November 16, 2006
Love will shower you with its boons, you'll be in a festive mood, and you'll find that life is really beautiful! Your finances will be good; you may even recover the sums of money that others owe you. Don't satisfy yourself with having only a superficial look at things; try to delve more deeply into every one of your undertakings. Have your eyes examined, particularly if you make long journeys with your car.
November 17, 2006
You'll honestly try to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds as far as your nearest and dearest are concerned; however, don't let yourself be taken advantage of, and energetically discard any person who would try to meddle with your private life. This astral climate is most favorable to business associations. Don't let yourself be tapped by those who would seek to abuse your generosity. A favorable day for new amorous adventures or for the blooming of an old relationship.
November 18, 2006
A favorable day for new friendships or for the beginning of new love affairs. You'll enjoy occupying yourself with a thousand small works at home. Be aware that your wallet isn't inexhaustible; you must watch out for money problems! You'll have more dynamism and vitality than usual. Patience will still be needed so that you don't make definite decisions to force events or to provoke a power struggle.
November 19, 2006
You'll attach too much importance to your minor health troubles, which your anxiousness will transform into great sufferings. You'll tend to pass without warning from enthusiasm to discouragement. In any case, cultivate hope. You'll rather easily find a solution to your familial problems. Your love affairs will be subject to ups and downs, particularly because of your utterly unrealistic desires.
20 Nov 06
You must beware of your passions, which could lead you well beyond your desires. At your workplace, think of giving yourself some oxygen and clearing out your mind by doing some simple respiratory exercises from time to time. There'll be tensions and fights, complications, clashes, strokes of bad luck, but don't be discouraged! Finances won't be bad, but you'll be tempted to throw money out of the window just for pleasure.
21 Nov 06
You'll realize good understanding with your aging parents. Grease the wheels in your relationships. Don't let yourself be drawn into risky stock market deals. You'll be subject to trying tensions, you'll go through moments of extreme edginess followed by moments of discouragement. In love, if you give in to your perverse impulses of the moment, you'll experience a succession of good and bad news.
22 Nov 06
Good chances to please, seduce or establish a privileged tie with an intelligent and brilliant person. Do not embark on so gigantic undertakings that it will be impossible for you to succeed in. Your intestinal troubles may make a comeback. Learn to feed yourself in a wholesome way; eat a balanced diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables. Do not be indifferent to everything. You'll be subject to terrible fits of anger, and you'll feel guilty afterward.
23 Nov 06
Stand up, it's dangerous for you to stay ceaselessly on the defensive, both morally and physically. Keep up your good hope in spite of all, for rejoicing events are already in the offing. The current astral influxes will bring good luck with money. Despite your dynamism, you'll be right to want to get some rest and relaxation. Beware of certain of your friends who may try to push you into very uncomfortable situations.
24 Nov 06
Show the utmost carefulness if you drive a car, because your reflexes will not be as good as usual. You'll have a very pronounced taste for luxurious objects and sensual pleasures. Try to remain moderate in everything. Sentimental encounters will be magnificent, your ardor will be appreciated and your enthusiasm shared. However, be careful in your impulses, for you risk crossing the path of unscrupulous persons.
25 Nov 06
You'll this time be quite determined to take your destiny into your own hands; you won't be any longer afraid of obstacles. You'll undergo a slight setback in your business, and you'll see some financial restrictions. If you continue to idealize your beloved one, you're soon likely to be disappointed. It would be about time to relax if you want to avoid exhausting your reserves. Good contacts with your close relations.
26 Nov 06
Some difficulties in your work, but you'll be able to solve them without a hitch. You may be interested in a small flirtation, but it would be wise not to take it seriously. You'll be rather vulnerable to the blues and fatigue because of your disappointed hopes. Try to see things more objectively, do not have a fixation about what goes wrong. Eat foods with high magnesium content: dried fruits and vegetables, soy, cocoa.
27 Nov 06
The success of your projects will depend this time solely on your ability to adapt yourself to the circumstances. This astral climate will be very favorable to unprecedented sensuous pleasures. The more you will distinguish the true from the false, the more real satisfactions you'll obtain. The force of your emotions will tend to disturb your general equilibrium, thus making you vulnerable to stress and various digestive troubles.
28 Nov 06
Money will try to get into your purse; but avoid an adventurous operation. On the heart's side, you'll play with your charms brilliantly and successfully. Healthwise, your throat and bronchi will be sensitive. Some concessions will have to be made in family. In society, you'll be brilliant, charming, attractive. Your intuition will be excellent and will help you to avoid some potentially disastrous mistakes.
29 Nov 06
Let your partner express themself to you more often, for they will have as good ideas as yours. Beware of emerging small health problems; cope with them without delay. Not a good day to make hasty decisions on the financial plane. Protected professional life with unexpected strokes of luck. Don't dig in your heels; a more open approach will be necessary to simplify and facilitate your contacts.
