Daily Horoscope
Lay your cards on the table regarding your personal direction. Do your job and then spend some time with family; you'll be glad you did. You can make extra money. Rewards will be yours if you put in the overtime required.
Travel opportunities must be taken advantage of. Your input into their activities will help bring you closer together. This might not be a day for hasty decisions.
This could possibly turn out to be one of those more memorable days where you suddenly have a flash of inspiration or insight, especially at work or school, which starts you thinking about your future. Something that you never would have considered could suddenly gain new appeal.
Daily Horoscope
Try to spend more time with children and relatives. You can make career moves that will bring you a much higher income. You may not be as well received in group endeavors if you try to force your will on others.
Your outgoing charm and obvious talent will be admired. You need time to think things through. Jealousy may be a contributing factor to your emotional ups and downs.
With a positive but minor influence between your ruling planet and Mercury expect to behave a little out of character today. YouÂ’re likely to be feeling sociable and in the mood for some fun, so make the most of the weekend and brush all those cobwebs away!
Daily Horoscope
You need an outlet. Change will be required to make your life more harmonious. Make alternate plans just in case you need to make a career shift.
Put your energy into your work or moneymaking ventures rather than into your emotional life today. Hidden matters are likely to surface. Opportunities to get involved in self improvement projects will be rewarding.
The strong influence of the planets in Libra suggests that you might be inclined to follow rather than lead for the sake of keeping the peace. YouÂ’re one of the quieter signs anyway, which means that you will need to draw on all your reserves to make sure that you are heard today!
Daily Horoscope
Nothing can be resolved if you don't want to talk about it. Good friends will give you honest answers. Your position may be in question if you haven't been pulling your weight.
Your questions will help you ferret out secret information. You're eager to learn. Avoid boredom by being creative in your endeavors.
Thanks to a challenging influence from the moon youÂ’re likely to be feeling a little insecure today, but take heart in the fact that this will be short-lived. In the meantime why not pamper and indulge yourself: a luxurious scented bath to relax you followed by your favorite movie will make you feel special again!
Daily Horoscope
Observations will be far more productive. Mingle with those who can further your goals. Don't be too eager to cut those who have disappointed you from your life.
Try to iron out any friction over money with your mate or conflicts could prevail. You may be the recipient of false information. You are best to stick to basics. Work on getting ahead by picking up added skills.
Doing a good deed for the day is likely to guide you towards some excellent developments in your love life today, although you might not realize it at first. Sometimes things happen for a reason, which we canÂ’t see until long after the event, so just go with the flow, and see what happens!
Daily Horoscope
You will feel compelled to do some traveling. Be sure to take care of the needs of your immediate loved ones first. Don't be afraid to lay your cards on the table.
It's time you let your true feelings out. You may find that lectures or travel will be highly successful. You've been in a rut and you need to do something that will help you break the pattern you've fallen into.
The air sun and the fire moon are likely to affect you today, especially in terms of communications. ItÂ’s possible that youÂ’ll be torn between the demands of work or school, and your own needs, but if you hang in there your mood will shift when the moon moves into your sign, and youÂ’ll feel much happier.
Daily Horoscope
You could lose a good friend because of it. Your words will be taken out of context if you're evasive with coworkers or employers. You will both have to bend if you want this union to work.
Opportunities for romance will develop through group endeavors; however, the association isn't likely to last. You can expand your circle of friends if you get out and socialize. Verbal abuse could lead to carelessness.
You are likely to have one of those days where you feel unappreciated! The moon moving into your sign is likely to increase these feelings today, so have a couple of good friends on standby for the evening, stock up on your favorite ice-cream and have a good old moan! YouÂ’ll feel much better!
Daily Horoscope
Your ability to stand out in a crowd will bring you the recognition you desire. Knowledge can be acquired if you listen. Your need to obtain additional details will lead you into strange topics of conversation.
Get help to finish a project if you need it. Problems with fire, gas, or oil may cause disruptions and annoyances. Investments concerning your residence will be profitable.
If you havenÂ’t yet been invited to any parties this weekend make sure that you find some kind of social event to attend tonight. Today sees you at your glamorous best and it just wouldnÂ’t be right for there to be a party without you in attendance. You can even afford to splash out a new outfit!
Daily Horoscope
Finish overdue paperwork and catch up on letter writing and reading. Someone you like may be receptive and actively seeking your company. Difficulties may be encountered while traveling in foreign countries.
