9 Jul 06
Your charming power will grow tenfold; this charm, you'll use not only in love but also to obtain financial support or help. Tenacity and dedication will be your main qualities; even if you encounter important obstacles, you'll refuse to give up. Physically, you must redouble your vigilance and caution so as to prevent accidents; it'd be better not to travel, especially by airplane, and to avoid all sports competition, which also implies an increased risk.
10 Jul 06
Very efficient and enterprising, you'll know how to transmit your conquering spirit to your colleagues; however, you may find it hard to obey the orders of your superiors. The Moon will protect your love affairs; everything will go well on this front and any recent disappointments or delusions will be shelved indefinitely. Learn to profit by the present without regretting the past or being anxious for the future. You can greatly improve your health by pursuing a program of daily exercise.
11 Jul 06
Your anguishes in face of the idea of death, disease, want, loneliness and so on will perturb you somewhat; but why at the same time bear the burden of this day and that of the whole future? You'll probably be interested by a small flirtation; it would be prudent not to take it seriously, for the astral aspects concerning love life seem rather unfavorable. Under the prevailing difficult economic circumstances, show utmost vigilance so as not to fall into the traps of swindlers and rip-off merchants of all kinds.
12 Jul 06
This will be a propitious time to reorganize your finances so as to prevent budgetary acrobatics, which are sure to exhaust you. Your family relationships will become much more harmonious than they have been lately. In love, listen to your heart for once and put your reason aside. If you're single, you'll feel a growing need to get married; if you live in couple, you'll experience a renewal of passion.
13 Jul 06
Don't forget that an excess of precaution may provoke reactions that are more serious than the very dangers they are supposed to prevent. Have confidence in your intuition, which will be excellent. Harmony will prevail in your emotional life, be it concerning your love affairs, your family or your friends. Your indecisiveness will be increased by the present astral configurations; to remedy this, make a decision and stick to it. Difficulties in your work; have patience and be stoic
14 Jul 06
The stars advise that you avoid making expenses that are not planned in your budget, for if you buy what's superfluous, you'll soon have to sell what's necessary! Try by all means to control your excessive edginess: do sports, relaxation, yoga and take strolls in the countryside or mountains. You'll feel galvanized by a new love; profit by it in order to do what you've never dared to do and you'll feel contented.
15 Jul 06
You'll begin to go through a phase of deepening and strengthening in many domains. In a general way, self-confidence and optimism will be needed. Loneliness, the indifference of people and sometimes boredom may perhaps drive you to looking for friendships in questionable circles; don't let yourself be taken in by them. You'll have an opportunity to multiply interesting encounters, to have access to a very closed entourage, and to obtain the support of influential people. Profit well by these favorable astral influxes.
16 Jul 06
Thanks to this dynamic astral environment, you'll feel in full possession of your capacities. You can carry out delicate negotiations successfully, enter into fruitful agreements, or solve some thorny problems superbly. Your parental instinct will be strengthened: you may have a strong desire to have children or, if you already have children, to educate them very carefully and to give them the best chances in life.
17 Jul 06
Life will seem to you wonderful and quite worth living and you'll try to communicate your joy of living to those around you. Careerwise, your ideas will be of rare clarity and your energy will help you carry out any initiative on your part. Your friendships will have a particular charm and you'll create new ones. Some nervousness, which you can easily dispel by relaxing a few minutes. Try to live less under pressure, take it easy and make use of a good sense of humor.
18 Jul 06
Very favorable climate for signing contracts, treatises, commercial associations. If you're in negotiations, it's useless to incite you to prudence, as it will be your second nature this time. If you think you have the possibility to go and settle down in small provincial town, don't hesitate to do it; the stars will favor your move. No major health problem to be feared; but in order to remain in good form, keep a watch on your diet; try not to abuse meat, and work to increase your intake of fresh vegetables.
19 Jul 06
If you feel somewhat tired or apathetic, don't overwork yourself. You'll feel perfectly in harmony with yourself and your environment. This astral juncture will bring you luck in all fields; profit well by the beneficial influxes to seize all the opportunities that will present themselves to you. Remember that a good ambiance at your work is not a matter of course but needs to be created; and don't forget that to pursue one's career is one thing, to be happy in one's work is another.
20 Jul 06
Try to be reasonable -- you are inclined to invest too much in your love affairs. Arguing with your loved ones is nothing disastrous, but it can be if you lose your temper. Your inner contradictions become more acute and may cause you some uneasiness. Try to control your irritability and tendency toward anger. The circumstances evolve in such a way as to help you occupy a much higher position in your career.
21 Jul 06
Your temperament will be more fiery than ever; nevertheless, as you'll often let yourself be swept away by your momentum, beware of the risk of committing some errors in the sentimental or amorous fields. Nothing will stop you in your work because you'll be so motivated to reach your objectives. If you've until now had much difficulty making real friends, this time you'll spare no effort so as to know true friendship; you'll preserve it very carefully because, for you, it will double your joys and reduce your sorrows.
22 Jul 06
You may encounter some difficulties in your work, but you can easily overcome them if you keep your calm and make use of a good sense of humor. The natural defenses of your body may be weakened; take vitamin C in order to boost them up. Beware of colds and allergies. Don't take any medicines without the advice of your doctor. The ambiance of your family will be very merry, and your relationships with your children will be excellent. Good news from a relative or close friend.
