More than two weeks after Hurricane Katrina demolished parts of the US Gulf Coast, survivors are returning to see what remains of their homes.
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In Biloxi, the Mississippi town that took the full brunt of the category four storm, Cheryll Taylor picks her way through debris to collect her cats from her battered home.
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Kurt Treadway comes across his grandfather's graduation picture after he and other residents of Port Sulphur in Louisiana are finally allowed back into the town.
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Many business owners have been keen to see the extent of the damage to their livelihoods. Here Daniel Fermin stands in what is left of his Port Sulphur store.
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They returned despite warnings of health risks from the filthy flood waters. Dwayne Glass and Chris Glass use a boat to salvage items from their mother's house.
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Meanwhile, a house-to-house search for bodies and survivors is continuing in New Orleans.
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Despite orders to evacuate the city, some New Orleans residents are prepared to sit it out and wait for the flood waters to recede.
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Amid the devastation, there are signs that the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast are determined to bounce back.