Daily Horoscope
You can make major gains professionally by completing projects on time. You'll communicate easily and develop new friendships. Do your own thing without drawing attention to it.
You can make personal changes that will enhance your appearance and bring about greater social activity. You're in a high cycle for romance. Try to avoid serious discussions with loved ones.
The need to do something entirely different and out of character could quite probably kick in today. Pluto will have you feeling like you need more out of life, and if you channel this feeling into something positive then you will soon realize that the world is your oyster!
Daily Horoscope
Don't let friends or relatives make you feel guilty if you're not able to attend one of their affairs. Be careful that you don't overextend yourself. Your lover will cost you dearly if you let them.
You will have opportunities to advance, but you may have to be willing to make some changes and possibly a residential move. Plan to get together with someone special later in the day. Work quietly on your own and you will forge ahead.
You could do worse than to timetable some fun into your day today. The influence of Venus and the sun will introduce some much needed harmony and contentment into your day. Be warned, thereÂ’s a danger that youÂ’ll waste an opportunity to meet someone new if you decide to stay at home in your sweats!
Daily Horoscope
Communication must be open, precise, and honest. You will find that you can work progressively at improving yourself today. You may find that your family responsibilities are piling up.
Take special care in any home improvement project you work on today, you'll be glad you did. Avoid purchasing expensive items. You need to spend time with friends and family.
If there was ever a time to explore, or learn, or expand your mind it is now! YouÂ’re likely to dream of travel to far-off places that take you off the beaten track. If itÂ’s possible start planning a short break, and with so many planets in Virgo thereÂ’s no need to remind you of the importance of good planning!
Daily Horoscope
Opportunities will unfold; however, you must be willing to pay the price. This will not be the best day to initiate change. Try not to be so demonstrative.
Minor health problems may lower your vitality. If you put your energy into physical outlets you will avoid confrontations. Confusion is apparent and you'll need some sound advice if you want to do the right thing.
You’re likely to become quite fretful today, thanks to the influences of the planets. The thing that you’re likely to fret most about is money, although there is nothing to suggest that you need to worry! Take a deep breath and take stock – chances are that someone else’s stress is rubbing off on you!
Daily Horoscope
This will not be the time to give too much to your children. Pleasure trips will be most enjoyable if you take them with that special person in your life. Work hard on improving your living quarters.
Your partner could make you angry if they steal your thunder or embarrass you in front of others. You may find yourself in the midst of a pretty good deal. Try to enlist the support of your coworkers first.
Boredom at work or school could have you dreaming about all the different things that you could have done. However, if you can pull yourself out of your daydreams you will find that it is within your power to inject a little excitement into your routine with the help of an unusual friend.
Daily Horoscope
You may want to get involved in some kind of creative group. Try not to skirt issues if you think you'll hurt some one's feelings. Get involved in groups that will help you meet established individuals.
Your doubt could lead to insecurity. Don't upset elders in your family who don't under stand your present situation. Don't point your finger unjustly at others.
The day may provide more than its fair share of taxing moments thanks to Jupiter, but you can rely on your sense of creativity. This, combined with your famed self discipline, means not only will you find a way around the various obstacles with ease, but that youÂ’ll manage to find time to enjoy yourself too.
Daily Horoscope
Abrupt changes concerning your professional position are evident. Your leadership ability will enhance your reputation. Do your own research and be prepared.
It's a favorable time for real estate, investments, and moneymaking opportunities to be successful. You will be able to make changes regarding your living arrangements. Keep on your toes when dealing with others.
With the moon in your sign you could be feeling very sensitive and emotional today, especially in terms of romance. Usually you are rather guarded when it comes to relationships, but today you will be feeling the flame of passion, which could take a certain someoneÂ’s breath away!
Daily Horoscope
Be sure to spend time helping children with projects that are too difficult for them to accomplish alone. Do not overspend on entertainment. If you haven't already, consider starting your own business.
You could be quite erratic regarding your personal relationship. Opportunities to meet new lovers will I come through pleasure trips or social events. Focus on your own domestic problems.
The influence of Jupiter could make itself felt today, boosting your sense of ambition and drive at work or school. The possibility of financial gain or other reward could make you more competitive than usual, but you could lose sight of what equally important things!
Daily Horoscope
You may find that children are not as accepting as you have been. You will have to face each issue separately and in person. Raise your self esteem and your confidence if you want to get back into the mainstream again.
