Stuck in the Attachment/Courting Stage?In some couples, neither partner moves beyond the first stage. When this happens, the partners will find one of two maladaptations: either the "Happy" Couple or the "Frequent Fighters" (adapted from Bader & Pearson, 198

The "
Happy" Couples: These couples tend to be VERY anger/conflict avoidant and to function in their relationship in ways that keep any differences from emerging. If differences do emerge, they are accompanied with intense anxiety and fears of abandonment. These couples are inseparable and very dependent on each other for their identities which are developed only in relation to each other. Consequently, any threat of loosing the other triggers intense anxiety and is experienced as a devastating loss of self or as psychic disintegration.
Maintaining the relationship is the primary goal of these couples and is accomplished at the expense of individuality. There is a high level of passivity (looking to the other to make decisions/define experience) and adaptation (excessively meeting the partner's needs at the expense of one's own). Partners in this type of relationship loose more and more of their individual identity over time. There is an intense merging and blurring of interpersonal boundaries with a resulting expectation that they speak for each other. Talking to one is seen (by partners) as being as good as talking to both.
These couples are very good at obscuring their differences. They rush to problem-solving to avoid any conflict between them. They are also very good at using non-verbal communication to silence each other.
These partners fear loss of the relationship if the differences surface and come to treatment because they are uncomfortable with the amount of sameness required to maintain the relationship.