Daily Horoscope
You will meet new friends and enjoy a multitude of new activities. You can help other people with their financial problems by setting up a budget for them. Most partner problems are a result of both people not living up to their promises.
Family may not want to get involved but an entrepreneur will. Frustrations and limitations could cause anxiety today. Romantic opportunities will be plentiful if you go out with friends.
An adventurous mood is likely to overtake you today, thanks to the shift in influences. Typical Capricorns are rarely impulsive, so take advantage of this temporary mood and indulge your wants. Even though itÂ’s not the weekend thereÂ’ll still plenty to do to fulfill your wildest (okay, reasonable) dreams!
Daily Horoscope
Don't be too open or put your faith in unreliable coworkers. Look at your options before making commitments that could jeopardize your financial position. Don't believe everything you hear.
Travel will be on your mind; however, be careful and proceed with caution as minor accidents will cause delays. Deceit with coworkers is apparent. Try not to push your philosophies on others.
Some people claim that money makes the world go round, but in your case today itÂ’ll be friends! YouÂ’re likely to be in an anxious mood, worried about your cash reserves and fretting over a romantic development (or lack of it!) Turn to your friends, who will be able to offer bundles of reassurance!
Daily Horoscope
You can accomplish the most if you travel for business purposes. Find a way to consolidate. You can anger others quickly today. Avoid overspending on items for your home.
Your lover may cost you financially. Empty promises could be likely where work is concerned. You can find out important information if you listen to friends and relatives.
YouÂ’ll be in a much more settled mood as the money and romance worries of yesterday fade early today. Make the most of it, because tomorrow will bring yet more challenging moments for you and everyone. Get as much done today as you can; tomorrow you wonÂ’t be in the mood for restrictions!
Daily Horoscope
You need to keep everyone on your domestic scene too busy to complain. Your goals will be in reach if you direct your energy wisely. Expand your knowledge and sign up for courses and seminars.
You'll find it easy to talk about your feeling today. Don't hesitate to find out what your mate's intentions are. Be careful disclosing information. You can expect to feel confused about your personal prospects.
Another unusual and rather demanding day could keep you on your toes today! Essentially your typically down-to-earth attitude will be challenged by a very untypical streak of rebelliousness that youÂ’d do well to indulge! Zany accessories or a whole new outfit will boost your mood nicely!
Daily Horoscope
Use discretion, especially if involved with someone from work. Don't let others bully you into agreeing with them. Dig deep to find out how costly a new venture will be before you sign on the dotted line.
Don't let anyone take credit for a job you did. Don't be afraid to lay your cards on the table. Expand your knowledge and sign up for courses and seminars.
Communications are likely to set the pace for today! A phone call or a letter from an old friend out of the blue could disrupt your plans for the day, but if you err too much on the side of caution you might pass up an exciting opportunity that will enable you to forge something new out of something old!
Daily Horoscope
You can gain distinction; however, it may be for the wrong reasons. Anger may cause you grief; control your temper and try to sit back and calm down. It is best not to upset the apple cart if you learn information that may damage a colleague's reputation.
You need to get out and have some fun to reduce tension. You will communicate easily and should be able to develop new friendships. Positive changes regarding your personal status are evident.
You could find that you are feeling particularly sensitive to someoneÂ’s needs today, especially in matters of friendship or romance. Be available for them so they can talk through their issues, but donÂ’t let yourself become too bogged down; give yourself room to breathe!
Daily Horoscope
Keep your feelings to yourself if you want to avoid embarrassment. You may find that family members may not be too easy to get along with. Do not get into uncertain financial deals.
With the moon in your sign and thanks to the influence of Pluto you are likely to be in need of controlling your more aloof side. Your need for order and proficiency could test other peopleÂ’s patience today so try to recognize other peopleÂ’s efforts, which will help lessen those Capricorn traits!
Daily Horoscope
Stick to travel or do things in conjunction with groups. Make sure that you get legal matters checked out thoroughly. You may have difficulty trying to get your mate to understand your position.
Confusion at an emotional level will cause you to make wrong decisions concerning your personal life. Use your high energy and dynamic approach to win favors from superiors. You will find your vitality is lowered.
Thanks to the moon youÂ’re likely to be feeling a little dissatisfied, perhaps even feel as though youÂ’re being neglected by a close friend or a partner. ItÂ’s the planets that are making you feel like this; resist the urge to console yourself with lots of shopping and concentrate on soothing your nerves with aromatherapy instead!
Daily Horoscope
Opposition is present and you should be prepared to counteract it as best you can. Try not to let your emotions interfere with the completion of your work. Keep your feet on the ground, if you can.
