I really do.. Esp today!! Damn, the rain is so big!! I dun mind if it's a little rain that cool our weather, but today's rain is so big, and the rain jus "splash" inside to the indoor!!
As a cat feeder, the rain not only make it very inconvenient for me lor, cos i have to go around haunting for the cats with a big umbrella and food, sometimes even get myself wet cos i can't handle so many things at once, what pains me most is that the stray cats have to shiver in the rain!! The rain keep splashing in, and they got nowhere to stand!!!
Just now when i was feeding the cat, I saw one cat was hiding up at the roof(the type the gov made to shelter humans), I guess she's getting the rain as well, cos i see her wet, but I can't climb up there to get her down, neither she could come down.. Her "meow-ing" seems to beg the god to stop the rain.. I could tell she's hungry. But at that situation, I could only feed the other cats around till they're full and leave some food on the ground for her to eat when she wanna come down.. Damn! I really hope no greedy cat would eat her share..

I'm saying all these is bcos some humans are very shuai(u know what i mean, not saying u handsome).. Rainy days still use umbrellas to poke or scare the cats, forcing them to stay out and get the rain.. Pls lor! U cold they oso cold one leh.. You see the cats above? Can you imagine that they're shivering in the rain right now?