18 Oct 06
Think of controlling yourself in matters of food -- reduce your consumption of heavy dishes, alcohol, tobacco, coffee and drugs. Go and visit your parents: This will give them great pleasure. You'll be working relentlessly in order to achieve the ambitions that you feel are now within your reach; you'll be favored by fortune. You'll have to cope with staunch adversaries, but it's you who'll triumph.
19 Oct 06
The emotional climate will be sunny, and this will concern love as well as friendships or relationships between various generations. Surrounded by those of whom you're fond of, you'll enjoy harmony and gaiety. You'll be easily on edge. At work, you'll start seeing the positive results of your past efforts. Beware of your current tendency to take your dreams for reality, as that could lead to irresponsibility and dilettantism, hence to failures.
20 Oct 06
Rather animated love life that, unfortunately, will not be devoid of conflicts because of your current tendency to flit about. You'll be the object of some indelicate intrigues from one of your friends; but if you remain coolheaded, you'll get through this ordeal without any real problems; get rid of friends who don't deserve this name. You're likely to be inconstant in your efforts, with a clear tendency to take useless risks; try to dominate your impulsiveness. Above all, don't take financial risks, particularly for friends.
21 Oct 06
It's probable that your need of money will become very worrisome; what's essential will be to hold until the wheel turns, and it will turn in your favor almost right away. Life in your home will be subject to many turmoils and won't run the risk of monotony. You won't have the intention to let yourself be pushed around. Also, you'll refuse concessions and compromises. For once, gossip will leave you indifferent. In your work, you'll have a superb competitive mind; and woe betide those who will overshadow you or oppose your projects!
22 Oct 06
In order to avoid possible conflicts, don't show yourself to be too categorical toward your close ones. You must spare your nervous system and keep a close watch on your diet. You'll be a glutton for work and you'll be congratulated on it. But you'll forget that family life needs gentleness and harmony; make efforts to show yourself under a more tender and merrier light. Your financial situation will evolve in a very favorable manner. You won't remain insensitive to the charm of a person who you recently met and you will begin to form sweet dreams about them.
23 Oct 06
Don't be afraid of giving your opinion on how to improve the functioning of the company that employs you. On the financial front, your rather dreamy and carefree side can make you miss some excellent opportunities; consequently it'll be useful to get help from a more realistic and qualified person. Endowed with an enormous amount of talent, you'll easily succeed in solving practical and material problems. Total complicity with your children. You'll feel harassed by a friend who won't stop burdening you with his unwanted advice.
24 Oct 06
At work, you'll have the best chances possible to bring your enterprises to a successful conclusion. Risks of inflammations, transitory fevers and above all rather painful raging toothache. Learn to feed yourself in a wholesome way; eat a balanced diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables. Don't be afraid to express your ideas. Excellent chances of success if you must make delicate moves or make decisions concerning your sentimental or familial future.
25 Oct 06
You'll be able to profit by kindness and useful supports coming from people of the opposite sex; don't deprive yourself of them. No big health problems to be feared, but your vitality could undergo a slight decline; it'll be necessary to avoid alcoholic drinks, which are bad for your kidneys, and to take a little more rest. During this day you'll have the best chances of bringing your activities to a successful conclusion, especially those concerning your career.
26 Oct 06
Don't let yourself be drawn into experiences that might make you lose your sense of reality. In your friendly relationships, a small trap will put your self-control to the test. You'll have a great deal of extra work, which will offer you an unhoped-for occasion to make a great leap forward. A little fall of vitality and morale is possible. Avoid stimulants, and don't forget that laughter is a real panacea.
27 Oct 06
In your work, give precedence to flexibility and easiness, for you'll probably try too hard to achieve a gigantic project that you've been dreaming of for a long time, and some people will not see this with a good eye. The difficulties in your work may increase your present tendency toward edginess, even to the blues. See to it that your problems do not have a bearing on your home life. Force yourself to change your ideas. Make sure that your view of things is not distorted.
28 Oct 06
Your tastes for luxury will awaken; beware, then! Your enemies will occupy too much place in your mind; but life is too short for you to concern yourself with those whom you detest! Closely watch over your accounts and make sure that you've paid your taxes and other fiscal charges; otherwise you might get into serious trouble. Moreover, you'll have much difficulty resisting your desire to spend all your money.
29 Oct 06
Don't wrap yourself up at the slightest blow to your self-pride; be less emotional. Like a rock, you'll be there to manage to settle family problems as soon as they come up. You'll be able to adapt yourself easily to circumstances and draw the best possible advantages from them. Healthwise, you'll finally recover all your vitality: No more sinking feelings and lacks of energy as in the previous periods!
30 Oct 06
Be firm with your children. Think to lead a more wholesome, better-balanced life -- eat an organic diet and get more exercise and rest. Practice good mental hygiene; in this way, you'll be in a position to best cope with numerous problems to come. Your morale will reach a peak: your optimism, your sociability and your joviality will win you may sympathies. This astral juncture will favor romance, idyll and tender sentiments.
