language can be spoken n written.... dialect is only spoken... ???Originally posted by monkeybusiness:how different is a language compared to a dialect? since both are communication tools
no leh.. dialect also can be written...Originally posted by hmsg:language can be spoken n written.... dialect is only spoken... ???
hmmm......dialect normally for family members/ relatives or close frens w same dialect to communicate...Originally posted by monkeybusiness:how different is a language compared to a dialect? since both are communication tools
i communicate with my family in dialects involvedOriginally posted by BabyLover:hmmm......dialect normally for family members/ relatives or close frens w same dialect to communicate...
then in sch n working... everyone juz communicate w common lang...english or chinese.. sumting everyone can undstd...![]()
Originally posted by poon cho tang:ic ic
1. speech of group: the speech of a country, region, or group of people, including its diction, syntax, and grammar
2. communication with words: the human use of spoken or written words as a communication system
3. system of communication: a system of communication with its own set of conventions or special words
1. regional variety of language: a regional variety of a language, with differences in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation
2. language spoken by class or profession: a form of a language spoken by members of a particular social class or profession
language is a general word referring to communication, dialect is a localised version of a particular type of language[/b]
muz b frm young ur parents juz use ch to communicate w u harOriginally posted by monkeybusiness:i communicate with my family in dialects involved![]()
but my parents communicate in hokkien between themselves![]()
wah spamming ah! 4x!!Originally posted by kops21:.....
so cleverOriginally posted by BabyLover:muz b frm young ur parents juz use ch to communicate w u har![]()