The cones appear to be lighter when observers approach the image fixating at the center. Inversely, they appear to be darker when observers move away from the image fixating at the center. In addition, some observers may notice an expanding illusion.
poon cho tang
Spa lake
The image appears to shimmer.
poon cho tang
Paramecia appear to move.
poon cho tang
The ampan factory
Ampan (a kind of bread) appear to move horizontally.
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The white sun
The white circle appears to expand.
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The right flower appears to expand while the left one appears to contract.
poon cho tang
Circles of the same size appear to be unstabe in shape.
* Raccoon dogs. In Japan, Tanuki used to be believed to transform himself to a man and to deceive or disturb people who live in villages.
poon cho tang
Koban (gold coins) appear to diverge.
* those who are rich but use money too much
poon cho tang
Cafe Wall illusion -Basic pattern
The gray line appears to tilt down to the left, though it is horizontal.
poon cho tang
Black diamond
Vertical or horizontal gray lines appear to be distorted.
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The arrays appear to move.
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Moving tiles
The inset appears to move. This figure consists of squares.
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Gray lines are vertical and parallel but appear to tilt alternately. Moreover, fish appear to move vertically.
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Zollner illusion - Basic pattern
The horizontal lines are parallel but appear to tilt alternately, i.e., the acute angles formed by the horizontal lines and the short inducing lines appear to expand. It is said that the illusion is maximum when the intersecting angle is 10 - 30 deg. Some references claimed that any angle from 0 deg to 90 deg gives this illusion, but this was not supported by other references. The Fraser illusion is involved between 0 deg and 10 deg, while the "indirect effect" takes part between 50 deg and 90 deg; both are characterized by the acute-angle contraction. The oblique arrangement increases illusion. Kitaoka and Ishihara (2000) showed evidence that the Zollner illusion is formed by three elemental illusions: two are acute-angle expansion illusions and the other is an acute-angle contraction illusion. One of the expansion illusions is of a local type while the rest are of global types.
poon cho tang
Momo no sekku*
* A day (3rd March) for cerebration of the growth of young girls
Rows are parallel but appear to tilt clockwise (top, center, bottom) or counterclockwise (the rest two). In addition, anomalous motion illusion is also seen.