23 Jul 06
It might be time to make strict savings in order to prevent a financial storm. Go and visit your friends and do them services. You won't have the last word to say at home. You'll ask yourself many questions, and you'll question your certitudes. This day promises you thrilling love at first sight, a passionate but ephemeral amorous adventure; don't engage yourself under such circumstances. Friendship will be greatly favored today.
24 Jul 06
Positive astral influxes in the domain of career -- the support of competent persons will make things easy for you. Profit by this occasion to carry out the changes you have been considering for some time. The stars will subject you to an uneasy state of mind, although actually you have nothing to be anxious about; learn to look at the brighter side of life and to make use of a good sense of humor.
25 Jul 06
You'll be in a great physical and psychological shape, and your optimistic demeanor is liable to lead you to success on many a front. If you're married, you'll drag your spouse into original entertainments. If you're single, you'll be quite ready to renounce your freedom this time for the sake of couple life. Intestinal pains as well as dermatoses caused by nervousness will regress considerably.
26 Jul 06
A very intense sensual climate, that will make your ardor and vigor grow tenfold. The fire of your desires will burn you, while your excellent physical form will allow you to give free rein to your sexual drive. Don't be too intransigent, too possessive with your family entourage, otherwise you may lose your peace of mind; don't hesitate to grant your children some more freedom, especially if they're adolescents. Beware of certain persons, particularly those who'll try to draw you into questionable dealings.
27 Jul 06
The moment will be extremely favorable to an emotional restart; get rid of all that hindered you and go resolutely ahead. It's useless to try to bury your head in the sand; you'll have to cope with the truth one day or another. This day is placed under the sign of chance; do things in double-quick time in all fields and you'll be the winner. Beware of various intoxications, notably by drugs.
28 Jul 06
If you've pursued an haphazard diet, you may have digestive issues; make an effort at self-discipline by refraining from the foods that are inappropriate to you even though you're very fond of them. Fruitful associations in view; you'll need others to bring your most ambitious projects to a successful conclusion, so try to choose really competent and trustworthy associates. Tackle activities of a voluntary character in order to have a sufficiently objective view of your own personal problems.
29 Jul 06
You'll be inclined to be more withdrawn than usual and prone to see things only under your very personal light. Your bronchial tubes and throat might become more sensitive; protect them from humidity and draughts. Review your values and your priority list, because they may be no longer valid! Some risks of financial complications; curb your expenses. Good concord in your amorous life, particularly if your love partner is new.
30 Jul 06
You'll be well inspired if you try to find rapid and efficacious solutions to your present problems; on the other hand, if you shirk such problems, they'll only worsen, and then you may find yourself confronted with inextricable difficulties. If by chance someone tries to overshadow you, you'll know how to react to protect yourself. As for your love life, it will be quite lively and even thrilling! Good general state of health, but you must beware of falls.
31 Jul 06
The atmosphere at your work will be electric, and the smallest disagreement may degenerate into a serious conflict; but nothing can prevent you from climbing up to the summit of the professional hierarchy. This climate will be favorable to writers and journalists. Don't drop off in a comfortable humdrum or a reassuring routine, otherwise you'll end up getting bored and discouragement or depression will come and visit you. Move, act, indulge in unusual or thrilling activities; make new encounters.
1 Aug 06
You'll be in a position to gather great professional or social satisfactions, to obtain support, to increase the number of your allies. But you must refrain from following the slope of your subjectivity; beware of unrealistic expectations! This astral ambiance will allow you to remain available, if only to satisfy your need to be loved, which is more acute than usual. It will create an atmosphere that's stimulating, fervent and propitious to renewal and unusual encounters. Clear your medicine cabinet of all useless or out-of-date drugs.
2 Aug 06
Psychologically, you'll be subject to rapid changes of mood. Dream as much as you want so as to console yourself of the hard realities of life; but don't let yourself be swamped by your dreams. Heartwise, you can expect profound joys. You'll be happy knowing that you're appreciated in a really gratifying manner by the beloved one whom you value, who inspires in you feelings of admiration, and in whom you discover the qualities of nobility and generosity.
3 Aug 06
If you love original and agreeable flirtation, you'll be well served this time. Do not dramatize anything: All things can be improved one day or another. Watch over your children more closely. More haste, less speed! If you hurry too much, you'll soon no longer know that your objectives are and what they consist of. Noticeable improvement of the state of your finances; sheer luck seems possible.
4 Aug 06
Don't be too much grieved about the wrongs people have done you: The world is made of good people, but also of wicked people, and you can do nothing about it! Even though you may be fascinated by certain mysticisms, keep some skepticism. Hurry up to discuss a familial question with your spouse. Careerwise, your ambition can be a factor of success if you don't let yourself be taken by wrong self-pride.
5 Aug 06
Some disappointments can be expected in one field or another if you forget that all truth is not good to be told. The planetary influences will be favorable to you in the family domain -- very harmonious family atmosphere. If you want to succeed in a given endeavor, then simply show energy and willpower. It's not love that will tempt you, but you need to prove to yourself your power of life and death over hearts; beware of possible painful backlashes!