November 18, 2006
You'll be more open to the outside world, but beware of those ideologies or groups that might cause your doom. Don't be too generous, otherwise somebody will end up taking unfair advantage of your kindness. Take care of your friends. It will be the moment to ask yourself whether you dedicate enough time to physical exercise and body care. Your life as a couple will be harmonious; your sweet half will be able to help you climb up the ladder of your social life.
November 19, 2006
You can meet somebody with whom you'll fall in love instantaneously. With your children, give priority to understanding; and with your parents, show empathy. You'll be lucky in your financial negotiations or real-estate transactions. You'll be in a stream of luck, so it would be the opportune time to make the necessary arrangements for the realization of your projects. Great physical and moral form throughout the day.
20 Nov 06
A change of residence may be considered; but before signing a contract, assure yourself that all the clauses are acceptable. Don't let yourself be influenced by flatterers. You'll be able to overcome difficulties more easily than usual; grapple with the most difficult problems. You'll be the center of thousands of considerations and kindnesses, and you won't have to suffer from loneliness. If you're vulnerable to rheumatism, you may have pains in your hips.
21 Nov 06
You'll know how to be tender, warm, attentive toward your beloved one. A beautiful meeting in sight. The time will be now or never to take some daring initiatives on the material plane. In your work, some completely unforeseen modifications can intervene and will prove to be beneficial. You probably will have some reasons for being displeased one of your children; all the same, don't ask them for too much!
22 Nov 06
Your relations with your close relatives will be warmer, and you'll have excellent relations with your friends. Living as a couple, you'll be led to reappraise your life together. As for singles, they will make very promising encounters. You'll be like a rock breaking the waves: Nothing and nobody will be able to make you change your opinion or to discourage you. You'll be determined to face a certain number of problems that you've tried to dodge until now.
23 Nov 06
A little nervousness at work, but your good inspirations will render you completely efficient. Avoid people who are too talkative -- your patience with them may be short. Don't forget your friends; give one of them the help they need. Your daily humdrum routine is going to experience a small, but pleasant, upheaval. Beware of the risks of food poisoning; see to it that the products you eat are perfectly fresh.
24 Nov 06
Your emotional life will be active and well preserved this time. Your social standing will be favored, particularly if you are engaged in an artistic or commercial job. This would be an excellent day for fighting against infections of the eliminatory system. Beware of errors resulting from your current absentmindedness. You're sure to experience positive changes in your professional life now.
25 Nov 06
You'll tend to idealize your heart's desire too much, and that may cause you some bitter deceptions. You'll also tend to see too large, to spend without restraint and with only an intent to impress. Don't believe all that people will tell you. You may have a little drop in your vitality, which could bring about morose, defeatist thoughts. Beware of your delusions, in love as well as in business.
26 Nov 06
You'll make use of much ingenuity, and with good results. In order to avoid backaches, have the good habit of settling yourself comfortably against the back of your seat. Do not decide to make great changes on the spur of the moment. If you have to make a choice, fight to preserve what you have instead of dropping the prey for its shadow. Your appetite for material things will be strengthened; remain reasonable in order not to destabilize your budget.
27 Nov 06
You'll have purchases to make for your children or your house, and money will come to you at the right moment. If there are problems that oppose you to your beloved one, you'll be in a position to solve them. You'll enjoy good health, what luck! Don't take any medicine that isn't prescribed to you by your doctor. All will go well if you let yourself be carried away by the waves and seize the good opportunities that'll go by, and if you don't ask yourself too many questions.
28 Nov 06
Your love life will be peaceful and relaxing. You will have no luck with money, so resist your desires to throw the dice or to bet on some old worn-out hack. Your dealings for finding new lodgings will be very positive. Excesses of all kinds must be avoided, be they concerned with food, alcohol, tobacco or work. You'll feel at ease everywhere, and you will be perfectly right to believe in your good star.
29 Nov 06
You'll suddenly have a marvelous flash that will enable you to find the solution to a thorny problem that blocked your love affairs. Your family life will be totally at ease, and no cloud will come to darken your sky. An ideal day to widen your professional horizons, to hatch out medium-length projects. Don't turn a deaf ear to a friend who calls out for help; your loyalty will quickly be rewarded.
30 Nov 06
Your love life will become lively, and many of you will succumb to love at first sight. Most likely you'll get some very interesting work proposals, and you'll be able to choose from more than one offer. Beware of your enormous appetite: quality and quantity are likely to go readily hand in hand! Don't be too categorical in expressing your opinions. This time good luck with money. Take care of your parents.
1 Dec 06
Your career will not have the stars' total and unconditional support; therefore, don't embark on new undertakings so as to avoid failures and disappointments. Travels will be favored, and during your journey you can make a first-rate sentimental encounter. Profit by the charms of your present life instead of regretting those of the past. On the emotional plane, things will evolve according to your wishes.
