Daily Horoscope
Your lover may feel rejected. Children or friends may try to talk you into lending them money. Don't get involved in expensive entertainment that involves gambling.
You need to be sure that you aren't in your present relationship because it is convenient. There are ways of making extra cash if you put your mind to it. You can make money but not through harebrained schemes or gambling.
A couple of strong and positive influences will pave the way for some unexpected but interesting romantic moments. Singles will find themselves on the receiving end of some flattering attention, while attached Capricorns can look forward to a warm and cozy evening!
Daily Horoscope
Your intellectual charm will win hearts and bring opportunities that you least expect. Concentrate on work. Try not to hang out with coworkers if you wish to avoid problems later.
Social activities that involve the whole family will be enjoyable. Don't make a move; your confusion has caused this dilemma and you are best to back away and reassess the situation. Try to deal with it quickly; don't dwell on past regrets.
YouÂ’ll be in for a more challenging day today; decisions will be difficult and it will feel as though youÂ’re walking through treacle sometimes. However, youÂ’re not the only sign who is feeling vague and easily distracted, and tomorrow is looking much more promising, so hang in there, Capricorn!
Daily Horoscope
Your sensitive nature will allow others to read you well. You need a change and you need to earn more cash. Stop telling others about your problems.
You can visit clients and make a big impression just by giving them some hands-on help. You may need the space, but you need the extra cash more. Organize your house and be sure to include the whole family in the projects you have set out to do.
Today could be your lucky day as the planets are coming together to bring good fortune in your direction. Additionally, it seems likely that things will be going very well in your public life. If you are working today it could be that this good fortune will be a permanent promotion.
Daily Horoscope
You may not have the same ideas when it comes to what you both enjoy. Children's needs could be more costly than you anticipated. You should put a little extra effort in at work.
Jealousy may get in the way of a good relationship. Check your personal papers and make sure everything is in order. You may have difficulties at an emotional level with mates.
There are a couple of challenging influences on your ruling planet which may leave you behaving in an unpredictable way. If youÂ’re feeling bored with everything, including yourself then take yourself off to the mall for a change of image, which will help to control your fickle mood.
Daily Horoscope
Past partners are likely to reappear. Don't overextend yourself in the process. You may find that someone you live with may be irritable; you're best to leave them alone.
You may want to try your hand at a little creative writing. Don't let your boss get the better of you. You are best to get out of the house today. A little overtime may help you reduce the workload.
With five planets in your eleventh house you can look forward to a sudden burst in your social life. Suddenly you’ll be more in demand than ever before, but beware, Capricorn – there are too many fun distractions going on, which could have you neglecting work or school!
Daily Horoscope
Get into some activities that will help you in making new friends. You can travel for business or pleasure. Your ability to relate will close the generation gap.
Don't be too quick to spend money. Relax I and enjoy what you've accomplished when you're finished. You can make money through your own creative efforts.
Those Capricorns who already have partners beware, while singles might as well surrender now! Thanks to Venus in Scorpio temptation in the form of someone stunning is going to stop you in your tracks today. The trouble is they are probably not someone who you could connect with!
Daily Horoscope
Do things because you want to, not because someone else thinks you should. Put all your energy into moneymaking ventures. If you can mix business with pleasure much can be accomplished.
Don't share your dilemma with those you work with. Romantic relationships could be under pressure. Your doubt could lead to insecurity.
The minor disharmony between the sun and the moon is likely to bring out your more sensitive side today. So if you just want to curl up in front of a good movie with a close friend or even someone special, and a stash of potato chips by your side this evening, do so.
Daily Horoscope
Your high energy will help you through this rather hectic day. You have done all you can to sort things out a personal level. You can make new connections if you play your cards right.
You should take good care of your health; get lots of rest. Don't confide in any relatives whom you know have a tendency to meddle in other people's affairs. Romance could be exciting if you are spontaneous.
With a positive aspect from the moon you should be able to enjoy one of those rare times: a calm day! YouÂ’ll be able to face lifeÂ’s little problems with a positive outlook, even when someone at work or school gets on your nerves! A pleasant evening with a close friend will boost your mood even more!
Daily Horoscope
Secret intrigues could get you into trouble. You are best not to discuss your personal life with others. Your lover may not under stand your needs so you must figure out a way to communicate them.
You must use discretion when talking to others. Gambling should not be an option. Avoid getting too close to coworkers or employers. Do what you can to help them but don't neglect your own family.
