Even these can be poisonous - note the poisonous parts though.
APPLEPoisonous Part: Seeds, in quantity.
Symptoms: Difficult breathing, trembling, spasms, coma of short duration.
Edible Parts: Apples, but discard the seeds.
Harvest time: Only collect fruit from areas you know have NOT been treated with pesticides.
Toxic Principle: Cyanogenic glycoside, amygdalin.
Severity: Toxic only if large quantities eaten
APRICOTPoisonous Part: Wilted leaves, twigs (stems), seeds. Laetrile from the seeds is a dangerous, controversial treatment for cancer.
Symptoms: Gasping, weakness, excitement, pupil dilation, spasms, convulsions, coma, respiratory failure.
Edible Parts: Fruit edible raw, dried, or cooked.
Toxic Principle: Cyanogenic glycoside, amygdalin.
Severity: Highly toxic, may be fatal if eaten!
ASPARAGUSPoisonous Part: Young raw shoots (stems), berries.
Symptoms: Contact dermatitis from young, raw shoots. Eating of berries may cause gastrointestinal problems.
Edible Parts: Young spears (shoots).
Toxic Principle: Unknown
Severity: Causes only low toxicity if eaten. Skin irritation minor, or lasting only for a few minutes.
BROAD BEANOther common names: Fava bean, horse bean, English bean, Windsor bean
Poisonous Part: Seeds, raw or cooked.
Symptoms: Severe enemia, headache, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, fever, 2-3 days after eating. Toxic only in certain people of Mediterranian origin.
Toxic Principle: Cyanogenic glycosides.
Severity: Highly toxic, may be fatal if eaten!
BLACK CHERRY (also known as Wild Cherry)
Poisonous Part: Wilted leaves, twigs (stems), seeds.
Symptoms: Gasping, weakness, excitement, pupil dilation, spasms, convulsions, coma, respiratory failure.
Edible Parts: Pitted fruits are eaten raw or made into jelly when combined with apples, or jell alone with added pectin. Sauces, pies, and flavorings are also made from these cherries.
Toxic Principle: Cyanogenic glycoside, amygdalin.
Severity: Highly toxic, may be fatal if eaten!
All Pictures Copyright @1997Alice B. Russell, James W. Hardin, Larry Grand of North Carolina State University.