Little Ringed PloverCharadrius dubiusRapang Biji Nangka/Gelang Kecil (Malay)
Little Ringed Plovers feed on animal titbits found on short grass, bare soil and mud. These include insects, spiders and shrimps.
Their hunting style is a characteristic hesitant stop-run-peck, in a hunched position, usually higher up on the shore on drier sand or mud. They are often observed "foot-trembling", standing on one foot while rapidly vibrating the toes of the other foot on the surface. A few seconds later they run forward to peck at something. Probably, this vibration disturbs prey to betray their presence.
Little Ringed Plovers prefer to forage on tidal mudflats, shallow flood pools, open short-grasslands or even bare soil.
The wary Little Ringed Plovers often scatter to forage. They rarely join other waders in their mass flights or roosts. Usually territorial, they chase off other Little Ringed Plovers or small plovers from good feeding sites. Nevertheless, they may form small flocks of a dozen or so when moving and migrating. Their flight is rapid direct and low over the ground.
Breeding: Little Ringed Plovers breed in temperate to low arctic Eurasia from the Atlantic to Japan, as well as in Africa, China, northern continental Asia, the Philippines and New Guinea. Little Ringed Plovers perform courtship display flights of butterfly-like movements, with the male endlessly circling with slow and deliberate wing-beats. Although courtship is noisy, when the pair finally nest, they become secretive.
Little Ringed Plovers nest mainly on gravely river banks, lake shores or small islands, usually near fresh water. But they have also adapted to industrial sites. These include gravel works and rubbish tips!
Although usually solitary, some may be semi-colonial, nesting about 9m apart. They appear to purposely nest near aggressive shorebirds whose behaviour helps to keep predators away. The nest is simply a shallow scrape, sometimes lined with plants or stones.
3-4 eggs are laid and both parents incubate (22-28 days). Besides the parents, sometimes another bird (or even two) may help out with incubation, raising the young and even defending the territory. These helpers may be male or female and are believed to be the offspring or former partners from the previous season. The chicks are highly active, running quickly on their long legs. To distract predators from their eggs or chicks, the parents use the "broken wing" feint. The young fledge in 24-29 days, but the female may depart before that to lay another clutch of eggs or to migrate.

The eggs are very well camouflaged against their gravely nest site.
Migration: Little Ringed Plovers are migratory over most of their range, although those that breed in some southern areas are resident. They winter southwards of their breeding sites, on muddy shores both inland and coastal. In Singapore, they are found on mangroves, mudflats, sand bars, ponds, reservoirs, marshes, grassland, riverbanks.
Status and threats: Little Ringed Plovers are adaptable to different feeding grounds during their migration. However, their breeding sites are affected by man-made changes that affect river flows. Nesting is disrupted by unseasonal flooding of gravel banks. On the other hand, lack of natural flooding also prevents the renewal of gravel beds, and they become overgrown and unsuitable nesting sites for these plovers. However, the birds usually recover quickly; often laying again days after losing their eggs or chicks. They also readily take over man-made sites such as gravel works, sewerage farms, beet factory settling ponds and even shingle roofs. Nevertheless, their numbers have declined and they are included in the Red List of some countries where they were previously abundant.



Main features: Small (14-19cm); neck ring white unbroken; bill small (1-2cm); legs pinkish; bright yellow eye ring.
Adult: Summer/breeding-Bill black, yellow on mandible at the base; forehead white with black band separated from brown crown by narrow white border; brea
st band black. Winter/non-breeding-Black replaced by brown.
Juvenile: Bill black; forehead tinged pale buff; edge to wings and back buff; bre
ast band usually incomplete.
Call: Mournful single long drawn out pe-ou, descending on the second note. Alarm call is an insistent pip.
In flight: Faint or no white wingbar and white outer tail feathers. Flight is rapid and low over the ground.
Similar birds: Similar to several other plovers: Ringed (C. hiaticula): white unbroken neck ring; legs orange-yellow.
Kentish (C. alexandrius): white unbroken neck ring, broken bre
ast band; legs yellow to black.
Malaysian (C. peronii): white unbroken neck ring, broken bre
ast band; legs greyish and long.
Mongolian (C. mongolus): no white collar; bre
ast band, legs greyish and short.
Status in Singapore: Common non-breeding winter visitor throughout the island including North offshore islands.
World distribution: Africa through Asia to New Guinea.
Classification: Family Charadiidae. World 89 species, Singapore 12 species. Three races; dubius Philippines to New Guinea; jerdoni India to Southeast Asia; and curonicus Africa and Eurasia from Britain to Japan. From the Order Charadiiformes.