Daily Horoscope
Your tendency to take on too much will end in fatigue. Be cautious of making any residential changes today. You will have some problems with children, but if you are patient you will win their favor.
Secret affairs could cause upset. You might be overly emotional concerning situations at work. Don't expect the whole family to be overjoyed.
Someone close to you could be having problems at work or school; youÂ’ll want to try and understand their concerns, but try as you might it seems that you wonÂ’t be able to quite grasp the nub of the matter! This is because there will be certain communication problems for you; all you can do is wait for them to pass!
Daily Horoscope
Your self esteem will come back if you take part in organizational functions that allow you to be in the lime light. Go out with friends who are positive and supportive. You need time to rejuvenate.
You have a real need to be vocal. You can make money if you work on personal investments. Your energetic nature and ability to initiate projects will add to your popularity.
A slightly negative aspect from the moon in Libra suggests that youÂ’ll be a little fretful about the way people perceive you today. If youÂ’ve made a minor mistake recently or miscalculated a situation youÂ’ll be inclined to blow it out of proportion, but a piece of hematite will soothe your nerves again.
Daily Horoscope
You will find that joint ventures could easily turn out to be dead end projects. Try not to make waves. Travel should be on your mind.
Look into real estate. Your tendency to vacillate will drive everyone crazy. The battle continues.
Sometimes Capricorns can be regarded as quite cold signs; today, a combination of planetary influences is likely to bring out that rather chilly exterior, which could baffle your nearest and dearest! To avoid this make sure that you have a good chunk of time and space to yourself today!
Daily Horoscope
Limitations on the home front can be expected if you have been restricting your mate's freedom. Partnerships could be tense. Don't push your luck. Comfort is a necessity. Check your motives.
Do things with your children and avoid situations that make you feel as if you've neglected the ones you love. You can develop your creative talents if you take the time to practice your art. Try to be patient with their inability to accept your new beliefs.
Thanks to the moon youÂ’re likely to be in quite a go-getting mood today. Your chilliness of yesterday will be eased significantly by this burst of enthusiasm, but donÂ’t let the day become all work, work, work. Take some time out to relax and have fun with friends too!
Thanks to a well-timed aspect from the sun you will find it much easier to switch off and enjoy the start of the weekend with friends. If youÂ’re feeling a little knotted up from all the demands of the previous days then treat yourself to a long overdue pampering session.
Residential moves look hectic and sudden changes in your life are likely. Be sure that you lay your cards on the table. You are best to tuck your money away where no one will be able to touch it, including yourself.
Social events will be rewarding. Your talents might just be discovered. You may want to make drastic changes concerning your personal partner.
Try to stay neutral if a normally reliable and supportive friend seems a little irritable and easily annoyed today. The unhelpful planetary formation will break up tonight, making things seem much easier. In the meantime just bite your tongue and let your friend get things off their chest.
Time is money and you must be ready to take action in order to reach your highest potential. Extravagance and overindulgence are not a cure if you're feeling sorry for yourself. You could experience delays in shipments or mail, and should be careful while traveling.
You can accomplish a great deal. Spend a quiet day with the one you love. You will attract potential lovers, but be sure that they're unattached.
Romance is very definitely on the cards for you today, with a side order of extremely hot passion! The presence of Venus in your sign combines with a very positive aspect of the Sun to your ruling planet. All in all, this means that you can use your boosted self confidence and charisma to have a fantastic day!
Take positive action. You can make headway in the workforce if you put your mind to it. Losses are likely if you get involved with uncertain individuals.
Your high energy must be directed into productive goals, or frustrations will occur. Colleagues may try to undermine you. Your positive attitude and intellectual outlook will draw others to you.
Love is still very much in the air for you today and there is a danger that thoughts of that special someone may interfere with your work or school assignments. There is a big opportunity for some well deserved praise today so make sure that you keep your focus at least until the evening comes around!
You can convince anyone of anything. You need to focus on yourself, not on others. You'll find it easy to talk about your feeling today. Don't hesitate to find out what your mate's intentions are.
Relatives may play an important role in your personal life. You will have a great deal of insight when dealing with others. Family get-togethers will be interesting.
Set the ball in motion and be relentless until you complete the project. You could be your own worst enemy if you overreact to something you're told. Only offer to do the things you have time for. Luxury items will cost you more than you can truly afford.
