Originally posted by ironoxideman:
any experienced breeders out there?care to enlighten me and other interested pple on the ideal pH,food and other aquarium conditions?
i once had a pair that bred,the eggs hatched but the spawn died after a few days

btw,i am referring to freshwater angelfish

i hv tried many times too.
more failed than success. out of so many only 1 or 2 survive

for food, initially giv them the liquifry then when they can eat, u can start giving them their baby food flakes..
btw, after they hatch, ur not to take them out straight away, n dun go disturb them or the parents get scard will eat them all up.
they r sarpose to be w their parents for sumtime then can remove..
otherwise parents will oso eat them up as food.
u can read thru the advice pple gave me here...
http://www.sgforums.com/?action=thread_display&thread_id=121406there are also links given to raising angelfish...
http://mikejacobs.50megs.com/RaisingAngelfish.htmlhttp://ag.ansc.purdue.edu/courses/aq448/species/ornamentals.htmhope u succeed the next time round