31 Oct 06
On the financial front, avoid excessive risks and beware of too alluring proposals. Your sleep will be agitated and won't allow you to recuperate well. Certain people of your own sign will exercise a pernicious or dangerous fascination with you; you should be careful about it, because this time it may lead you much further than you wish to go. You'll need support from your close relations to bring peace back into your household; but don't let anyone interfere unduly with your personal life or dictate your attitude.
01 Nov 06
Your couple life will give you many joys; passion will be present. A very important encounter is possible. With your family, don't start a serious discussion, for there'll be a storm in the air. The ailments that you may feel these days will be of psychic origin; spare your nerves and don't take drugs without authorized advice. A favorable day for dealing with delicate affairs. Try to maintain an affectionate and continuous contact with your parents.
02 Nov 06
At work, your perseverance will be put to a harsh test, but the astral climate will give you great clear-sightedness and good luck. This will be an agreeable day to live, as you'll feel free and light. You'll make an amorous encounter that will immediately make you happy. Friendship and social life will be favored -- you'll meet people with whom you'll discover many affinities, and no cloud will come to darken your sky.
November 03, 2006
You'd be willing to follow a newly met person to the end of the world; nevertheless take time to reflect before engaging yourself. Whatever your plans or objectives may be, they'll butt against some serious obstacles; don't get discouraged because of that. Know that your relationships with your equals will improve your spirit and your heart. Don't wait for happiness to come to you, go out and seek it by enjoying each moment of your life.
November 05, 2006
This day will be well chosen to intensify your efforts in the pursuit of your ambitions. The stars will grant you excellent influxes in the field of relationships. Do not spend your money according to your mad desires; it's best to save for a rainy day. Your stomach will need to be relieved -- do not impose too great quantities of saucy dishes; only eat vegetables, meat or fish steamed or cooked in water.
November 06, 2006
This it an extremely favorable day for matters of the heart; you'll live your love affairs on a rosy cloud. This would be the ideal moment to carry out financial transactions. In family, you'll be compelled to take your close relatives' viewpoints into consideration; tackle negotiations squarely. Excellent state of health. You'll be able to make new friendly relationships under the sign of good-heartedness.
November 07, 2006
Don't embark on disputes and even less in legal procedures that might preclude the chances of an amicable agreement. Lend an attentive ear to your children so that your home will become for you a haven of peace. You'll more than ever have confidence in your good star and in yourself, and this will lead you to the path of success. Travel or contacts with foreigners will give you numerous satisfactions.
November 08, 2006
In order to be sure always to charm and never to displease, just be yourself, don't overdo things. Disagreements may appear in your conjugal life; try to find a compromise. Don't let yourself be unduly influenced. You'll need a lot of sleep; be careful not to take refuge in a dreamworld. You'll see an increase in enriching conversations if you put preconceived ideas and misunderstandings aside.
November 09, 2006
In business, think about protecting your assets, don't put all your eggs in the same basket. Risks of family quarrels. Your appeal for help will be heeded by a friend who won't hesitate to take risks in order to get you out of a jam. You'll reject fatalism and will be determined to speed the process of the events; your resolute attitude will bring you luck. It would be desirable to fast one weekend a month in order to eliminate any toxins blocking your liver.
November 10, 2006
This climate will be favorable to an easing of your internal conflicts, your anxieties, your fears. Problems with your spouse may occur because of a lack of dialogueueueue. Good professional success, whatever your branch of activity; do not, however, overestimate your capacities. Renew contact with persons you haven't seen for a long time, especially if this was because you had some tiff with them.
November 11, 2006
In your career, you'll be able to start over again on a new and solid foundation. Your common intestinal troubles could begin to disappear. You'll have to beware of your partner's reactions; the jealousy that you've aroused in them could result in exasperation, and it'll be you who'll pay the price. Your present tendency to postpone everything to a later moment is destructive, and you'll have to make an effort to fight it if you want to acquire real success.
November 13, 2006
This time, don't worry about the problems that you'll encounter: things will end up smoothing themselves out. The smokers of the sign won't be favored at all. You'll have the possibility to make new and interesting acquaintances. It'll be sunny in the sphere of love; your heart will be full of joys. It would be the right moment to make peace with certain members of your family; don't let this situation of misunderstanding last any longer.
November 14, 2006
At work, you'll know how to communicate your ardor to your colleagues; pay attention that you don't attract jealousy, which could damage your objectives. Grant your children more time, otherwise after a while they could feel deserted and profit by the situation to commit the silliest imprudences. Your financial situation will prove to be better than you thought it was. Redouble precautions against lung afflictions; you may also be subject to sleep disorders.
November 15, 2006
Your appeal to your intimate friends will not remain in vain: They'll soon provide you the necessary moral support. Instability will affect your couple; however, do not dramatize your love difficulties. You'll be tremendously efficient in your work, capable of overcoming your staunchest competitors. Possible health complications due to a bad food hygiene or to irregular taking of medicines or drugs.