Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Looking East Before Dawn

Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Looking Southwest Before Dawn

A skywatcher in Chicago wrote, "Is there a point of the year...that you would be able to see a planet -- that looks like a planet and not a star -- like, is there a time where I could see Saturn with its rings or Jupiter and its red spot?"
No, there's never a time when the planets in our solar system look like anything but dots of light to the eye alone. The planets get brighter and fainter as they and we move in the solar system, and the distance between us changes. But planets always look starlike to the unaided eye. Right now, three of the five easily visible planets in our sky are up in our dome before dawn. You can find Mercury along with Saturn low in the east. Mercury reaches its greatest elongation tomorrow -- for more about that see our next tonight's sky. You can also find the red planet Mars high in the southwest, accompanying the waning gibbous moon.
Speaking of being able to see planets as anything other than points of light, we got this question from Steve in Ohio: "A local newspaper (southern Ohio) reported that the orbit of Mars was such that it would appear to be nearly as large as the full moon and that it would be visible in the eastern sky this month (August), peaking on August 26. Is this true?"
Sadly, Steve, no. We've had so many questions about this! Around July, an email began circulating that claimed that Mars would appear as large as the full moon. The email's wording was simply erroneous. Mars is going to be bright this year, but nowhere near the size of a full moon! To the eye alone, Mars never appears as anything more than an extremely bright "star." In fact, if you looked for Mars tonight, it would look almost as bright as it will when it actually does reach its closest point to us this year, which is in late October. This point, although very close, is not the historic orbit that happened in 2003, where Mars came closest to Earth in recorded history. You can find the red planet now -- rising in the east-northeast in late evening.