30 Nov 06
A phenomenal opportunity for an amorous encounter will be given to you, but you shouldn't be shy. You won't be able to do everything at the same time; try to establish a better order your priorities. The stars will encourage you to be less demanding in your relationships; you'll know how to appreciate the qualities of your friends. Beware of thoughts turning dark: To counter them, indulge in some exciting occupation or practice a sport. You'll enjoy satisfactory health if you don't commit excesses.
1 Dec 06
Your work will be intense; try to take frequent moments of rest. Take a close interest in your children's schoolwork; they will need your encouragement. Risks of disputes concerning a heritage; don't react in an exaggerated manner, make the necessary decisions after mature consideration. This astral climate will incite you to strengthen your emotional ties and to prove your attachment to those whom you love.
2 Dec 06
You'll spend exquisite moments with your heart's desire. Beware of your rapid changes of mood, which are disconcerting not only for yourself but also for your nearest and dearest! Take stock of your material situation and of your finances; you'll then realize that you've not been sufficiently careful and reasonable. In your work, you'll have every chance to obtain what you wish; however, you'll have to be less authoritarian.
3 Dec 06
Think more of taking care of your health; organize yourself in such a way as to live less under pressure, more relaxed, and to profit by life's pleasures. You'll be well surrounded and receive moral support from your close ones. Show tactfulness, don't try to force people and things. You'll have great chances to taste amorous happiness; an excellent day to legalize one's sentimental relationships.
4 Dec 06
At work, don't try to get ahead of schedule. Say what you think and you'll feel better. Heartwise, you'll experience great emotions; moments of hope will alternate with moments of anguish. You'll be very irritable, your spirits will be prone to frequent highs and lows; let off your steam on an athletic field. Tendency toward insomnia. Detach yourself from certain improper friends; you'll have the opportunity to tie new friendly bonds.
5 Dec 06
Your health may reveal itself satisfactory if you know how to spare your nerves. A somewhat tense climate in your family, particularly with your children. Don't hesitate to make difficult decisions if they allow you to progress. You'll enjoy much cleverness in solving various problems and find relationships likely to help you. Your finances will be good, and you can rely on your intuition in this field.
6 Dec 06
Increased financial potentials and cleverness in transactions. Do exercise so as to have a better blood circulation. All contracts will be favored. Be firm toward your close relatives and make them understand that there are limits that should not be trespassed; failing this, they will become too intrusive and you won't be able to enjoy your private life. Give friendship a better place in your life. Good work, perseverance and useful supports will be the keys to your success.
7 Dec 06
In love, your gentleness will win you huge amounts of gratitude and tenderness from your loved one. The stars will bring good chances for you in financial investments or real estate deals. At work, don't underestimate your adversaries; if you try to find out their weaknesses, you'll have success without much difficulty. Beware of foods that are not quite fresh, the risks of a food poisoning being great.
8 Dec 06
There will exist certain tension in your home, but a tolerant attitude will rapidly straighten things out. Put small details aside; it's important that you concern yourself only with the essential. The more you will distinguish the true from the false, the more real satisfactions you'll obtain. Certain long-term investments will begin to reveal themselves profitable. You'll also have the possibility to carry out good financial deals
9 Dec 06
You'll be protected from utopian desires and bad financial surprises. The tensions that complicate your work will not disappear rapidly, so you'll need some patience and much tact to overcome them. Excellent state of health. Slow down your work tempo, for your family will need you. Assured amorous success; whatever your love situation, you'll be satisfied today. No cloud will come to darken your sky.
10 Dec 06
A favorable day for the sentimental field, as it will give you many satisfactions and will reassure you. You won't spare your efforts to strengthen your present love relation. Possibility of beautiful reunions with friends. Take precautions to avoid a robbery or a burglary. You'll enjoy much energy; nevertheless, try not to squander it. This will be a day of personal achievement and of progress.
11 Dec 06
You'll be more attentive to details and will try to go around obstacles instead of attacking them head on. You'll run the risk of falling or bruising your ankle. Drink much plain water in order to eliminate your toxins well. If you have tensions or conflicts with your coworkers, there'll be nothing more to do than to temper the minds. Very good understanding with your children, but watch over their nightly outings.
12 Dec 06
You'll feel perfectly in harmony with yourself and your environment. This astral juncture will bring you luck in all fields; profit well by the beneficial influxes to seize all the opportunities that will present themselves to you. Do not sacrifice your health for anything, be it riches, honors or love. The stars will greatly favor amorous encounters; if you're in a quest of your soul mate, just go out and meet people and your dream will come true.
13 Dec 06
In your profession, you'll be able to neutralize the difficulties and obstacles that have obstructed you until now. If you ask for a pay raise, it will be granted to you. There may be risks of neuralgias, giddiness and tremors, so take extra doses of magnesium. You finances will be well protected, and your material situation will show improvement if you agree to recognize your past errors.
14 Dec 06
You'll will benefit from the support of the stars when you meet a person who might improve your social position. If you don't take care of your nerves, your relationships with your close ones will be seriously impaired. Good luck will be on your side in love, in money or even in both; but in order to deserve it, you'll have to move forward with wisdom and courage. Your professional projects will be favored by fortune.