You can continue to make gains if you call a few people who can help you close an important deal. Be primed to use your intellect in order to get what you want. You may find your self in a romantic situation.
All people born under the sign of the Goat have a great love of status and position. Today you are in more need than usual of having your place in the order of things recognized by those around you. This should not be difficult as you are in sparkling form throughout the day!
Daily Horoscope
Make arrangements to meet friends at your local dance club. You can do well on stage or behind the scenes, the choice is yours. You can make money if you work on personal investments.
The key to feeling good about yourself will be to do something about it. You will be able to contribute a great deal to organizations that you join. Relatives will not agree with the way you are dealing with your personal problems.
As much as you love your career, even if right now that is only a Saturday job, deep down you are quite a softy! The influence of the planets today means that the more emotional side of your nature comes very much to the surface. ItÂ’s an ideal day to spend some quality time with someone special in your life.
Daily Horoscope
Your need to use emotional blackmail will only cause more conflict. Your ideas can be put into action. You'll have amazing ideas, but superiors may try to block your attempts at implementing them.
Don't evade important issues; you may find yourself backed into a corner. Make changes around your house and plan to do some entertaining. Use your quick wit to win points with friends.
A shift in your attitude could have you going off in the wrong direction today thanks to a challenging aspect from the moon in Aquarius. If you start feeling thwarted or blocked in your efforts donÂ’t overreact, because this aspect suggests that youÂ’ll be inclined to blow things way out of proportion!
Daily Horoscope
If you can get away for a vacation, do so. Romance is likely if you participate in unusual forms of entertainment. Curb any jealous fits if your partner has been flirting with someone else.
Mingle with those who can help you get ahead. You could be tempted to overspend on unnecessary items. You may find that your generosity has been taken for granted.
The stressful feelings of yesterday should lessen significantly today, especially if you arrange to spend some time with friends. Invite them round for the evening and watch your favorite movie together. Alternatively go out bowling or dancing to boost your mood and your energy levels.
Daily Horoscope
Exercise discipline when it comes to controlling bad habits. Listen to the complaints of others. One sided attractions are likely.
Your talents might just be discovered. Don't let your emotions interfere with completing your chores. You may be thinking of starting your own business.
Thanks to a couple of challenging aspects you are very likely to be a little nervous about trying anything new today. Both Venus and the moon are conspiring to hold you back, but by keeping a piece of bloodstone with you will help to lessen the effects and supply the boost you need!
Daily Horoscope
Consider making pleasure trips or participating in entertainment that will require energy. Coworkers may not be completely honest with you; try not to rely on help from others. Don't let the erratic behavior of someone you live with interfere with your professional performance.
Keep your thoughts to yourself for the time being. Help elders get their personal papers in order. Use your energy wisely.
The imbalance affecting a couple of other signs will hit you too today. An uneasy aspect between the sun and the moon is likely to pull you in all directions, especially at work or school! However, money matters are looking very positive today, so when things get too much you can always buy yourself a little treat!
Daily Horoscope
Expect to have more people on your domestic scene. Talk to someone you trust in order to see the whole picture. Don't settle for less than the best.
You would be best to work late in order to avoid such disharmony. Reciprocate by offering helpful hints. If you've taken on a lot of work, be sure to leave some time for yourself and family.
While nearly everyone else is likely to be making the most of the planetary activity your inquisitive mood will mean that youÂ’re more in the frame of mind for some involved discussions and deep and meaningful conversations! Share the evening with a like-minded friend to chat the night through!
Daily Horoscope
Your tendency to overreact could get you into trouble. Use your better judgment before you sign up for a costly venture. You are best to get out of the house today.
Trips will be exciting. You can expect to have problems with your mate if you've been spending too much time away from home. Don't let them blame you.
ItÂ’s a romantic atmosphere that you really need today and the planets indicate that this evening you are likely to get all the romantic attention you could possibly want! Before you can enjoy this wonderful experience though there is a task that you have been putting off which you need to complete!
Daily Horoscope
Don't make unreasonable promises. Your ideas may be good, but they aren't necessarily right for everyone. You should check out prestigious clubs or groups that have a cause you believe in.
Travel will be most enticing. Consider a cruise. You're on the right track and you can make money if you are willing to go out on a limb. You can make money if you work on personal investments.
You could find that youÂ’re feeling highly emotional and ultra sensitive today, thanks to the particular formation between the planets, but if you hold on to the fact that everyone will be having a less than fabulous day you should be able to keep things in perspective!