Use your creative abilities to come up with new ideas and directions. Jealous colleagues may try to undermine you. Try to slow down, and take another look.
A couple of strong and challenging aspects influencing your ruling planet are likely to bring out both the best of you and the worst of you today! DonÂ’t fret too much about your workload today! An evening spent with one or two close friends watching your favorite movie will help relieve any stress you feel.
Daily Horoscope
Do a little shopping. You're likely to find a real bargain. You'll feel much better when your slate is clean again. You should be able to get involved in an interesting proposition today.
Elders may need your help. Romantic opportunities are evident if you get involved in large groups or organizations. Tell it like it is.
With the negative aspect of the moon moving away today expect those work or school related concerns of yesterday to become less significant. You could be called upon to act as a peacemaker today, possibly between two friends and youÂ’ll find that your intuition serves you well!
Daily Horoscope
Older family members may try to make demands that are impossible for you to handle. Get involved in fitness programs that will bring you in contact with new friends. Avoid purchasing expensive items.
You may find that children are not as accepting as you have been. Unexpected bills will be impossible for you to pay. You'll be able to break bad habits if you put your mind to it.
With the transit of Mercury into Leo you are going to be that little bit more happy-go-lucky and a little less stressed about money issues! This small surge of confidence means that youÂ’ll be less inclined to bury yourself with work or school work, which will give you a more balanced outlook!
Daily Horoscope
Find out all the facts before you jump to conclusions. Upgrading at this point is not a bad plan. Don't expect anyone else to pay your bills for you.
Put your efforts into physical fitness programs or competitive sports. Passion will be your only answer. Don't beat around the bush; state your case in plain and simple terms.
If you enjoyed an excellent day yesterday you should prepare yourself for even better day today, especially when the moon moves into Aries this morning. YouÂ’re likely to feel more emotionally in touch, and the chance for some interesting romantic developments is more than possible!
Daily Horoscope
Your partner may be erratic today if you haven't paid enough attention to him or her. Good friends will give you honest answers. You can make money if you are careful not to let it trickle through your fingers.
Don't let peers distract you or push their work your way. Get busy. You will find their philosophies worth exploring.
No-one, but no-one is going to be able to pull the wool over your eyes today. Thanks to the trio of aspects bringing a surge of improvements for everyone youÂ’ll finally be able to resolve an old problem or issue by digging deep. Your calm but utterly determined mood will be an asset today!
Daily Horoscope
You can make financial gains through your unique and creative approach to business. Someone you work with could have a personal interest in you. Your colorful conversation may attract new mates.
You may be likely to have difficulties with females. Spending too much time talking to friends or relatives could easily turn into a debate that could lead to estrangement. Implement your ideas into your projects at work.
ItÂ’s likely that you wonÂ’t be in the mood for work or school today. YouÂ’re usually one of the more diligent signs but today some carelessness will lead to mistakes that will require some quick thinking on your part to rectify. Take heart that this will ease as the planetary formation breaks up!
Daily Horoscope
Travel could turn out to be more exciting than you imagined. Discuss your objectives with peers or lovers. Exaggeration or deception coupled with overindulgence might be a problem.
Your honesty will not only win you points but also respect. You can't win and they won't listen. New methods and innovative technology will make your job far easier than you anticipated.
A negative aspect between your ruling planet and the moon could have you feeling a need for some TLC, but the influence of Mars will hold you back from saying anything! It could be a frustrating day, which you can ease by distracting yourself a physical activity that helps you restore a bit of earth energy.
Daily Horoscope
Don't hesitate to take short trips. Beware of colleagues who don't have your best interests in mind. Get involved in worthwhile endeavors and meet new friends.
Express your interest if you want the relationship to progress. Your positive attitude and intellectual outlook will draw others to you. You will be appreciated for the competence you exhibit and for taking on responsibilities.
It could be an emotionally taxing day for you, especially in terms of romance or friendships. Thanks to a couple of strong aspects influencing your ruling planet youÂ’ll be feeling quite sensitive and while you wonÂ’t have a bad day you are likely to be affected by someone's sour mood!
Daily Horoscope
Don't rely on others to handle the workload. Rest and relaxation will be more favorable than you think. Be sure to pay attention to your financial status.
Don't be too eager to spend money that you really don't have. Be sure to organize events that will keep the children busy. Don't bend to the pressure.
A very positive aspect between the sun and your ruling planet indicates some kind of new beginning or new venture. A short journey might even be in the offing! Neptune might also make itself felt today: are you hoarding things up? Maybe itÂ’s time for a good old clear out, Capricorn!