Work hard on improving your living quarters. Ask a close friend for advice. Your intellectual charm will entice mates who have common interests.
With a minor but negative aspect between your ruling planet and the moon it is looking as though you are in serious need of some fun. If you have had little opportunity over the past few days to let your hair down you can relax a little now and start planning something unusual for your weekend!
Daily Horoscope
Get out and get active. New love connections can be made through group associations. Your mate may be distressed if you refuse to make a commitment.
You will be overly sensitive today. You may be upset if someone has borrowed something that belongs to you. You need to lie back and enjoy a little rest.
You are likely to feel as though you would like a new direction in life, especially if you have allowed routine to dominate your life too much. Taking on new interests will help counterbalance this feeling of low level discontent and will create the break that you need right now.
Daily Horoscope
Don't allow colleagues to put unreasonable pressure on you. Unexpected bills will leave you a little short. Friends or groups that you're affiliated with may want you to contribute more cash than you can really afford.
New romantic relationships will develop through group activity related to sports events. Your confidence will stabilize your position. Watch your weight gain due to water retention.
YouÂ’re likely to have an opportunity to make a difference today, whether thatÂ’s in your own day-to-day routine or in someone elseÂ’s, but you could get easily side-tracked by a need to show off a little! Rein in those less helpful impulses and youÂ’ll find that it turns out to be a very useful day!
Daily Horoscope
You may have ignored or neglected your mate lately. You can enhance your reputation by making contributions to worthwhile causes. Look into career choices and courses being offered.
You can make gains if you work in conjunction with others. Comfort is a necessity. Check your motives. Your practical approach to life may charm someone who has been observing you.
A surge of fiery energy is likely to bring out a more extravert streak, which will boost your confidence levels no end over the next few weeks. Take advantage of the transit of Mars into Libra today by arranging a fun evening out with your friends. ItÂ’s good to let your hair down once in a while!
Daily Horoscope
Control your anger. It's time to reevaluate your motives. Try to get away with your mate.
Don't hesitate to voice your opinions at a group meeting; however, keep your thoughts to yourself at home. Lowered vitality could affect your work. You'll find travel or involvement in large groups gratifying.
Home is where youÂ’ll want to be today, spending time with your nearest and dearest. There will be a strong influence from the element of fire, which governs your actions, so if you find youÂ’re feeling dynamic and ready to make some changes donÂ’t worry. Besides, your friends will quite admire this more vibrant, sassy you!
Daily Horoscope
Take a close look at contracts and agreements that have been offered to you. You may have some difficulties with someone you live with. It's a good time to make changes to your living quarters that will give you more space.
Your added discipline will help you complete the impossible at work. Try to visit friends or relatives you don't get to see often. You can write beautiful love letters today.
Pluto is making itself felt today, and like many signs youÂ’re going to experience those little niggles and hiccups that are enough to test anyoneÂ’s patience. Unlike the other signs youÂ’ll be more tempted to offload the blame onto someone elseÂ’s shoulders! This is not the way to go, Capricorn!
Daily Horoscope
You will have to be careful not to fall into traps set by jealous colleagues. Ask family members for help and you will be able to complete the projects more quickly. Self-deception about relation ships is a problem.
Be aware that a female you work with may be trying to hold you back. Use discretion in your dealings and refrain from making verbal promises of any kind. Do you really want to start something with someone you can't reason with?
The message that the planets are getting across to you is about boosting your flagging confidence levels. It is likely that something (or someone) has needled you enough to make you doubt yourself! ItÂ’s time to say enough is enough and to put a stop to whatever is undermining you!
Daily Horoscope
You need a change and you need to earn more cash. Be prepared to jump quickly if you wish to stay in the forefront of your industry today. Catch up on any correspondence you've neglected.
Concern yourself with legal matters and formulating contracts rather than finalizing your objectives. You can make headway if you share your intentions with someone you care about. Changes in your home are apparent, and you must be willing to bend if you don't want to find yourself alone.
Any money worries should be completely reversed this morning, thanks to the sun. You could receive something that boosts your spirit through the post today, or it could be that an older family member digs deep into their wallet! DonÂ’t be tempted to spend it all at once, though.
Daily Horoscope
You should be trying to clear up legal contracts that have been pending. Problems with your partner could be reaching a high level of concern. You may have difficulties with someone who lives with you.
Depression may put a damper on your day. Confusion regarding other people's money and joint ventures will come to a head. Deceit with coworkers is apparent.
