25 Oct 06
You may encounter a faltering morale and, as a consolation, you'll be inclined to fling yourself on your vices, which will be much more copious than usual; how could you then avoid certain ruin? The stars will smile on you, as there will be few obstacles to your professional activities. Don't conceal your sentiments any longer. Think of renewing ties with those members of your larger family whom you've not seen for a long time.
26 Oct 06
Tense relationships with your love partner because of your exacerbated combativeness. Don't believe that nobody likes you, otherwise you'll get bogged down by such false a intuition! All of the world's pieces of bad luck will seem to fall on you suddenly, but this will only be your impression rather than reality! With good courage, you'll surely succeed in sorting out a host of events and in finding good solutions.
27 Oct 06
If you've had some misunderstandings with the man or woman of your life, hurry up and try to seek reconciliation. Your finances will be unstable; you must learn to curb your expenses. Be generous toward other people; the stars will be sure to smile on you if you do. The sociable and open side of your personality will be strengthened; you'll feel at ease everywhere and you'll get numerous compliments.
28 Oct 06
Positive exchanges with your children. The equilibrium of your budget may be upset if you indulge in risky financial deals. If you wish to go on a trip, the moment might be well chosen, more due to your physical condition than to your morale. This day will be favorable to a new love story or to an intensification of the one you're presently living. Your social life will be interesting and full of contacts.
29 Oct 06
For couples, understanding will be good; moderate your words and show small attentions, which can arrange many things. Keep a good watch on your children. You'll feel out of sorts and not very motivated; some rest and a more regular life pace should quickly get you back in shape, and don't forget to practice a sport despite your lack of time. Excellent day to make decisions that are slightly based on intuition and much on common sense.
30 Oct 06
In love, you'll easily find the words and gestures that are suitable to ease tensions and instill complicity. Possibility of outbreaks of eczema due to stress and nervous tension. In work, clashes will hardly be avoidable. In the friendship domain, there'll be solid supports for you; your friends will show remarkable devotion to you. It seems that it's now your turn to profit by the generosity of Lady Fortune; play at some daring game.
31 Oct 06
Do not allow your professional or other occupations to encroach upon your love life; you must give this domain all the importance it deserves. Your children will cause you some concern, but try to be a little less dogmatic in your attitude toward them. Healthwise, risks of some headache and insomnia. At work, criticisms and jealousies may affect your pride, but don't make a big issue of all this.
01 Nov 06
Current circumstances might compel you to bring about changes in your life. If you're in a dispute with someone, you'd better settle the issue as quickly as possible. Your will to win can make you succeed brilliantly. Your health would be good if troubles of a chronic character didn't make an inopportune comeback. A day when it will be necessary to put one's life in due order, often on all levels.
02 Nov 06
Force yourself to do a minimum of daily exercises if you want to lose or maintain your weight. Friendship has to be maintained; make an effort to strengthen your bonds. You won't be able to refrain from playing at despots in your home; this means that the family atmosphere will be very tense. You'll feel confident, sure of being able to control the situation and pointing your destiny in the direction that you want. You'll continue your undeniable professional upswing.
November 03, 2006
Profit by the good current lunar influxes to clamp down seriously on the management of your family's budget; a good day also for carrying out an important real estate transaction. This time, you'll definitely take life on the good side. You'll start a charming love affair or you'll have a lovely success in the artistic field. Possibilities of pleasant travels or correspondences. Check your blood circulation.
November 05, 2006
You'll live a day very rich in unexpected sentimental events; you'll then need a strong will! You can let yourself commit a small folly so as to give yourself some courage and keep up your joy of living. This astral climate will definitely be favorable to recovery from serious illnesses and nervous breakdowns. You'll probably have some reasons for being concerned about your children, especially if they're teenagers.
November 06, 2006
Your conjugal life will not be placed under the sign of harmony, for you may find it difficult to resist temptations; beware of domestic scenes! Interesting proposals will perhaps be made to you. Try to see people under a new light. You'll tend to be very authoritarian and uncompromising; consequently, there will be conflict with your circle. Turn your tongue seven times in your mouth before speaking.
November 07, 2006
Don't touch the family's budget to satisfy one of your present whims, otherwise watch out! It's in your duty to stick to your commitments, even if you have overestimated your possibilities -- your credibility will depend on it. In love you will benefit from the support of the stars, as physical accord as well as spiritual communion will be reached; fill yourself up with sensual pleasures. Show respect toward elderly people.