The slightly challenging aspect from the moon, which shifts into your sign, suggests that youÂ’re likely to be feeling a little fractious today. You might even be feeling that you need something to add a little much needed zing in your day, which you can achieve by a trip to the mall!
Daily Horoscope
Show what a dedicated person you can be. Use discretion in your dealings and refrain from making verbal promises of any kind. If you have treated them equitably, you might be able to count on their loyalty.
Come to your own conclusions rather than taking the word of someone else. Take work home but be sure to spend some time with your mate. Plan your day carefully.
Thanks to Mercury moving backwards you could find that your social life becomes that little bit busier, if not downright complicated! This could develop in several ways: it might be that you need to mediate between two friends who canÂ’t see eye- to-eye, but you will need to draw on your reserves of tact!
Daily Horoscope
You will get drawn into groups that are not favorable to you. It's time to get yourself back on track. Children might be on your mind. Don't hesitate to make special plans just for two.
Back off if you want to keep the relationship intact. Don't bend to the pressure. Try to spend time with those having similar interests.
Like a couple of other signs today money will be your main source of concern. Any business deals or financial transactions should be postponed for today, however minor those deals or plans are. Give yourself some breathing space in order to double check everything before signing on any dotted lines!
Daily Horoscope
Don't overload your plate. People trying to entice you to join in will be less than trustworthy. Unexpected bills will leave you a little short.
Reevaluate your situation. Balance is required if you want stability. Investments that deal with property will pay off but could cause conflict with some family members.
A couple of more challenging aspects suggests that youÂ’ll be inclined to be a little too accommodating towards a friend who really doesnÂ’t deserve the amount consideration they seem to be demanding. You might not want to confront the issue now, but donÂ’t take any flak from them!
Daily Horoscope
Do not react too harshly when dealing with partners. Don't let others bully you into agreeing with them. Put your energy into learning new skills or picking up valuable information.
Someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, and if you're gullible, it may cost you. Visit those less fortunate than your self; be sure to help them with their personal problems. Don't start any arguments unless you're prepared to accept irrevocable results.'
Romantic matters could be a little tricky today. If youÂ’re single itÂ’s possible that someone whoÂ’s overly sensitive may catch your eye. If you have a partner youÂ’ll need to be more flexible over something. Either way you will need to demonstrate a little give-and-take today!
Daily Horoscope
Go directly to the source if you want to know exactly what's been going on. Opportunities to learn important information will surface through discussions with peers or seminars you attend. Complete those hobbies you started a long time ago.
Don't make promises. Difficulties may be encountered while traveling in foreign countries. Trips will be more than adventurous.
A misunderstanding with a parent or person of authority could have you grinding your teeth today! The fact that Pluto is encouraging you to view things in terms of right or wrong, with no shades of grey in between isnÂ’t helping. Keeping a piece of clear quartz will help you think through the matter with more objectivity!
Daily Horoscope
Pleasure trips will be emotionally favorable. Controversial subjects should be avoided at all costs. Be careful not to reveal private information.
You will learn valuable information if you travel today. Be cautious while traveling to foreign countries. Invest wisely. Your personal life could have you tied up in knots.
You are likely to surprise and impress a member of your family today, by taking the lead! Someone needs to be guided in the right direction over a monetary or material matter, and youÂ’ll be the one in a position to dole out some very helpful advice, earning you much deserved respect!
Daily Horoscope
Secret love affairs may be enticing; however, you must be prepared for the restraints that will follow. Take a look at yourself and prepare to make those changes you've been contemplating. Try not to push your philosophies on others.
You can make major gains professionally by completing projects on time. Do not confront situations unless you are sure you have a good understanding of the dilemma. Take the time to do your job correctly or you may find yourself looking for a new one.
You should be able to enjoy a relaxing Saturday, but with plenty of opportunities to expand your social life coming your way you are unlikely to waste the day. Be prepared for the unusual, especially where your friends are concerned, and you will be guaranteed to have a great time!
Daily Horoscope
Make changes that will enhance your appearance and entice potential partners. Someone you care about may not be too well. Listen and formulate your course of action. You will be indecisive.
Try to avoid serious discussions with loved ones. Heed the advice given by family or old reliable friends. A little volleyball or other outdoor sports should be on your agenda.
