5 Foods to Add to Your Diet (From Today's MSN)
by Jonny Bowden, MA, CNS, for iVillage

They are supposedly good for you

1. Blueberries. High in fiber, low in sugar and calories, and delicious right out of the box. (I don't even mind if you add a spoonful of fresh cream, especially if the combination replaces a dessert). Some studies suggest that regular consumption of blueberries protects the memory.
2. Oatmeal. Use the regular, slow-cooking kind instead of the sweetened, overprocessed "instant" variety. Oatmeal is the second-best source of the essential fatty acid GLA in the world. It contains fiber and protein as well.
3. Cabbage. This lowly vegetable may elicit bad memories for many people, but it's time to get past that and try it again. Cabbage contains a cancer-fighting phytochemical called indole-3-carbinole. One cup of cooked cabbage delivers about 100 mg of this powerful ingredient, not to mention fiber, other beneficial phytochemicals and vitamin C.
4. Kale. This green leafy vegetable is loaded with antioxidants. It's particularly delicious with lemon, garlic (another amazing food) and butter.
5. Sardines. Sardines are like a health food store in a can. They're cheap, they're widely available, they're convenient, and you can take them with you anywhere. And sardines are packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. All that and a superb source of protein and calcium (if you eat the bones).