November 08, 2006
A romance will begin to develop rapidly and bring you unspeakable joys. Don't let yourself be overcome by your concerns, profit by the pleasures which life offers you. Maintain the health of your entire digestive tract by drinking much plain water. You'll feel a great desire to strengthen family ties. You'll want to charm, you'll be enthusiastic, and you'll react with much kindness and delicacy.
November 09, 2006
Noticeable improvement in your relationships with the opposite sex, which may lead to a lasting union; you'll know how to smooth out the rough edges with humor, but do not overdo it. Control your diet; avoid heavy and salty dishes and sauces. Don't get bogged down in a lawsuit if a dispute takes place. A day marked with good luck in many spheres; don't remain with your arms folded and don't be disillusioned.
November 10, 2006
An excellent day to start a diet program and to improve your health. Workwise, you'll be very much motivated to succeed. This time, it'll be necessary to put your common sense aside and only to listen to your heart. The natives of this sign who want to change their residence will see their search crowned with success. The stars will accentuate your taste for conquest and your need for novelty; so don't hesitate to embark on difficult projects.
November 11, 2006
Many friendly contacts and new ideas will stimulate your mind and energy. Don't undertake any far-reaching project this time and don't take any unnecessary risks. This astral environment will have the finest effect on your physical appearance; you'll please, you'll want to charm! It will be in your interest to act with the greatest honesty toward yourself and not be imposed upon by those close people who sometimes are only self-interested.
November 13, 2006
Take advantage of the current positive influxes to put some order in your household if you're married; and if you aren't, then hatch out projects for living in couple. You'll be confronted with some emotional problems, but your friends will bring you appreciable support. You'll round a bend by making an essential discovery about yourself. An unfavorable day for settling an inheritance issue. Encounters will be favored during some journeys. Your appetite will be very fickle.
November 14, 2006
Resounding love at first sight may take place. Difficulties of a dialogueueue with your children; show tolerance and comprehension so that things will become easier between you and them. Refrain from being indecisive, presumptuous or from believing that all is permitted to you. You'll have emotional satisfactions of various kinds, and they will help you calm your anxieties in face of the future or your small professional concerns.
November 15, 2006
In your family, there'll be some disturbances, but nothing really serious. If you love life, it will love you and will shower you with its benefits. Do not embark on risky financial deals. Sensible decline of your physical capacities; don't be overly anxious about this and don't have recourse to self-styled medications. Beware of sentimental complications, which arise most often from self-pride reactions; be more tolerant.
November 16, 2006
This will be an excellent day for love and tenderness; cloudless sentimental sky to be enjoyed unreservedly! You'll feel certain discomforts that are not serious in themselves but that you'll unconsciously find convenient in order to escape reality. Beware if you are in politics, as a reversal of situation may come about quite unexpectedly. Your finances will be limited by the prevailing circumstances.
November 17, 2006
Careerwise, you'll lack neither assurance nor determination; you'll be well decided to impose your views and ideas, even though you may have to deal with high-ranking people. A lack of conformism will incline you to go around with a questionable crowd. There may be some ups and downs for your heart: You'll experience more deceptions than satisfactions. Risks of inflammatory troubles are to be foreseen.
November 18, 2006
These astral influences will be definitely favorable to a harmonious home life; getting along with your children will be easy. Choose your friends with proper judgment. You'll enjoy ideal love affairs today. It is useless to force things now, so it will be the moment to take stock of the situation and to relax. New ideas will present themselves to you; appreciate them and let them inspire you.
November 19, 2006
A very good day for declaring your burning love; moreover, the astral benevolence will make it possible for you to clear up misunderstandings with the beloved one. If you're up to date in your payments, then you won't have to worry ; if this is not the case, problems will soon pile up. At work, your skills will develop, and several obstacles will be removed. A split in an old friendship seems possible; don't make a drama about it. Help your children in their studies.
20 Nov 06
Good contacts with your friends; you'll have things to tell them and will spend good moments in their company. Do not give in to disorderly impulses; in this way your success will be assured. The astral environment augurs a sentimental conflict, a separation, perhaps even a questioning of your love. Your appetite will be insatiable and capricious, and intestinal disorders may ensue; avoid heavy and salty dishes and sauces.
21 Nov 06
All your past sentimental disappointments will be quickly forgotten, and you'll experience new, exquisite love affairs. On the material plane, you'll be very effective and qualified. You'll obtain good results in your work if you adapt yourself to the development of the situation. Increased risks of liver disorders: you'll have to get a hold of yourself concerning food and reduce your consumption of fats.