ANIMAL DANGERS - SEA CREATURESJellyfish Jellyfish stings occur when people brush against it in the water or step on those washed ashore. Jellyfish washed ashore can sting for weeks. Detached tentacles can also release venom.
The Portuguese Man-of-War is well known for its painful and powerful sting. The stings can cause fever, shock as well as heart and lung problems.
Sea wasps (Box Jellyfish) have tentacles containing thousands of stinging cells. Stings usually occur when people bump into them. The tentacles become sticky and adhere tightly to the skin. When the cells come into contact with human skin, they release their venom and cause severe pain.
Sea urchins Sea urchins are found in tropical and subtropical marine regions. The spines of the sea urchins are used to deliver their venom. The sting can cause severe burning pain, swelling, bleeding, itch, nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness and difficulty breathing. The symptoms may develop immediately and may last up to 6 hours. Deep puncture wounds may be seen after a sting.
Stingrays Stingrays are often found buried and feeding in shallow water. Stingrays are not aggressive by nature. People are usually stung when they step on the stingray. The sting causes profuse bleeding, swelling and severe pain that can last for months. Other symptoms that may develop are nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, sweating, muscle cramps, and fits.
Blue-ringed OctopusThe world's most dangerous octopus - the blue rings are visible only when it's about to attack (Image from is a very small octopus found in shallow tropical water and in tide pools. It is normally yellowish-brown but changes its rings to a bright blue when disturbed. The sting is usually painless but there may be symptoms of numbness, which may lead to paralysis and respiratory failure.
Lionfish(Image from are brightly coloured fish and are usually found in coral reefs. They are also kept as pets in home aquariums. Lionfish have venomous fin spines that can produce painful puncture wounds. Their stings can also cause nausea, breathing difficulties, paralysis, fits and collapse.
Scorpionfish Scorpionfish live in shallow water. The skin resembles algae or sponges and is often mottled, with patches of red or blue. This makes them difficult to tell them apart from rocks and seaweed. Scorpionfish have spines with venomous glands. Their stings can cause severe pain.
Stonefish Stonefish may be round from exposed sand and mud. It looks exactly like encrusted rock and feeds on small fish and shrimps. It has a row of 13 venomous spines along its back. People are usually stung when they step on or catch a stonefish. The sting can cause severe pain, swelling, muscle weakness, numbness and shock.
Catfish Eeltail catfish
Stings occur when these slimy-skinned fish are handled. The sting can cause pain and swelling.
Cone shells(Image from A Guide to Seashore Life published by Singapore Science Centre & BP)Cone shells are marine snails found in reefs. They produce venom that may lead to symptoms of pain, swelling and numbness. Weakness, lack of coordination, nausea, itch and respiratory distress may also result.
Sea cucumbers See-through sea cucumber SandfishSea cucumbers have an elongated body. Tentacles encircle the mouth. They live in temperate, subtropical and tropical waters. Contact with sea cucumbers can result in a rash and severe eye irritation. Blindness may occur if brought into contact with the eyes.
First aid for sea creatures bites and stings* Stay calm.
* Keep the stung or bitten area still.
* Wash the area with vinegar or seawater. Do not use fresh water as it may increase pain.
* If there is eye irritation, rinse the eye under gently running cool water for at least 15 minutes. Prevent run-off water from entering the unaffected eye.
* For jellyfish, remove tentacles from the skin with sand, clothing or a towel.
* For stingrays, remove any parts of an embedded sting if possible.
* For sea urchins, gently pull out any protruding spines. Do not crush the spines.
* Soak the affected area into hot (not scalding) water for 30-90 minutes to ease pain. If pain returns later, try the heat soaks again.
* Do not apply a tourniquet or ice on the wound as this may cut blood flow to the affected area.
* Do not cut and suck out the venom as it can lead to a bacteria infection.
Credits & copyrights: All text taken from the Drug & Poison Information Centre (Singapore); all images taken from unless otherwise stated.