Your ability to take hold of a situation will surely bring you popularity and leadership. You will not impress others by being foolishly generous. You need to fulfill your needs and pre sent your talents.
This is a great day for relationships and you will find that the significant person in your life is very keen to show their appreciation for everything that you do for them. Your understanding and sensitivity has not gone unnoticed and a reward should be just around the corner!
Property investments, insurance, tax rebates, or inheritance should bring you financial gains. Your personal situation is fluctuating. Travel if it's needed to start the ball rolling.
You could be cornered, so be prepared to tell the truth. You are best to keep hard feelings to yourself. Satisfy your passionate mood.
Think hard before going into business with friends or family. You'll need to exercise control. Put all your energy into moneymaking ventures.
Do not lend money or belongings to friends. Joining organizations will provide you with stimulating romantic contacts. You can get support from groups that you belong to if you're willing to step out on a limb and voice your opinions.
Daily Horoscope
Satisfy your passionate mood. Everything is moving quickly, just the way you like it. Be careful not to overexert yourself.
People who try to persuade you to do things their way will annoy you. If you go shopping, only take what you can afford to part with. This will be a great night to invite friend over to visit.
Today it will be important for you to find some personal time. Before you can really relax and enjoy the festivities you need some space to wind down from an extremely busy schedule lately. DonÂ’t feel guilty about this as those around genuinely understand how hard you have been working.
Daily Horoscope
Don't make large purchases unless you have discussed your choices with your mate. Come to your own conclusions rather than taking the word of someone else. Changes in your home will be positive.
Your personal life will still be experiencing difficulties and you are best to avoid the issues for the time being. Exercise is always a good way to relieve stress. You may not want to spend time around family or your home.
Your horoscope today will be remarkably similar to AriesÂ’ in that youÂ’ll have a fixed idea of how this special day should progress, and unlike Aries thereÂ’ll be an inclination towards bossiness, if youÂ’re not careful! Tear up those plans, be guided by the people around you and youÂ’ll have a fabulous day.
Daily Horoscope
You have two choices; Get out on your own, or bend to your mate's whims. Sudden changes in your financial situation are likely. Lack of funds may add stress to your already uncertain situation.
Friends and relatives may not understand your needs. A long, quiet walk alone may help you sort out your thoughts. Join humanitarian groups and let your leadership ability take over.
You should relax today, Capricorn, and make sure that you feel rested and refreshed before tackling any minor emotional misunderstandings. The moon in Pisces indicates that these miscommunications wonÂ’t be easy to untangle today unless youÂ’re at your absolute sharpest!
Daily Horoscope
It might be best to work on your own; if possible, do your job out of your home today. Try to join groups of interest such as ballroom dance classes or perhaps an internet organization. This may not be the time to lend or borrow.
Don't let others put unreasonable demands on you. Think about starting your own small business, Pleasure trips will turn out to be better than anticipated.
Today a burst of fiery energy suggests that you’re likely to give vent to your feelings over an unresolved matter. You’ll probably feel great for having got everything off your chest, but if you want that all important closure then take the more ‘softy-softy’ approach, which will work wonders!
Daily Horoscope
Things have been moving so quickly that you need to do something physical to release your tension. Your ability to converse with charm will entice someone you may have had an interest in for some time now. Your changing attitudes may be causing concern for your partner.
Look out for those wanting to push you into a disagreement. Keep an open mind when listening to the opinions of others. Be careful; you may say something you'll regret later.
A couple of minor, but testing planetary aspects suggests that youÂ’re likely to act out of character and go against the grain today, which is no bad thing for a generally introverted and hard working sign, but make sure you donÂ’t overdo it! A tricky choice will prove to be harder than it first seems!
Daily Horoscope
You may be able to get some good advice about your personal problems. Your trendy style and unique way of doing things will entice new acquaintances. Your tendency to overreact could get you into trouble.
Don't be too open or put your faith in unreliable coworkers. Stay away from social unpleasantness. You can avoid hassles by sticking to your work and refusing to get involved in gossip or idle chatter.
Money and cash matters arenÂ’t looking particularly great today, which is unfortunate, because your sense of style couldnÂ’t be bettered! If youÂ’re feeling a little frustrated by the lack of an opportunity to buy something fabulous go window-shopping with a friend anyway; you can store up those ideas for another day!