2 Dec 06
Your love affairs will have the benediction of the stars; but don't take that for granted -- you must still care for them. You'll be exceptionally demonstrative: Suddenly, you'll get rid of your usual reticence and you'll confide in others with astonishing ease. So as to spare your liver, be more of a gourmand than a glutton. Learn to feed yourself in a wholesome way; eat a balanced diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables.
3 Dec 06
Love should burst into your life, even if you've decided to close the doors of your heart for good. Don't let yourself be tempted by business deals that promise great profits but which in actuality offer few guaranties. You'll find good solutions to your present family problems. The taste for risk, which always exists well within yourself, will come to the surface this time; try to remain reasonable.
4 Dec 06
Profit by the helping hand that the stars will give you in order to make true friends; that will make you happy. Notable beneficial changes in your professional life or your social status. Don't refuse to take responsibilities. You may have a rather unstable love life: Quarrels will spring from trivial molehills and will grow into mountains. Privilege the safe values, don't try to enrich yourself hastily.
5 Dec 06
You'll have the possibility of succeeding in your work, but only on the condition that you make very great efforts. Be very careful as far as implications of money in your love relationships are concerned. It will be necessary to control yourself on the diet plane; your health should be of highest import now. Your ideas may not be very clear, so don't make any really important decision this day, and don't try to force things.
6 Dec 06
It would be the moment to revise one of your insurance contracts, for this time you won't be immune to damage. Watch over your small health problems, otherwise they may worsen. You'll gather big successes in friendly and everyday gatherings; however, beware of jealousy of which you might be a target. The extreme intensity of your amorous desires might be of harm to you. In your work, you'll find the inevitable obstacles utterly unbearable.
7 Dec 06
Your sentimental relationships will give you very great satisfactions, but beware of reactions of jealousy. Let your children have certain independence, even if you have to watch over them from afar. Resist your present penchant for extremism and perfectionism, which will often exhaust you and render you unsatisfied. Beware of awkward movements resulting from a state of tension and edginess and which might cause falls.
8 Dec 06
Your sensitiveness to cold will increase, so cover yourself thoroughly. Even though the projects in which you believe firmly arouse the hostility of your family members, continue to defend them; you'll end up overcoming the resistances and win your case. Learn to smile; you'll then notice that others will gravitate toward you. You could spoil a good amorous understanding if you mix matters of the heart with financial questions.
9 Dec 06
The stars will bring a good air of complicity with your children. Know that it only depends on you to reach your objectives, so don't slacken your efforts. If you do any kind of work, it must give you great moral and financial satisfactions today. Risk of a very much agitated amorous life because of your propensity for flirtation and adventure. It will be time for you to get rid of your bad habit of going without a good breakfast.
10 Dec 06
In your work, act instead of react. Free yourself from your tensions by practicing yoga or sport. It's praiseworthy to try to expand one's limits, but don't overestimate yourself. Successful friendship relations thanks to the interests you share; encounters and unusual experiences which will enchant you. Heartwise, it will be necessary to have the courage to put an end to a union that proves inconvenient or that offers no possibility of an improvement.
11 Dec 06
At work, you won't be tempted by daring ventures -- you'll be right in privileging security at the expense of innovation. Your love affairs may fare rather badly if you don't curb your jealousy and your intolerance. Take care of your appearance; this could help you to positively influence others. In order to get out of your own problems, try to show more open-mindedness and generosity toward others.
12 Dec 06
Frequenting clubs and groupings will prove profitable. It's possible that a person of the opposite sex will offer to help you in your social life. Beware of the water you'll drink; be sure that it is fresh and free of toxins. Certain professional problems will claim all your attention; do not ignore their existence, for you'll soon find yourself at a dead end. Take time to live, even if you must earn and possess less.
13 Dec 06
Certain difficulties in your love life will be solved; no cloud will come to darken your sky. Everything you complain about at this moment happens to everybody! Render service to others, that will allow you to bypass your small personal problems. Be wary of running into too big debts! It's possible that some sly allergy is at the origin of your current respiratory troubles. A day of increased nervous resistance.
14 Dec 06
You'll solidify your professional and material position this time. You'll be utterly emotional, and that can have adverse repercussions on your digestive system; do some meditation to relax. You must beware of your changes of mood, as they may prevent you from living in good harmony with your close ones. Great amorous joys in the offing: Your outbursts will be effective, spontaneous and warm.
15 Dec 06
Your relationships with your coworkers will be good, but only on the condition that you avoid nonprofessional discussions. Beware of easy money; don't count on gains at speculative deals with a view to stabilizing your budget. Your feet might be sensitive; it might be a good thing to consult a podiatrist. Everything will go well in your family, and your home will be for you a haven of peace.
16 Dec 06
The stars promise you some money influxes or some gains resulting from a speculation endeavor. You'll sleep particularly well. Your relationships with others will be smooth; decide to take the first step toward reconciliation with one of your friends. Revise your scale of values and your objectives; don't pursue relentlessly what you do not really hold in high esteem. You'll have many satisfactions heartwise.