28 Sep 06
You must spend more time with your family, for there's not only your work that counts. Cardiovascular disorders will be on the decrease. Beware of blows below the belt: Watch out for certain coworkers who have never inspired your confidence. If you must carry out an important financial transaction, take the maximum of guaranties. Your social position will know a favorable day; your various contacts will be fruitful. You'll take good initiatives in your work. Your love life will be very sunny.
29 Sep 06
Your nerves will be put to test: maximum irritation because of your children, loud shouts with neighbors and, on top of all that, a big dispute with your spouse! With you, even a mild beginning attraction may quickly become a great fire of love. Your instincts may overpower you; don't let them dominate you completely. You'll have ideas of genius and astounding cleverness; profit by that well, particularly on the professional plane.
30 Sep 06
Harmony will reign over your family. Great risk of infection; beware of diseases! The misunderstandings between you and your beloved one will be quickly dissipated, and your amorous sky will become very sunny again. Luck will smile to you and, as if by magic, you'll succeed in finding funds that will save you from disaster; well, you may start to believe in miracles! You must be very vigilant in business and refrain from investing in long-term projects.
1 Oct 06
Climate favorable to easing, to a sentiment of liberation that will render you more sociable, more dynamic and heartier. Think of exploiting your hidden talents, you'll be surprised at them. Also, take care of your public image. Do not mix your professional life and family lives, otherwise you may have unnecessary problems. Beware of one person in your circle who'll have fun speaking ill of you.
2 Oct 06
New love affairs will present themselves to you, but they'll only be short-lived. Caution concerning your finances; don't spend your money too easily, otherwise it won't be long before problems will assail you! This day presents risks of wounds caused by an accident; it'll be plentiful with clumsy gestures, so be careful in your movements and keep dangerous objects and toxic products out of children's reach. A rather blurry day: You won't really know what you want or in what direction to concentrate your efforts.
3 Oct 06
In family, you'll readily forget the subjects of arguments that worried you so much up to now. You could start being sensitive to allergies again and you might also be subject to mild skin irritations, so be cautious about your food; avoid eating canned foods, shellfish and eggs. Nice time for the heart; perfect harmony with the beloved one. Singles, you're going to make an encounter that you won't stop congratulating yourselves for.
4 Oct 06
On the emotional plane, you'll have a feeling of enclosure; in order to dissipate this impression, try to tackle a real, calm, frank and direct dialogue with your mate. You're of irreproachable honesty, of course, but it would be unrealistic to expect everyone else to be so! A great many natives of the sign might know problems in their home: possible conflicts with the parents or children for all kinds of reasons, difficulties to balance private life and work, etc. Cope with these difficulties calmly.
5 Oct 06
There is sure to be perfect harmony with the loved one if you're clever enough to hide your susceptibility or tolerant enough not to be picky; beware of jealousy as of the plague. In your work, you might be neglectful or careless, letting big errors go by or running the risk of some accidents. Your nervous resistance will be bad and will be the cause of horrifying nightmares; think to relax.
6 Oct 06
You'll enjoy prosperity, and money will come in from all parts, but only on condition that you do not embark on hazardous speculations by following the advice of nonspecialists. Your most beautiful love dreams will have an occasion to come true. But your children will give you a lot of concern. The stars will join their influences to support your various actions and steps. You'll be full of dash and dynamism while showing a balanced, precise and objective mind.
7 Oct 06
Your mind for initiative and undertaking will manifest itself to support your ambition; you won't fear risk, and this will assure your success. You'll work much, most often in tandem, and will receive warm encouragements. You'll achieve feats in your professional life, to the surprise of all; however, beware of an exaggerated feeling of euphoria. Possible catastrophe on the emotional plane; the only means to limit the damage is to accept with resignation the constraints and disappointments imposed by the circumstances.
8 Oct 06
A very good day for straightening out your accounts; you'll consolidate your material situation thanks to a complete reorganization (give your preference to long-term investments and reduce your expenses). This day looks favorable to sentimental recoveries; above all, beware of any tendency toward emotional blackmail. Tendencies to decalcification, rheumatisms and arthritis; go to bed early in the evening. You'll use your abilities to advantage in your work by bringing an extremely ambitious project to a successful conclusion.
9 Oct 06
Those of you who are single will doubtlessly live a vibrating love affair; however, be on your guard, for there'll be storm in the air and heated discussions with the chosen of your heart. Don't stay inactive -- develop a passion for something! Daring, daring, daring: such must be your motto this time. But you can get success only if you know how to remain levelheaded and do not to mistake rashness for daring. Don't wait for happiness to be served to you on a silver platter -- go and get it!
10 Oct 06
At your work, you'll be a real live wire, and your funny stories will make your colleagues split their sides laughing. But this won't necessarily please your superiors. Show that you can also be serious when necessary. Digestion and assimilation could be bad, so don't eat in just any way and at any moment -- it will be important to observe a good dietary balance. You'll tend to behave as if your vacation has never ended.
11 Oct 06
In your family, you won't have to look a long time for a solution: it'll present itself to you. After an angry outburst, you'll be a little upset; from now on, don't take the smallest incident as if it was a tragedy. You'll have a chance to meet great love -- the one written with a capital L -- live it intensely, but avoid proclaiming it all over the place. The circumstances will compel you to take a position, to implicate yourself, and to make clear-cut choices. Your friends will give you lots of joys.