Daily Horoscope
You're in the mood to party. Opportunities for new and exciting relationships will be yours if you get out and join groups. Stretch the truth, and you may get blamed for something you didn't do.
Enlist coworkers in order to get the job done on time. Romantic opportunities are evident if you get involved in large groups or organizations. Satisfy your passionate mood.
There is a danger of feeling a little blue today, which could be down to your sense of poor self worth. Matters of the heart are likely to be preying on your mind. So it is an ideal time to invite some close friends round this evening. They can offer that well needed moral support and reassurance.
Daily Horoscope
Keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself and you won't get dragged into an unsavory debate. Do not let your mate annoy you; patience will be the key. Do not lend money to friends, or contribute more than necessary to groups unworthy of your cash.
Look at your options before making commitments that could jeopardize your financial position. You can persuade even the toughest opponents to think your way. Don't let your emotions interfere with moneymaking deals.
You might find that you are particularly charming today in terms of romance, but youÂ’ll still be inclined to let things pass you by! Things look more promising for the evening, as long as youÂ’re prepared to do a little groundwork. Remember that saying: no pain, no gain, Capricorn!
Daily Horoscope
Don't expect anything for nothing and you won't be disappointed. Minor accidents could occur if you don't take precautions. Don't try to twist things around so that they sound more enticing.
There could be opposition or temper tantrums on the home front. You can't win and they won't listen. Find ways to make extra cash. Start making things or reusing rather than buying ready made.
ItÂ’s likely to be one of those frustrating days where nothing really seems to go right and youÂ’ll also be in one of those moods where youÂ’d rather be on your own, so when you get home draw the curtains, switch on the answer machine and settle down to watch your favorite television program. DonÂ’t forget the soda and potato chips!
Daily Horoscope
You can gain approval, get kudos, and ask for help if you put a little heart into your speech or request. Before you proceed be sure to talk your plans over with those they will affect. Control those desires to cast your fate to the wind.
Someone you care about may not be too well. Investments will cost more than you anticipated. Outings with relatives or good friends will provide you with stimulating conversation.
A string of harmonizing aspects from various planets will guarantee you a much easier day today! Be prepared for some moments of sheer brilliance, or for some flashes of insight on a particular issue or problem, which will help you forge forwards in a big way!
Daily Horoscope
You may find that someone you live with is not too happy, but you can't really do anything about that right now. You can beautify your surroundings by renovating or redecorating. You will be in the doghouse if you are being.
Like Cancer the Crab a low mood is likely to have you running to the mall for a pick-me-up, and like Cancer this isnÂ’t really going to do the trick! What you need to do is confide in a close friend to regain some perspective. A good old-fashioned heart-to- heart will lighten the load!
You are in a high cycle where travel, education, and creative endeavors are concerned. Find out exactly what's expected of you and you'll be surprised to find out how capable you are. You can expect changes at your work place.
Daily Horoscope
You may find that someone you live with is not too happy, but you can't really do anything about that right now. You can beautify your surroundings by renovating or redecorating. You will be in the doghouse if you are being.
Problems with your partner are apparent. Your lover probably won't put up with your behavior. Be careful what you consume today.
For today, and for the next few weeks the influence of the sun in Virgo is likely to make you pay more attention to detail, which is great, but donÂ’t let the notion of perfect order and structure rule your life. Sometimes a little impulsiveness and spontaneity can be just what you need!
Daily Horoscope
It's doubtful anyone will try to stand in your way or cut you off at the pass today. Spend some time with people who can shed some light on your personal situation. You can get into weight loss programs or go out and change your image with a new look in clothing, hairstyle, and attitude.
You may find that someone you live with is not too happy, but you can't really do anything about that right now. You can beautify your surroundings by renovating or redecorating. You will be in the doghouse if you are being.
You will be feeling particularly happy today, thanks to the aspects influencing your ruling planet, which will see you being appealing and fun to be around. If you are thinking of starting a new interest or hobby then now couldnÂ’t be a better time for doing something a little bit earthy that nurtures your more vibrant side!
Daily Horoscope
You may find that someone you live with is not too happy, but you can't really do anything about that right now. You can beautify your surroundings by renovating or redecorating. You will be in the doghouse if you are being.
Raise your self esteem and your confidence if you want to get back into the mainstream again. You won't impress anyone by being overly generous. Sudden changes at home will affect family members more than you anticipated.
Romance is very much the focus today as Venus makes its presence felt in a very positive manner. A certain someone is beginning to take notice of you and luckily for you they are eager to move things forward. Today, thanks to dynamic Pluto, is the day to take a risk and tell them how you feel.