Thursday, September 29, 2005
Looking East One Hour Before Dawn

Here's a view of the waning crescent moon in early morning -- near the constellation Leo the Lion.
The brightest star in Leo is Regulus, a blue-white star located some 85 light-years away. Regulus is located at the bottom tip of a noticeable pattern within Leo -- an "asterism" called The Sickle -- which appears on our sky's dome as a backwards question mark. In ancient skylore, this Sickle pattern represents the head and shoulders of Leo the Lion.
There is another bright star in The Sickle. It's Algieba, located about 110 light-years from Earth, known to stargazers with telescopes as a double star system. Both stars in the Algieba system are yellow giants. The distance between the two stars is about four light-hours, about the same distance as that between our sun and its planet Neptune.
Neptune orbits our sun in 165 years, however, while the two mighty suns in the Algieba system move through space more slowly. Estimates regarding the length of their mutual orbit vary from around 400 to around 600 years.
Also in the predawn sky, higher up in the horizon is the farthest of the five easily visible planets to the unaided eye, the planet Saturn. The other four are Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter.
I say "easily visible" because people who can see large stars in the sky can easily view them. The planet Uranus is theoretically visible to the naked eye...but it's never easy to see with the eye alone. ItÂ’s certainly possible to see Uranus with the eye, but you need a very dark sky to do it.
Uranus reached its opposition at the beginning of this month, which makes right now a good time to try to see it. You can find Uranus, which is currently located in the constellation Aquarius, up in the southeast shortly after sunset.