Daily Horoscope
Get down to business and do the work yourself. Be careful how you handle friends and relatives, they may take things the wrong way. Camping, swimming, and biking expeditions should all be considered.
Try not to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Visitors may relieve the tension. You should socialize with clients or upper echelons of your industry if possible.
By this evening the couple of testing planetary aspects causing you slight money worries will fade, meaning that youÂ’ll be able to greet any festive party with a happy smile. Even so, wait until the financial pressure is off completely before you hit the mall!
Daily Horoscope
Accomplishment is yours if you direct yourself accordingly. Make sure you concentrate if operating machinery or vehicles. Think of joining a health club that will benefit your physical appearance.
Don't forget to let your mate know how much you care. Don't get involved in idle chatter that will hurt your position. Avoid lending or borrowing.
A particular planetary formation is likely to unsettle you today, and you’ll be more inclined to ignore your intuition in favor of hard facts! Keeping a piece of amber with you will help you realize how invaluable that ‘gut-feeling’ can be! Your New Year’s resolution: to nurture your imagination and inner artist!
Daily Horoscope
Get more involved in group efforts at work. You will attract potential lovers, but be sure that they're unattached. You may find yourself changing plans for some form of entertainment.
Financial limitations are likely if you take risks. You will have to help family members sort out unfortunate difficulties. Purchases will be well worth it and they will last a long time.
Romance is likely to rear its head today, but thanks to the sun/moon opposition youÂ’re likely to miss the point being made, which could mean a missed opportunity! Keep a piece of amber with you today to help you be a little more positive and adaptable when in comes to matters of the heart!
Daily Horoscope
If you're single, get out there and you'll meet someone new. You can accomplish the most if you travel for business purposes. Luck is with you, regardless of the financial venture.
Secret information will be eye opening. Real estate and joint financial ventures will be profitable. Avoid any hassles.
If there is an emotional or romantic problem preying on your mind then today is the day to work through it. The conjunction between your ruling planet and Mars will help you state your case fairly and calmly, but with enough conviction to be persuasive!
Daily Horoscope
The existing problems must be dealt with one way or another. Your willingness to help others can and will lead to fatigue if you don't learn to say no. Make plans to mix business with pleasure. Dinner with clients or business associates should be successful.
You will be your usual charming self and the partners you attract may be the adventurous type. Avoid lovers who already have a relationship, even if it is a bad one. Be careful that you don't spend too much time with a person belonging to someone else.
Thanks to Venus shifting into Aquarius youÂ’ll find that you wake up today with a whole new approach to money! YouÂ’ll be less inclined to save and more inclined to spend! Today would be a good day to plan a realistic budget that will allow you to make those impulse purchases!
Daily Horoscope
Be prepared to have relatives or close friends introduce you to new and exciting individuals. Things are looking good for you, so open your eyes and get to it. You are going through a period of questioning.
Do not borrow or lend money or belongings to friends or relatives if you wish to avoid any hassles. You can make favorable real estate offers today. You will do well in social settings, and new and interesting individuals may spark a romantic curiosity.
Capricorns have the ability to make a virtue out of their interest in material goods and personal progression. However, a pair of conjunctions within your sign is causing you to take a much more charitable view of the world today. You may even find yourself getting involved in some kind of charity work before the day is out!
Daily Horoscope
Go out with friends or family. You may not be as well received in group endeavors if you try to force your will on others. You can get support from groups that you belong to if you're willing to step out on a limb and voice your opinions.
Spending too much time talking to friends or relatives could easily turn into a debate that could lead to estrangement. Visitors may relieve the tension. Keep important information to yourself.
Mercury is still moving through your sign and it is having a very positive impact on your communication skills. Usually you are very direct, sometimes to the point of being blunt. However, today you will really have a way with words which could be very useful if there is someone you are hoping to charm!
Daily Horoscope
Your mind is on moneymaking ventures. You should look into making some physical changes, such as new hair color or toning up your body. Children could cost you more than you can afford.
Cultural activities open your eyes to new ways of doing things. Don't expect anyone else to pay your bills for you. Don't hesitate to go ahead with any plans for entertainment.
Slow down is the best advice that anyone can give you right now. The position of Jupiter in the heavens means that you are making great strides in some particular project. However, the position of Saturn means that you need to avoid trying to achieve too much too soon and learn to just go with the flow.