Pple don't need religion, they need spirituality. Spirituality is totally within and up to oneself, and does not depend on anything outside of you (eg. church).
There was a psychologist, Dr Michael Newton (an atheist who didn't believe in souls or spirits), who was shocked when his patients, during hypnosis, started going back into past lives when he instructed them to "go back to when this problem began".
Because the healing results were undeniable, he slowly reluctantly began to accept the possibility of past lives and reincarnation.
Several years later, he was again shocked, when using an specially deep state of hypnosis, one of his patients actually went back into the period between lifetimes (now called the "intermissive period" ), in the spirit world.
Since then, from his 20+ years of clinical practice, regressing many thousands of patients into their past lives and intermissive periods, he found out several things :
1) No matter what the background of his patients were (eg. christian, buddhist, hindu, muslim, atheist, etc), when under hypnosis, all of them described the spirit world very similarly, and all agreed that
2) It totally doesn't matter what your religion is, what matters is what is in your heart, how you live your life, and how you treat others, while you are alive.
5) The general purpose of life is Evolution (learning lessons & evolving) and Assistantiality (helping & loving others). After death, each person will be asked these two questions, "What have you learnt?" and "Who have you helped?"
4) In addition, everyone has his/her own specific purpose and objectives for each lifetime. It is called the 'existential program', ie. the planned objectives for that lifetime. Your existential program is mostly planned by your own soul (ie. yourself) in the intermissive period, with assistance and help (in the planning) by your guides, helpers, teachers and evolutionary orientors.
5) When the soul is rested and ready, there will be a life review, in which *everything* that happened in that lifetime is reviewed by the soul, in the presence of the soul's council of elders (including the evolutionary orientor), a panel of highly advanced, specialist teachers whose role is to assist each soul in its evolution, life review processes and life planning processes. They do not judge the soul in the life review (no one judges you, only you judge yourself), but merely help to guide the soul through these processes by asking insightful questions to help the soul understand itself better, and making constructive suggestions for future existences and lifetimes.
If reading the above somehow feels correct or familiar to you, it is because your soul remembers this.
For these readers then, I invite you to visit my website in which you may freely browse helpful materials and links to the various subjects relating to spirituality, reincarnation, the afterlife and the purpose of life.
Do not accept what anyone (including myself, of course!) says, unless *you* yourself find that you agree with it. In other words, *you* teach yourself, you learn from *yourself*, and not from someone else.
Remember, never follow any one else's religion, or even spiritual beliefs. Choose your own path, and create your own destiny.
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