Sept 2, 2005
Heated debate
Case of arctic dog which died of heatstroke due to owner's neglect angers animal lovers, who wonder if such dogs should be allowed here
By Chong Chee Kin
STRICKEN by a skin condition, Wiskey, a one-year-old Siberian husky, was about to be put down by its owner.
Another arctic dog - an Alaskan malamute - was not so fortunate. It died after being left out in the hot sun and deprived of water by its owner, 30-year-old events manager Lim Bee Leong.
That Mr Lim was fined $3,000 last week, when he could have been jailed for neglect, did not sit well with animal lovers.
A day after news of his conviction broke, broker Jill Hum started an online petition appealing to the Attorney-General's Chambers to seek a deterrent sentence. The petition, which has so far gathered more than 2,800 signatures, closed yesterday.

The two cases have also opened up a bigger issue: Should arctic dogs like the husky, malamute and samoyed even be allowed into Singapore?
Bred for the harsh arctic climate, these dogs have a double coat of fur, which means that they are ill-suited to the heat and humidity here. So ill-suited, some dog lovers believe, that an import ban should be placed on them.
This arctic dog was saved

ONE-YEAR-OLD Siberian husky Wiskey was ill and plagued by a skin condition before the Action for Singapore Dogs (ASD) stepped in to care for it, saving it from being put down.
Now, it is recovering well under the care of ASD volunteer Roger Wong and has been fitted with a protective collar to prevent it from scratching its wounds.
Arctic dogs like Wiskey are bred for cold climates. They have a double coat of fur, which means that they are ill-suited to the heat and humidity in Singapore.
The number of licensed dogs here has been rising steadily in recent years, up from 39,200 in 2003 to 43,000 this year. Of this number, about 700 are arctic dogs, the vast majority of them Siberian huskies.
At present, only aggressive breeds like the akita, pit bull and the mastiff are banned here because of the potential dangers they pose to humans. But ASD president Ricky Yeo believes arctic dogs should be banned too.
'Ideally, arctic breeds should not be in a hot and humid climate like ours,' he said. 'The high humidity causes problems for their skin, which becomes a breeding ground for parasites and mites.
'We cannot fathom any reason why these dogs should ever be in our environment. They serve no practical purpose other than aesthetic,' he added.
Ms Hum agreed. 'Sure, they are beautiful. I would love to own one too, but I think it's too cruel to keep them here knowing that they will never be completely comfortable in this climate.'
Their opinions will inevitably draw howls of protest from most owners of arctic dogs, but at least one has voiced his approval.
Former zoo chief Bernard Harrison, who owns a malamute and a husky, agreed that keeping the dogs here is 'crazy'. 'They are simply not designed for this kind of weather,' he said.
Mr Harrison, now a zoo consultant, adopted the two dogs five years ago at the request of his friends because his home in the Upper Thomson area has a large compound that allows plenty of room and shade for them.
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) said the decision whether to ban arctic breeds should be left to the authorities, albeit after consultation with the SPCA and veterinarians.
Ms Deirdre Moss, SPCA's executive officer, noted that no country had ever banned certain dog breeds because they were not suited for the weather there.
'Whatever happened to the Alaskan malamute could happen to any dog in similar circumstances - subjected to the hot sun without shade and without any water.'
Owners of arctic dogs like Mr Melvin Sim, who owns a husky, agreed.
'A husky, or any arctic dog, can be happy if the owner knows how to take care of it. It would not be fair if all arctic dog owners are punished because of one negligent owner,' he argued.
The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) said it is not uncommon for arctic breeds to be kept here and in other Asian countries.
Mr Madhavan Kannan, head of AVA's Centre for Animal Welfare and Control, said: 'These dog breeds have been kept in Singapore for many years and they can adapt to our climatic conditions. Generally, owners should keep them in cool surroundings in view of their thicker coat.'
But Mr Lim, who has now moved out of his Bukit Timah terrace house, did not - and his malamute paid the price.
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