4 Aug 06
Your relations with friends of the opposite sex will prove very pleasant thanks to certain ambiguity. You can strengthen your position on the professional plane and even obtain a free hand for undertaking important projects; keep going without uncertainties. You'll multiply your outings and amusements. Affectionate relationships with your friends, whom you can count on without a risk of being disappointed.
5 Aug 06
Many natives of the sign can expect to feel certain interior malaise because this astral ambiance will make them more vulnerable to frustrations, wants and constraints, notably on the career plane. You'll sometimes be inclined to overdo things, in work as well as in sport; but be reasonable or else your body may flinch. Good sentimental climate, without great surprises or fabulous joys. An encounter may take place during a trip or a visit abroad, or with a foreigner or someone returning from a travel.
6 Aug 06
Your psychic state will perhaps be darkened by unfounded fears or by certain melancholia in which you'll be delighting. Risks of inflammatory fits. Such medicines as aspirin will be ineffective; but take anti-inflammatory drugs only upon your doctor's advice. Delays will upset your professional plans; try to keep your cool. You'll win nothing by getting worked up and exposing your dear ones to the effects of your bad humor.
7 Aug 06
The moment will be well chosen to grapple head on with the various health problems that have annoyed you for a long time. You'll work in a good direction for realizing your dreams. This time, beware of the counsels of your near ones. You'll attempt to behave in an eccentric manner or to play jokes in order to draw attention to yourself, but this is a bad way to proceed! Your morale will soar. Doubtlessly your sentimental satisfactions will be more or less responsible for that -- when the heart goes well, everything goes well!
8 Aug 06
Be aware that hard work has always been more advantageous than the quest to turn straw into gold. Don't let anyone dictate your behavior. Some nervous shakiness, neuralgias and physical pains could be expected; go without all stimulants. Changes will take place in your sentimental life; avoid mixing money matters with your love affairs and your relationships will be placed under the sign of good understanding.
9 Aug 06
You'll have a tendency to exaggerate the smallest difficulty; there'll be the need to see things with objectivity, and then you'll feel more relaxed and, therefore, more efficient. Beware of intoxications, notably by ingestion! Be very cautious and strict in the use of drugs. If your intestines are sensitive, don't let yourself be tempted by the vegetarianism fad; this diet is too rich in cellulose and consequently doesn't suit you. More than ever you'll aim high and you'll concentrate your life forces on the achievement of your professional ambitions.
10 Aug 06
Certain natives of the sign cannot progress in their career, principally because of their ineptitude for public speaking. Is it lack of practice or lack of self-confidence? Undoubtedly both. The solution will reside in the courage to undertake public speaking. If you're predisposed to renal troubles, these may manifest themselves in an acute manner this time. Try to take all possible precautions against kidney stones; delicatessen and chocolate must be completely avoided.
11 Aug 06
The ties of your couple will be good; each of you'll know how to find certain independence while still being united on ideas and common projects. Difficult family ambiance; your children will show themselves particularly aggressive, sulky and rebellious. Try to dedramatize the situation; you must take it seriously but by no means tragically. The tensions will ease only very progressively; therefore have patience. Set about learning a foreign language -- you'll draw immense satisfactions and profits from it.
12 Aug 06
Your capacities will help you solve practical problems in your professional life; bravo! Beware of the nice promises that people might make to you today, for they are not sincere. Your sentimental life is likely to be agreeable and charming, but somewhat ambiguous. You'll be in a period of material chance even though the possibility to enrich yourself demands many efforts and a realistic view of things. Your social life will be active and pleasurable.
13 Aug 06
You like to receive friends, you have the desire to feel surrounded, and contacts with others are a need that you feel profoundly; but you should not let your home become a transit hall where everyone can come in and out as they like! In the career and work field, surprises and annoyances will compel natives of the sign to live in a climate of more or less pronounced uncertainty; sudden changes of workplace or of working methods are quite probable. Feed yourself adequately so that your body and mind can function correctly.
14 Aug 06
In your life as a couple, be considerate of your mate, otherwise they might react very negatively. Be on your guard, for you could fall victim to rather strong ill feelings. You'll be confronted with financial difficulties that you'll find it hard to solve. You can keep jogging quietly along in your career; but it would be more advantageous to envisage a reorientation or a change of workplace.
15 Aug 06
Try to preserve your practical sense and be more self-assured; this will spare you clumsiness and the use of rather extreme means to solidify your situation. Don't be too aloof with persons around you. Control your arterial tension; this astral ambiance could provoke either an unusual lowering or a drastic rise of your blood pressure, so don't do anything that could aggravate your state. You may feel ill at ease in your work; delays, annoyances will grate on your nerves.
16 Aug 06
You can expect a slowdown of your activities or business; it will be necessary to plan your schedule well and to avoid waste. Learn to appreciate vitamin E; it's a foremost detoxification agent that will favor the good functioning of your body. You'll accept no contradiction and no authority; you'll only want to act as you like even if you persist in error. Keep a tight control on your tongue so as to avoid useless conflicts.