If it is at all possible then try to avoid the mall today. Stash away any credit cards and resolve to spend as little as possible. The planets are presenting nearly everyone with their own challenges; in your case those challenges will revolve around your cash flow!
Daily Horoscope
Don't let your personal partner hold you back. Do whatever your mate wants; it really doesn't matter as long as you're together. Socializing will be more than just entertaining.
You may find that your anger stems from lending or borrowing money. Delays are evident. New romantic partners may attend a function that puts you in the limelight.
Sometimes in life it can be the challenges and obstacles that we face which bring us the most satisfaction. Today the influence of Saturn will mean that following your chosen course of action may seem to be filled with blockages and difficulties. If you persevere though, you will succeed!
Daily Horoscope
Let go of the past in order to progress. Ask others to help, or you may feel that a burden is weighing you down. Groups and organizations that indulge in social events to raise money will be conducive to meeting new and exciting lovers.
Disappointments regarding partners will be subject to the way you react to their personal comments. Get the red tape and the unwanted paperwork out of the way. You need to be sure that you aren't in your present relationship because it is convenient.
The planets are very definitely on your side today and the first piece of good news could be coming as early as the morning mail. The rest of the day looks like following this positive trend and there will be some exciting opportunities to make some extra money by the time the evening is over!
Daily Horoscope
Don't evade issues or twist the truth around. Help elders with their concerns. You are best to concentrate on work.
Keep a lookout for any individuals eager to confront you with unsavory situations. You should include children in your activities. It might be best to spend time fixing up your premises and making changes that will be appreciated.
Someone, possibly the last person you would expect, has been watching you from a distance and becoming increasingly drawn to you. Right now your appeal has reached a tantalizing high and there is a very good chance that this person will finally pluck up the courage to tell you how they feel!
Daily Horoscope
Too much talk will lead to disputes. Do not expect too much from others. Do not make rash decisions about your personal life.
Get together with friends and catch up on reading and letter writing. Uncertainties about your personal life are probable. Digestive disorders will be a result of family squabbles.
Romance continues to be high on the agenda for you today. Unusually you will be feeling emotionally intense throughout the day and although your relationship may be still quite young there is a growing desire for some visible sign of commitment. If you share your feelings you may be surprised by the response.
Daily Horoscope
Sudden romantic encounters are quite likely, but discretion will be a must. You need to make your lover feel wanted, not like a piece of the furniture. Your diplomatic approach and rather outgoing nature will enhance your reputation and bring you the support you need.
Tempers will mount if you're too pushy at work or at home. An older member of the family may need assistance. Depression may put a damper on your day.
Over the last few days one particular conflict or tension has been causing you a great deal of frustration. You have found it difficult to express yourself fully, feeling constrained by a desire to avoid any major arguments. However, the planets are encouraging you to take a stand right now.
Daily Horoscope
Go on business trips if at all possible. Refrain from overspending on entertainment or luxury items. Tell them to get out of the mess they are in and then you'll consider getting together with them.
Debates will stifle passion and result in estrangement. You can pick up valuable information if you listen to those with more experience. Reevaluate your situation.
If you havenÂ’t cleared the air with a certain person about an ongoing disagreement then today is the last chance to really get everything out in the open. If you have taken that step then today should see you in a very self confident mood, ready to tackle anyone and anything that life brings your way!
Daily Horoscope
You should be looking at ways to spoil yourself. You may have difficulties with family members if you get involved in petty arguments. Keep important information to yourself.
Get some sound advice and help setting up a workable budget. You could receive recognition for a job well done. You may find yourself caught in the middle of an argument that has nothing to do with you.
A couple of negative aspects are likely to affect your day: if you feel low and listless try doing something that restores your earth energy, which is lacking right now. Making a change to your appearance might appeal: consider a new hair color or some earthy accessories to improve your mood.
Daily Horoscope
Someone envious of your popularity may challenge you to a debate. Mingle with those who can further your goals. Give everyone in the house a physical chore that will help burn off some of the excess energy.
You can make sound financial investments if you act fast. Don't be too shy to promote your own interests. You are best to concentrate on your professional endeavors.
Friendships are likely to come under the spotlight today, thanks to a couple of negative aspects. A clash of plans might make you feel a little neglected but stay cool, because youÂ’ll realize that youÂ’re misreading the situation. Once youÂ’ve sorted out the mix-up youÂ’ll be able to enjoy yourself again.