Family is very important to you, but you are not always as good as you could be at keeping in touch with those who are close to you. Today the planets indicate that there is some important family news on the horizon. Dig out your address book and check in with your relatives to share in the happiness.
Daily Horoscope
You need to take some time out to decide what you want to do. Try to avoid being extravagant today. Creative endeavors will give you somewhat of an outlet.
Your lover may feel rejected. Your emotional life may be up in the air if your mate has been going through a change of heart. Talk to your mate about a vacation and discuss the expectations of your relationship.
Sometimes we can suddenly find ourselves feeling that the world is taking us for granted. You have been working exceptionally hard these last few weeks and today it may feel as though nobody has noticed your efforts. If you let a close friend know just how you feel you may be surprised at their response.
Daily Horoscope
Your dedication and fortitude when dealing with humanitarian groups will enhance your reputation. Start sending out those resumes. You may find that you are a little lucky today.
Get back into a routine that promises a better looking, more aware individual. You will be emotional when dealing with coworkers or employers. Curl up with a good book or go for a drive in the country.
Everyone wants to spend time with you today and you may find that itÂ’s difficult to find time to socialize with all the people who inviting you to various social events. To begin with you may not feel that sociable. However, if you allow yourself to be persuaded there could be a great weekend waiting out there!
Daily Horoscope
Be careful not to get roped into uncertain joint financial deals. Don't allow colleagues to stand in your way. Concentrate on getting ahead financially and let your personal life settle down for a while.
Do you really want to start something with someone you can't reason with? Take time to find out all you can. Overstatement will be your downfall.
You will be feeling quite tired today and nothing will appeal quite so much as a day spent lounging on the couch with some of your favorite films. However, a trip to the store may well bring an exciting opportunity for some unexpected romance that you would be mad to turn down!
Daily Horoscope
Don't be afraid to confront situations concerning loved ones in order to solve any problems that may exist. Don't let situations get out of hand. You will tend to overeat today.
Red tape could be impossible to clear up today. You mustn't be so trusting. Avoid any intimate involvement's with coworkers or employers.
It is likely that health matters will dominate your thoughts, but in a generally positive way, as long as you donÂ’t get too obsessed. If you feel the need to shed a few pounds or even just tone up a little then start now: this will help boost your confidence and improve self esteem.
Daily Horoscope
Go out with friends or family. Do yourself a favor and leave your plastic at home. Work at home if at all possible. You will upset your partner if you have spent money on things that aren't necessary.
Home improvement projects will go well if you delegate work to all your family members. Your reputation may be at stake if you partake in gossip. Try not to be overly generous.
A certain frame of mind that will govern your actions today will be primarily thanks to the influence of Mars! YouÂ’ll be ready to top everyone else at work or school as your ambitions kick into overdrive, and in terms of romance you wonÂ’t settle for second best.
Daily Horoscope
Time spent with family, children, or good friends will be regenerating and positive. Your irritability may drive your loved ones crazy. You will learn a great deal about yourself if you go somewhere secluded.
Don't count on getting any help from those you live with. This could be a serious relation ship. Your ability to work with detail will bring recognition.
Quite an efficient and practical mood is likely to overtake you today. YouÂ’ll be able to recognize the changes that are needed, and you wonÂ’t be afraid to state your opinions! However, keeping a piece of blue agate with you will help soften that rather stern exterior!
Daily Horoscope
Don't trust a deal that looks too good, or a lover who appears to have it all. Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. You may need to make a choice.
Focus on using your creative abilities in other ways. You could overreact to emotional situations regarding your relationship. Do things for them but don't allow them to make unreasonable requests.
A rather aloof or distant mood could have your friends wondering whether they have done anything wrong today! If you find it difficult to express your thoughts then just gently explain to your friends that youÂ’re feeling easily distracted. You should also consider a pampering session in the form of a massage!
Daily Horoscope
You're apt to make a move or experience changes at home. Things may not be as they sound. New projects may lead you into a dead end.
Your boss won't be too thrilled if you leave things unfinished. One of your female friends may try to disrupt your day. Stand up for your rights. Spend time getting to know each other.
The new moon in Libra will provide an excellent opportunity for you to shine out today, especially when someone else lets the side down big time! Just keep your eyes open for the moment, Capricorn, and be prepared to step in when itÂ’s needed: youÂ’ll soon show everyone what youÂ’re really made of!