17 Aug 06
Your love affairs may be passionate and tumultuous, though of short duration and subject to sudden changes. Think to stop being demanding or nasty if you don't want people to shun you. You must be very careful concerning your finances -- don't trifle with this subject. Good prospects of a renewal in your career; profit by it quickly. Current astral influxes will incite friendly relationships to take on a strange turn.
18 Aug 06
Couples joined for a long time will reinforce their mutual confidence. The love affairs of single natives of the sign will be well protected. You feel assailed by problems from all parts? Well, rather rejoice -- this shows that you're still alive, for life is nothing other than an uninterrupted succession of problems to be solved. Your finances will be more solid, and you'll have the flair to make good returns. However, don't let yourself fall to carelessness, for any improvidence or any negligence can still cost you much.
19 Aug 06
Your close circle might be edgy and irritating. You want people to have confidence in you? Then you must keep your promises at all costs. You'll show a certain tendency to put yourself in impossible situations. Avoid gambles, financial transactions and real estate deals this time. A rather calm day heartwise; you can make a quite fortuitous encounter which, in any case, will reveal itself very happy.
20 Aug 06
You'll prefer keep your most tender feelings secret; but you'll be wrong, for you must show them to your beloved one. You may feel some vertebral pains again; do some mild gymnastic exercises or some yoga. Your dearest project will come to a good conclusion today, whether it may be sentimental or social. At work, you can expect a promotion or honorary distinction. Stimulating exchanges of ideas with your friends.
21 Aug 06
You'll have good relationships with elderly people. If you continue to eat the wrong way or too much, you'll soon have very bothersome health problems; learn to feed yourself in a healthful and organic way. Clashes with certain persons in your close circle might take place, but they will not bear consequences. You'll be favored by fortune, as you'll be more dynamic at work and more enterprising in love.
22 Aug 06
Avoid all food excess and do some exercise everyday if you want to keep fit. Some probability of an intestinal disorder. Some slight financial difficulties. If you are intent to embark on a legal action, give up the idea altogether; it will prove more advantageous to settle your difference out of court. Isolate yourself whenever possible in order to regain your nervous and mental equilibrium.
23 Aug 06
Material concerns can darken a corner of your sky. Old dissensions will make a comeback, the fires of passion will weaken, and the hearts will no longer beat at the same pace; fortunately, these are only transitory and rather discreet disagreements, so don't dramatize anything. You'll be tense, anxious and a little too nervous; you could even suffer from some digestive problems. All this because you get upset when things don't go the way you wish.
24 Aug 06
Numerous will be natives of the sign who will show themselves less centered on material gains; they'll have the desire to put other things into their existence. Profit by the good aspects of your astrological sky in order to improve your professional situation. You might be given a job that implies more responsibilities but also a noticeable increase of prestige and remuneration. Try to moderate your impetuous outbursts or your unjustified fits of anger, otherwise you'll create a vacuum around you.
25 Aug 06
The day will be rich in various small annoyances and you'll have to show patience. At work, you must steel yourself and not let others step on your toes. It's possible that an interesting job elsewhere is offered to you; think twice before deciding to quit your present job and to take up the new one. Think to instill an atmosphere of peace around you; refrain from setting people against each other.
26 Aug 06
In your work, everything will not be rosy, but you'll make encouraging progress. Pecuniary problems will spring up but they will be in no way dramatic. You'll try to maintain a climate of complicity with your children, but your good intentions may not be well appreciated. You'll devote much of your time to love and your beloved one. Single natives of this sign will have chances to make a high quality encounter.
27 Aug 06
You'll make great efforts in order to strengthen your sentimental ties. Learn to organize yourself better and then you'll have more time for your leisure. Edginess and aggressiveness may be present today; so don't abuse stimulants or coffee, tea, alcohol, red meat or very strong and salted cheeses. It would be a good time to take up a sport or practice a relaxing activity such as gardening or meditation.
28 Aug 06
You'll galvanize all those who work with you. Make a decision concerning the direction that you want to give to your life; nothing would be more pernicious than a perpetual muddling through. Noticeable improvement of your state of health. In love, it will not be easy for you to reason rightly at present, for you'll be constantly torn between your disorderly impulses and your need for stability.
29 Aug 06
If you want to avoid gastric and intestinal troubles, quickly change your dietary habits; have three well balanced meals per day instead of nibbling at all time. Don't let anyone meddle with your private life, and discard nuisances, whomever they may be. You won't know how to react if you find yourself faced with important choices. But don't worry: you can recover all your capacities if you exercise more control over your emotions.
30 Aug 06
You'll give yourself the means to obtain what you want; you won't hesitate to commit yourself completely, if necessary going without leisure and even sleep for your work's sake! Chance will smile to you. Try to adapt to circumstances if you want to remain in control of the situation. It would be dangerous to stick to a rigid attitude; beware of stubbornness and dogmatism. A person who had disappointed you will rise in your esteem thanks to the courage and serenity they show under harrowing circumstances.