Photograph © 2004 by Roiland Beljon

Photograph © 2005 by Steve Alexander
Hilarion on Crop Circles :
From the
Summer Solstice 2000 channeling :
Jill: Please comment on the Pictish stones in Scotland and their connection to the crop circles.
Hilarion: These stones have interesting marking of many types, and it is interesting that the Pictish people have left no other records, no written language, very little other than what is handed down from songs, verse, and related matters. This relates to a specific energy that you can learn of from the book by Dorothy Bryant called The Kin of Ata are Waiting for You, because it was discovered there that the best way to transmit a story, an energy, an understanding of something, was not to crystallize it in words, words that do not allow any aspect of change, no accommodation for the storyteller, no awareness of the audience; but rather this energy needs to be reminded, and so these are the stories of the ancients: These beautiful symbols, the energies associated with them, distilled to their purest form.
One of the great stories from this time period was of the landing of a number of extra-terrestrials. And such beings wished to share with others the nature of their technology. It was difficult for primitive peoples to understand this technology, but because of the bridge, the caring, the love, there was no reason for fear, and it was known then that perhaps these underlying energies would be helpful to other people in the future. Where there is similarity between the Pictish drawings and the crop circles, it is simply around this. Because these space ships are illustrated in the crop circles, how they are built, how they are constructed, how they are used. Room by room, the larger theory, the smaller theory, it is simply a matter of taking a three-dimensional view of what is happening in these various advanced technologies and compressing it into a two-dimensional view and putting it on Earth in a way in which people can choose to see it or not. The Pictish were able to see these energies and understand them and work with them, and thought that it might be helpful to bring some of them into form for others of future generations to see.
There are other Pictish stones, of course, depicting other aspects, and you will often receive the energies of these by singing them, by feeling them, by letting the energies of the symbols be with you rather than trying to understand them or take them apart logically. This is the greater message, that from these then is birthed a large and beautiful story about humanity and humanity's willingness to change, to grow, to shift.
Women may find it particularly easy to open to this because this was indeed a matriarchal society and many of the beings involved were understanding of the true power of the feminine. Thus, much of the roots of the highest and best from the Celtic societies will also be found in these drawings and symbols, and they may be utilized on many levels for awakening in consciousness, particularly of the inner female in all beings.
From the
Fall Equinox 2001 channeling :
Jill: Will you please comment on some of this year's crop circles.
Hilarion: This has been shared in the past. There are many individuals who are beginning to understand what they mean. Indeed as they look deeper into this the revelations go very deep. The clear suggestion here is to obtain the book "The Gift" by Doug Ruby. Because this does illustrate with the initial formation, the trend, these are all maps, specific diagrams describing, inviting, showing you many important things about very helpful extraterrestrials, joined with non-physicals, to bring you new contexts for your life. The latest appearance, however, is that of humanity. It is specific to say, "We are human as much as you are. We have perhaps worked with higher technology which we are giving to you now through the crop circles which are a perfectly balanced diagrams of all of this technology. You have the opportunity then to expand your consciousness from two dimensional to three dimensional thinking and duplicate this technology. And what will you find? You will find yourselves. You will find humans. You will find beings of consciousness and love staring you in the face.
For more Hilarion channelings :