressible desire to spend your money. If you can't succeed in controlling yourself, you'll be in for a catastrophe. The stars will smile on your career domain, as you'll have no professional problems whatsoever and everything will go like clockwork.
November 09, 2006
You may play a good role in helping another recover a lost spiritual equilibrium. Refrain from confiding in your friends, even to the most intimate ones. Also, beware of your current tendency to want to start from scratch in your familial and conjugal life. Your taste for secret liaisons will be greatly increased. Working with a team will certainly help you improve your present professional situation.
November 10, 2006
You'll tend to be very demanding at work as well as at home. You health will be excellent, except if you give in to food excesses or if you smoke too much. Be careful in the choice of your relations and your friendships. This is a climate that will encourage household disagreements; try to maintain your self-control. Try to preserve your affectionate and continued relationships with your parents.
November 11, 2006
If you're still single, you'll meet someone today who'll please you very much. Beautiful professional performances will be yours, but on condition that you set yourself free from certain domestic constraints beforehand. Don't be too much concentrated or focused, let yourself go a little, if only to do serious things with more efficiency. There might be risks of difficult digestion; avoid heavy dishes and sauces.
November 13, 2006
The planetary environment will be a source of positive feelings and understandings with the loved one. You'll be very efficient in your work. However, you can't avoid having clashes with your superiors or your colleagues; try to keep a low profile. Don't neglect your loved ones, particularly your children. You'll be remarked in society. If someone tries to tread on your toes, don't let them do it: respond immediately!
November 14, 2006
Your power of decision will be reinforced, so move ahead in all fields without hesitation or regrets, and you will surely obtain worlds of satisfactions. Avoid birds of ill omen of all kinds -- pessimists, defeatists, masochists, nihilists. A friend will appeal to you for help; do not turn your back on them. You'll be inhabited by overflowing enthusiasm that will incite you to move mountains.
November 15, 2006
In society, you'll be brilliant and charming, and you'll succeed in obtaining invaluable support. You'll make business deals and will have opportunities to make money. You'll hesitate between a total change in your present love relationship and the desire not to break up your habits and psychological comfort too quickly. Very enthusiastic and dynamic, you'll know how to make the lazy ones move. Within your family circle, you'll manage to impose yourself without anyone noticing it.
November 16, 2006
At work, you'll not be afraid to take great risks, but that'll make a success of you; on the other hand, in your emotional life you'll prefer stability, and that too will be a success. If you're in possession of some savings, you'll be able to make some excellent investments at this time. Occupy yourself more with your family in spite of your innumerable obligations elsewhere. You'll enjoy good physical resistance.
November 17, 2006
Try to calm your nervousness by practicing yoga or sports, otherwise gastric pains may annoy you. You'll try to improve the comfort of the ones you love, and your relationships with them will be very warm, your professional success having a lot to do with it. An unfavorable day for important business appointments because of your exacerbated impatience. A beautiful love affair could begin during this day.
November 18, 2006
The circumstances will give great hopes for a promotion or a pay raise. Good prospects on the financial plane; this will not prevent you from being favored in your love affairs, for, with the current astral climate, you can expect everything to come along. Slight tension in your family; it will not be difficult for you to ease the atmosphere by showing indulgence. Your relationships with your dearest and nearest will improve considerably.
November 19, 2006
A very good day for declaring your burning love; moreover, the astral benevolence will make it possible for you to clear up misunderstandings with the beloved one. If you're up to date in your payments, then you won't have to worry ; if this is not the case, problems will soon pile up. At work, your skills will develop, and several obstacles will be removed. A split in an old friendship seems possible; don't make a drama about it. Help your children in their studies.
20 Nov 06
Your sentimental life might be subject to sudden but positive changes. You'll live at a mad speed and you'll risk being broken down at the very moment when you'll need to be in a top form. Do not embark on too daring financial deals; follow the advice of specialists. Think more of your private life. Having shown yourself to be friendly and open to others, you'll be now very well surrounded by friends.
21 Nov 06
This astral climate will incline you to long-term planning; why not think about organizing your finances as of now? Rather good health. If you must deal with an important business affair or settle a delicate family problem, it's better for you to start this task immediately; later on, you won't have very clear ideas. You'll be rather nervous and tense, but will be able to make fast decisions and take audacious initiatives. In your love relations, you'll be very idealistic.