An international team of scientists says it has found dozens of new species of plants and animals during an expedition to the Foja Mountains of Papua province, Indonesia. (Image: Bruce Beehler/CI)
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One of the highlights was the discovery of a new species of smoky honeyeater - the first new bird species to be sighted on the island of New Guinea in more than 60 years. (Image: Bruce Beehler/CI)
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One of the team leaders, Bruce Beehler, said the forest location, "was as close to the Garden of Eden as you're going to find on Earth". (Image: Stephen Richards)
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The Foja Mountains appear to be one of the richest sites for frogs in the Asia-Pacific region. More than 20 new species of frogs were found. (Image: Stephen Richards)
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The botanical experts on the team collected more than 550 plant species, including five new palms. (Image: Johannes Mogea)
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Some of the creatures the scientists came into contact with were remarkably unafraid of humans. Long-beaked echidnas, primitive egg-laying mammals, were happy to be picked up. (Image: Stephen Richards)
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The team repeatedly encountered an epiphytic rhododendron that grew high in the treetops. It produced large white scented flowers that fell to the ground after several days of blooming. (Image: Wayne Takeuchi)
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The team says it did not have nearly enough time during its expedition to survey the area completely and intends to return in August or September this year. (Image: Stephen Richards)
With all these expeditions and poachers, the 'lost world' will soon be really lost.