7 Aug 06
At work, your merits will finally be recognized and rewarded. Try to have an honest and openhearted explanation with your mate. Events of all kinds -- they may be good or not so good, will rush into your life, and you'll need much coolheadedness in order not to be disoriented. Your intestines will make you suffer; avoid heavy and salty dishes and sauces and think to go without fatty or heavy foods.
8 Aug 06
A greater efficiency in your way of working will allow you to organize yourself better and to put your affairs into due order. You must at the same time try to solve the pending small problems concerning your entourage. You'll live something very intense; but there exists no astral indication allowing to know whether your love affairs will be happy or whether what you're looking for will be compatible with what your mate desires.
9 Aug 06
This time you'll know how to appreciate life's small pleasures, which in fact constitute your happiness. Go and visit your parents or grandparents today; this will prove a good morale booster. You will benefit from the support of the stars if you keep your temper these days. You'll be prone to decisive judgments and sharp decisions. There's no doubt you'll consolidate your professional position and improve your material situation.
10 Aug 06
Good health. You cannot do everything you want to, so you must resign yourself to make a choice. You'll benefit from positive lunar influences that will give you renewed enthusiasm and high spirits. Beware of your own logic, which may not be completely realistic; your ambitions are undoubtedly legitimate but it will be necessary to know their price and, above all, to assure yourself of the means of success.
11 Aug 06
You may have to revise some contracts or modify your plans; if this is the case, act with extreme prudence in order not to wound your associates' feelings. Your present fears are quite unfounded, try to clear them up as quickly as possible. There is a possibility of some weariness or even the blues. Your intuition will allow you to find an original solution to a very delicate professional or personal problem.
12 Aug 06
A small trip can be for you an opportunity to make relations that will rapidly go beyond the stage of simple acquaintance. Some troubles as a result of abnormal eating habits. Beware of whatever you're going to say; above all, don't make promises that are impossible to keep. Your increased appetite for life can give you the courage to improve your material living conditions and your sentimental relationships. Devote more of your time to your children -- they deserve it!
13 Aug 06
Improvement of the professional climate; the tensions that existed between you and your colleagues or superiors will begin to soften; it should be recognized that you've decided to draw in your horns. If you take your time and make a small effort, you'll be able to take pleasure in a substantial and balanced breakfast, and soon you won't be able to go without this indispensable meal. If you've learned the art of maximizing the good side of life and minimizing its bad sides, there's be no reason why you won't be content and happy.
14 Aug 06
Your reflexes at your driving wheel will be slightly lessened; if you must drive after sunset, know that the driving is more dangerous at night than during daylight despite much-reduced traffic. In order to get good results in your work, you'll have to make a considerable effort at compromise; but you won't get lost and you'll hardly have bad surprises. You'll manage your business affairs with panache. There won't be loss of time simply because you'll be obsessed by the idea of efficacy.
15 Aug 06
Fortune will favor you this day, as you'll find a new way to earn money that will reveal itself to be quite judicious. Remind yourself that nobody is perfect; if you accept criticisms well, then you'll make great progress. In family, discussions will risk becoming stormy; keep your head level. You'll find in today's happy climate all that you can dream of to satisfy your great need for cuddles and physical connections.
16 Aug 06
Lunar influxes very favorable to activity in tourism and sport as well as commercial relations with foreign countries. If you aren't sure of yourself in that affair, then ask for advice from well-informed persons. Risks of transitory insomnia; have a light dinner and drink a hot infusion of orange flowers before going to bed. Follow the wise advice of your friends who will be well disposed toward you.
17 Aug 06
The astral influences will primarily be felt in your professional life; despite your courage and dynamism, you won't succeed in controlling certain anxiety; the best you can do will be to behave as if you effectively dominated the situation and to stay detached from the events. You may have much difficulty burning all your excess calories. Unexpected events may swoop in on you and destabilize you. You must absolutely refrain from reacting with too much intensity, otherwise there'll be escalation.
18 Aug 06
In love, you'll have the impression that nobody understands you or cares for you, but try to put this way of thinking aside. Try to be more flexible with others, for you're far from being perfect yourself. Your luck with money will be better than it has been recently. At work, put your self-pride aside, be more humble. Avoid all judicial conflicts and try not to be in disagreement with any person whatsoever.
hi !!!
i am a dragon .....
19 Aug 06
You can live marvelous moments, but your lack of objectivity concerning your near ones may lead to cruel disappointments. Your sensitive soul would like to do pleasure to everyone; but, of course, you'll be unable to keep all your promises. Marital love may be rather difficult; the stars won't support you and you'll very badly bear your life as a couple. Try to remain coolheaded and avoid making an irrevocable decision, one that you'll surely regret when the evil has been done or the steps already taken.