Daily Horoscope
Don't make promises. Empty promises and a lack of cash may put a damper on your plans. Do a little shopping. You're likely to find a real bargain.
If you take on too much, you will find your self in martyrdom. Someone you least expect may not have your best interests at heart. You may be in an extremely passionate mood today.
If it feels as though youÂ’ve had no outlet for your creative or artistic side recently then donÂ’t worry because all that is likely to change today. Your boss or your teacher is likely to recognize and draw out those talents you have been hiding away! Make sure you take their advice on board!
Daily Horoscope
You may find that you can be the recipient of valuable information if you're willing to be a good listener. Chronic health problems are likely to surface if you are keeping your problems locked up inside. If you've taken on a lot of work, be sure to leave some time for yourself and family.
You can enjoy the company of others and come in contact with an ideal mate, if you get out and mingle. You will be entertained and intrigued by the logic foreigners possess. Don't let the cat out of the bag.
A couple of cooperative aspects affecting your ruling planet means that youÂ’ll be in the mood to shop, and cash matters are also looking favorable. With that good news thereÂ’s nothing to stop you from hitting the malls today. A new outfit or some ethnic accessories might appeal!
Daily Horoscope
Secret affairs can only lead to devastating circumstances. Don't start a dispute unless you're prepared to accept irreversible results. You need to do something energetic and different.
You will have a tendency to put on pounds. You have been going through a period of change that no doubt caused problems with your loved ones. You will feel compelled to do some traveling.
Be careful what you say today as you are in danger of making a habit of saying just the wrong thing without even meaning to before the day is out. You will be quite involved in your own world of ideas today and so you need to extra careful to think through what you are about today before you allow it pass your lips!
Daily Horoscope
You like to stay busy and now is your chance to do just that. Purchases will be well worth it and they will last a long time. Get into fitness programs to keep in shape. Your ambitious mood may not go over well with loved ones.
You should get out and enjoy social events where you are likely to meet new potential mates; however, don't over spend. You may be sensitive to a point of absurdity. You can help sort out problems that friends are facing.
By the end of the day you might begin to wonder if you have a sign above your head encouraging everyone to come and tell you all their problems! DonÂ’t worry; itÂ’s simply that today you are able to see to the heart of any problem with ease. Make sure you focus on any issues you are facing yourself as well as helping your friends!
Daily Horoscope
Friendships will be ruined if you let too many people get involved in any disputes. If you're feeling uncertain, spend some time alone and reevaluate your motives as well as your needs. You may make someone else look bad.
You will be able to get to the bottom of things today. Your lack of interest in your partner is a problem. You can't lock your partner up and if you keep restricting their freedom you may be left out in the cold.
As an Earth sign you like to be certain of where you stand, especially in your close relationships. Today you may find that the absence of Earth energy in todayÂ’s chart leaves you feeling a little insecure. If you are able to talk openly about how you feel it will go a long way to making you feel better.
Daily Horoscope
You will find that valuable knowledge can be gained if you are willing to listen. You could be cornered, so be prepared to tell the truth. Don't be shy to promote your own interests.
Confusion could result when communicating with others. You can convince others to follow suit. Don't get involved in other people's problems.
Like Aries you are likely to be tempted into some major spending today, and while, unlike Aries, your finances are looking strong enough to cope with such a splurge, your sense of style is not going to be quite so reliable. Whatever you buy today you will want to return tomorrow!
Daily Horoscope
Your personal partner may be less than willing to accommodate you today. You'll only hurt your lover if you don't. You can look around for the right place and enlist some of your friends to help you move.
Get proper medical attention and confront your situation decisively. Sit back and observe, regardless of how hard that might be. Tempers will mount if you are too pushy at work.
Work or school will seem like a huge maze of problems that youÂ’ll feel like avoiding at all costs. However, the signs suggest itÂ’s a fear of failure that is stopping you from tackling them head on. The signs also suggest that someone else is more than happy to lend a helping hand!
Daily Horoscope
You should teach children some of your unique creative talents. Don't be too quick to judge those you live with. Look into alternatives that would better suit both your needs.
You must look into your options. You can make positive changes in your home. Be prepared to have relatives or close friends introduce you to new and exciting individuals.
Everyone will be thinking about clearing up or changing aspects of their lives today, thanks primarily to the moon and to Pluto. For you those changes are likely to be in the form of plans for a future vacation or break, because something will inspire you to be that little bit more daring!