12 Oct 06
You'll show much sympathy and kindness to people around you -- it'll be stronger than you, and you won't be able to resist the pleasure of buying everything that you like, from the most insignificant thing to the most beautiful object of collection. You'll have to dominate your enormous appetite; if you can't manage it, watch out for various health complications! Don't make any confidences because they could set off conversations and cause you irreparable damage. Your life as a couple will be very pleasant if you pay attention to your remarks.
13 Oct 06
You'll like to charm and flit about; but if you trespass certain limits, you'll have to experience a very bad surprise. It seems that great meticulousness in performance can give your work a new and positive orientation; your ideas will be good, so this time, don't hesitate to show audacity. Organize your budget better and resist your ruinous desires of purchases. You'll overflow with drive, energy and enthusiasm, which will enable you to achieve numerous feats.
14 Oct 06
You're encountering financial difficulties presently? Don't count on the stars, for none of them seems to be ready to get you out of the quagmire; the only solution that remains will be to reduce your expenses to a minimum, to make severe savings. Jealous? Not at all! But you'd prefer your partner to stop playing with your nerves. Make them understand this, while taking all necessary precautions so as not to provoke a dispute. Healthwise, prefer fish to meat and don't abuse coffee, tea, all stimulants.
15 Oct 06
Think about getting rid of those relationships that don't bring anything to you and that only make you waste your time and your money; only keep those you're sure of and who share certain interests with you. Your relationships with the opposite sex will be tinted with romanticism; very pleasant sentimental encounters in view. Your projects will start to be structured, but don't hurry, as you will run the risk of seeing everything capsize. Some headaches, which could be due to a slight overwork; take it easy, make sure to get enough sleep.
16 Oct 06
Creative without being eccentric, you'll this time round an important bend in your career. Control your words, otherwise you may hurt a person who is very dear to your heart. Greatly beware of excessive perfectionism, otherwise you may encounter unnecessary problems. Beware of an intoxication by the digestive tract; only eat foods that are organic and perfectly fresh, and don't eat shellfish.
17 Oct 06
Prepare your timetable with care and stick to it without fantasy. Routine work will be richly rewarded this time. Numerous material problems in perspective: breakdowns, outages, delays, losses, dysfunction of appliances, etc. You'll be very much inclined to get all worked up and to give everyone a roasting, but you can also, more intelligently, take the situation with humor and laugh about it. An ideal day for contacts, small trips, appointments, relations, leisure, relaxation, pleasant outings.
18 Oct 06
In family, dialog will be too difficult; wait until another day to tackle fundamental problems. The stars will incite risks of misunderstanding or misapprehension between you and your beloved one. You'll be clearly inclined to live above your means. Beware of your present penchant to react in too emotional a manner, otherwise you may encounter numerous problems. Very good contacts with your friends.
19 Oct 06
You'll have some reasons to be dissatisfied with one of your children, but don't be too severe. Be careful of overwork! You would have everything to gain by respecting a very strict food hygiene and by sleeping as much as possible; daily stretching exercises would be excellent. You'll work a lot and efficiently; teamwork will be especially favored. Calculate the true value of your friendships by testing them; that way it'll be possible to avoid false friends and apparent supports.
20 Oct 06
Be ready to take advantage of the unforeseen but beneficial events that could take place in your professional environment. You'll be entitled to great sentimental joys. Traveling around and journeys made during this day will bring you a very salutary breath of fresh air, and all the more so as the journeys will be made under unusual circumstances. Beware of thoughtless actions, of decisions taken on the spur of the moment. Circumstances will enable you to carry out very lucrative financial transactions.
21 Oct 06
Your professional activities will benefit from extraordinary energy and vitality; you'll be able to overcome obstacles and cope with problems. Possible nervousness, lack of concentration and also disputes or fits of the sulks in the conjugal domain will be part of the day's program. Try to solve a delicate affair that perturbs your relationships with a person to whom you're very much attached; you'll easily find an understanding. Think to look for the company of people who share your interests as well as your ideals.
22 Oct 06
Don't fret too much about your children, by wanting to overprotect them. Profit by the present good astral aspects to carry out important financial transactions. You'll be clever and efficient because you'll be able to measure out risks, but beware of your expenses. You'll think less to fight in order to achieve your ambitions than to profit by the pleasures of life. Your friendship life will give you many satisfactions. In your work, much will be demanded of you, but you'll be well supported by the stars.
23 Oct 06
Your fears concerning your material incomes will be renewed; however, it's not by engaging yourself in high risky investments that you'll be able to save yourself from danger. Don't think about the too far away future. A wind of change will blow on you and you'll want to innovate in your work and your family life. In love, there will be jealousy in the air. You'll have the impression of not understanding your children's reactions at all; be patient, things will sort themselves out.
24 Oct 06
At home, you'll show yourself much more expansive than usual; the atmosphere will be very merry. Nervousness and anxiety may overtake you; to fight them, take some vitamin B, eat meats like lamb and beef kidneys, and eat dried vegetables and whole-wheat bread. Your professional activity will be feverish, and it'll be necessary to coordinate things in the most logical possible way. The cosmic influxes could wake up an unusual ardor in you that'll make you fall in love too easily.