20 Aug 06
Good work pace, encouraged by concrete results; your ideas and method will bear their fruits; don't lose a single minute in pointless gossip. A comical television show or some funny stories will help you drive your bad mood away. The sentimental climate will be rather stormy, pregnant with jealousy and small dramas. Intense physical attraction for someone who hardly suits you otherwise, notably on the cultural plane.
21 Aug 06
Reasonable decrease of vitality; fatigue and exhaustion will originate from an excess of stress rather than from a lack of vitamins or minerals. You'll be more vulnerable than usual to a host of small ills. Kidney or bladder troubles could appear in certain natives who are predisposed to them. This astral environment will reinforce the need for many natives to reflect calmly, calculating and patiently elaborating strategies or laying down plans for the future. In this way, many things will be in a chrysalis and will come out in a few months.
22 Aug 06
Certain financial transactions will demand much patience and long preparation; if you proceed too quickly, you may have very bad surprises. You'll be seized by a great desire for discovery and a burning passion for learning new things. Your charm will be operative, and you won't have much difficulty establishing new relationships. However, try to control your outbursts, which will be sometimes too passionate and that might make you commit regrettable errors of judgment.
23 Aug 06
A beautiful amorous conquest can be expected, whether you're single or live in couple. Even though you may have too many things to do, try to devote more of your time to your family. Your social life will be have the blessing of the stars; it will be animated and you'll make interesting encounters. If you have important decisions to make, ask for advice from experienced people; you can trust persons of the Ox sign.
24 Aug 06
Children will cause you some concern, but things can be straightened out if you show understanding. Spending sprees only have limited uplifting effect and could make matters worse as the day draws to an end. You've been working on yourself lately, and are therefore less inclined to flee from commitments; relax and have fun. You'll be able to attract new mates if you socialize with friends. Beware: Someone you count on may not be trustworthy.
25 Aug 06
Difficulties to satisfy your private life and professional life but the stars will help you overcome them. Impose an absolute ban on telling secrets, for dangers will be very great! Turn a deaf ear to all attempts at extracting confidences from you. Be careful in all your movements and gestures so as not to endure an accident; even if you feel absolutely sure of your reflexes, don't neglect safety instructions. In your love life as a couple, the unexpected will replace the everyday.
26 Aug 06
You'll feel that your head is empty, or else full of ideas that will jostle one another so much that they'll blur your judgment. If you entrust other people with certain works, don't be totally confident in them -- take care to verify what's been achieved; in this way you'll prevent many problems. Certain natives of the sign will have to fear for the security of their jobs or can be compelled to forgo their professional responsibilities for health reasons. Your psychic state will probably leave much to be desired.
27 Aug 06
You'll be strongly motivated to achieve your professional ambitions and, what's more, difficulties will stimulate you. You won't be spared the small annoyances of everyday life; bear them with good humor -- or at least with resignation -- because they're inevitable Don't lay the blame on the entire universe. You'll set out to conquer hearts with fabulous enthusiasm; however, sentimental complications may arise; what's important will be to know exactly what you want and to measure out well the consequences of your actions.
28 Aug 06
Don't let yourself be drawn into a fabulous financial adventure by an associate who pretends to have ideas of genius; the risks will be too great and chance will hardly smile to you! Don't believe yourself to be obliged to spend all that luck will have allowed you to win; simply dine out in the company of your beloved one. You might have a very pessimistic view of life -- this one will seem to you particularly harsh and unjust. Nevertheless try to take it with humor if you want to recover your serenity of soul.
29 Aug 06
You might feel some stiffness in your neck. Come out of your shell and you'll make encounters corresponding to your wishes. Everything will go the way you want in the professional field; you'll leave nothing to chance, and your determination to achieve your objectives will be one of the principal reasons for your success. Many decisive events will mark this day, and your life will change for the better. Small pecuniary problems will trouble you, but they will compel you to be more careful in your spendings.
30 Aug 06
A day for all amorous hopes: Your senses and your heart will vibrate in unison, your magnetism will be intense and your power of seduction will increase tenfold. In your work, know how to go around obstacles and will solve things efficiently. Those natives of the sign who are vulnerable to health problems will have to take special precautions this time. Your imagination will be more fertile than ever, and you'll hit upon ideas that will astonish many people.
31 Aug 06
You'll aspire to live in perfect harmony with your family; however, you'll be confronted with difficulties that you didn't imagine, and you'll need much courage to solve them. You can this time blossom outside of your family and professional life. You'll want to assert your values and needs; you'll make your mate, friends and family understand that you love them very much, but that you're too independent to live by someone else's strict standards.
1 Sep 06
Do not count too much on a close friend who, in all likelihood, cannot do much for you. Be extremely careful if you do important financial transactions today, otherwise you may encounter unnecessary problems. You can expect an enthralling encounter, and could find a new way to open yourself up to new emotions. Worries in your work will risk monopolizing your time and attention to the detriment of your family life.