15 Dec 06
The circumstances will be favorable to the launching and the success of many of your projects, but you'll have to carry out all your routine or fastidious tasks first. Don't put too much hope in your new amorous conquest, otherwise you might be disappointed. Your friendship relations will prove to be most satisfying. Take care of your appearance; this could help you to positively influence others.
16 Dec 06
Your love affairs will give you some concerns at this time, but you can improve this climate by showing yourself to be more modest and less authoritarian. Think to get more sleep; it will improve the general state of your health. You'll have original ideas that are capable of making you progress rapidly in the social and professional fields. Don't try to give your opinion when people don't ask for it expressly.
17 Dec 06
Favorable climate for reorganizing your conjugal life. Learn to express yourself more clearly so that others will understand you better. The atmosphere will be excellent for lovers of all kinds. If you have an opportunity to receive your superiors, don't worry: You'll perfectly know how to be up to the task. You'll be more receptive to the desires and needs of your nearest and dearest; your home will be for you a haven of peace.
18 Dec 06
In family life, you'll be full of drive and energy, but some disturbances might arise. You'll have much difficulty resisting food excesses; to counter this, think to eat a substantial breakfast before going to work. Certain of your projects may collapse suddenly and irrevocably because of lack of preparation. You must open yourself more in order to increase your chances of encounters and enrichment.
19 Dec 06
You can achieve one of your dearest professional or social ambitions this time. If you doggedly refuse compromise, sentimental problems will be inevitable. Keep your feelings close to your chest, as there might be a viper in the circle of your own intimate friends. You'll recover your smile by making efforts to get out of your routine; don't get stuck in a rut! Good ambiance in your family.
20 Dec 06
You may go from absolute bliss to the deepest sorrow, without transition or warning, and for a small dispute, a little worry! If the pay raise you expected is delayed, don't despair; it will be granted you soon. You'll have certain tendency toward gloom; the problem, in fact, is that you want to have everything immediately. Be less greedy and more patient, and everything will fare better and better.
21 Dec 06
You'll realize that certain persons closest to you are trying to sow discord within your own family; but you must not let them continue to do so. Your body will have tendencies toward decalcification; eat dairy products, lentils, and avoid acid foods. Great complicity will take place between you and your spouse, and your home life will be serene. The stars will give you great chances to improve your living conditions.
22 Dec 06
The stars will give you a better perception of the general trends in economy, fashion and the tastes of the public. Thanks to this flair, you could win a great victory in the domains of the stock market, social activities or public relations. You'll be very busy with your work and filled with the will to prove to your superiors what you're capable of. Think about having a healthier diet and doing daily exercise.
23 Dec 06
Good prospects for your career: The road toward success seems to be easy and free of obstacles. A very favorable day for all professional appointments, contracts and negotiations. You'll need to restore your energies; you might profit by acupuncture or lithotherapy. Your emotional exchanges will be facilitated. It doesn't matter for once: You'll have the right to make a small distortion in your budget!
24 Dec 06
You'll solidify your professional position and considerably improve your material situation. You'll realize that even meager means is enough to achieve astonishing things when one firmly believes in what one does. You'll want to complain, but know that nobody will listen to you willingly or will sympathize with you. Your relationships with your nearest and dearest may be perturbed because of your lack of objectivity.
25 Dec 06
Love will suddenly seem more vital to you than the air you breathe, and you'll be entirely willing to do everything to appease your heart. Your professional qualities will be fully recognized. Your immune defenses will be weakened, so avoid close contact with sick people. Occupy yourself more with your home. Concerning your intuition, you'll be pampered by the Moon: your flair will be infallible, especially when detecting the lack of authenticity in others.
26 Dec 06
If you manage your budget with rigor, you'll get the satisfaction of improving your resources. Those whose hearts are still available could discover love at first sight! Don't meddle with the private lives of other people, you'll be better off that way. Answer the questions asked by a child. On whole, you'll be dynamic and in full form. This day will be favorable to reflection and to intellectual work.
27 Dec 06
In your work, courage and perseverance will reveal themselves to be very paying. Don't forget to plan for a lean period while you're getting your harvest in. Beware of intoxications by inhalation; check your gas appliances. Beautiful amorous opportunities to seize; do not be so absentminded as to miss them! Your social relationships may be troubled because of your tendency to talk too much.
28 Dec 06
This day will bring luck with money, and this will encourage you to commit some costly follies. You may from time to time feel somewhat ill at ease; agreeable scents can then relax you and give you a sensation of well-being. The sentimental field will be very much favored; existing ties will deepen, and you won't be bored with your mate who will reveal to you his or her treasures of sensuality.