Saturday, August 27, 2005
Looking West-Southwest After Sunset

A skywatcher from Virginia asks, "How can I tell the difference between stars and planets when looking into the sky at night?" Well, we can take a few tips from our ancient astronomers.
When our ancestors looked into the skies, one thing that they noticed was that most bright objects in the sky travel in fixed positions with relation to each other, while a few bright objects did not seem to follow this pattern. The ancients took the "fixed objects" and grouped them into constellations, whose movements were so regular and reliable that these groupings helped them find their way on the ocean, on land, and even helped them predict annual events like floods and harvests.
If you were to look at the sky night after night, you would notice the same thing. Stars will appear in fixed positions; think about how constellations retain their familiar shapes but still move across our sky.
Planets, on the other hand, move in much more complex paths with respect to stars. Sometimes they even appear to move backwards in our sky, in an event known as retrograde. So, it'll take a little practice -- and some patience -- but if you can track the movement of objects in the sky for several nights in a row, you will be able to tell which are stars and planets by the movements that they make relative to each other in the sky.
Another way of telling planets apart from stars is that stars appear to twinkle in the sky, and planets generally do not. And so your homework assignment for tonight is to spot the planets Venus and Jupiter and the star Spica up in the west-southwestern sky, and see if you can tell them apart just by seeing which one twinkles.
I know, I know...Venus is way easy to recognize using the chart vs. Spica, but the idea is to see what "twinkling" looks like vs. "not twinkling" so you can apply it to less obvious situations. Like perhaps the one going on in the predawn east-southeastern horizon.
See if you can tell the difference between the planet Saturn and the star Procyon, who have much more similar magnitudes than Venus and Spica. By the way, you can also find the planet Mars high up in the eas-southeast before dawn.