Daily Horoscope
Confusion could result when communicating with others. You may have ignored or neglected your mate lately. You will reap the benefits if you put money into upgrading your residence.
Pleasure trips will ease the tension between you and your mate. Proceed with caution if operating equipment or vehicles. Friendships could be terminated quickly if disappointments occur.
Issues of a romantic nature could take an interesting turn for you today, which should appeal since youÂ’ll be feeling in much more confident and ready to be wined and dined. So make sure that you are looking your most glamorous because you never know who your friends will introduce you to today!
Daily Horoscope
Your boss won't be too thrilled if you leave things unfinished. This is a good day to check out your investments. You might be a tad overindulgent today.
You may be confused regarding your love life. You may find yourself in a heated dispute with a friend if you try to change your mind. You can expect to have a problem with your lover. Don't put off the things that they have asked you to do.
Thanks to the moon your good mood of yesterday should continue well into today, although your earth energy is a little lacking at the moment. If you feel in the mood for doing something a little more adventurous you should look to the great outdoors for fun and games!
Daily Horoscope
Trips will be more than adventurous. Be sure to take care of the needs of youngsters. You will be tempted to shop till you drop.
You need activity. Be willing to listen, but don't be fooled. You can put in some overtime and make extra cash.
Thanks to a challenging aspect from Neptune youÂ’re likely to be feeling a little bit distracted and feeling as though life has become stale or hollow today. You need to focus on those deeper things that money just canÂ’t buy to help you regain your focus again.
Daily Horoscope
You should sit down with someone you trust and work out a budget that will enable you to save a little extra. Expect your workload to be heavy. A lot can be accomplished if you organize your time.
Concentrate on home improvement. Small de tails will make a difference. Take time to deal with the concerns of children. Try to be precise in your communications.
An opposition between the sun in Cancer and the moon in your sign suggests that thereÂ’s likely to be some minor tensions surfacing today, especially in romantic issues! DonÂ’t take them to heart and if you can postpone those more emotional decisions for another day do so!
Daily Horoscope
Jealous colleagues may try to undermine you. You will take on too much if you aren't careful. Stick to basics. Travel and communication will be lucrative for you.
Consider a conservative investment that will stay solid when everything else goes sour. You can learn valuable information if you listen and observe what others are doing and saying. You have so much to offer; open up and let your thoughts be known.
Romance should settle down again, especially after this afternoon, when the sun/moon opposition fades. You might feel tempted to splash out and treat yourself today after the tensions of the last couple of days, but hold on to your money; tomorrow youÂ’ll be glad you did!
Daily Horoscope
Attend trade shows that will allow you to look at new products. Your ability to come up with original ideas will bring recognition from superiors. You should sign up for creative courses. Concentrate on your work.
Travel will also be very informative. Consider making residential changes; either moves or renovations could payoff. Financial gains can be made through wise investments.
Something from the past is likely to resurface today, thanks to Uranus, but it will have an ultimately positive outcome if you listen to your inner voice and overcome your natural sense of caution. A new way of thinking, a new way of doing, a new way of being – it’s all there within reach!
Daily Horoscope
Enjoy some socializing today. Take some time to change your house around. Don't get into heated discussions.
You can learn a great deal more if you listen rather than rant and rave. You hard work and dedication will payoff, so stick to your guns and do your job well. Creative pursuits should payoff.
It is possible that someone at work or school will seem to overreact to something in a way that seems completely out of the blue. However, the warning signs for this slowly developing stress will be noticeable, and if you offer a sympathetic shoulder you will be able to smooth things over very easily.
Daily Horoscope
Listen to the advice given by those with experience. You can get support from groups that you belong to if you're willing to step out on a limb and voice your opinions. Try not to take everything so seriously.
Get involved in volunteer work that will bring you satisfaction, not an empty wallet. Try not to take others for granted. Tempers could get out of hand today. One sided attractions are likely.
ItÂ’s possible that you hear something today that you really would rather not know. The differing effects of the moon and Venus will mean you have two straightforward choices: you can either deal with it or not, but in your favor will be a heightened level of intuition guiding you!
Daily Horoscope
Travel will also be very informative. You will have good ideas for home improvement projects. You can anger others quickly today. Avoid overspending on items for your home.
Don't be too quick to judge your position or surroundings at work. You can travel for business or pleasure. Luck is with you.
A couple of minor influences might make communication a little less straightforward today, but the harmonious aspect between the sun and the moon could lead to some tender moments with someone special. However, you might need to take the bull by the horns and speak your mind today!
Daily Horoscope
You need to spend some time with individuals who have more experience than you. Don't let others put unreasonable demands on you. This is a great day to spend with family.
New love connections can be made through group associations. Join a choir or a drama club. You may be considering moving to larger quarters. Romantic opportunities will be plentiful if you get out and mingle.
A family get-together might be the last thing on your mind today, but thanks to the moon it could lead to some interesting developments in your social life. A family friend or a distant relative could prove to be a kindred spirit; just keep an open mind today, Capricorn!
Daily Horoscope
Stick to your own projects and by the end of the day you'll shine. Don't let friends or relatives rule your life. Don't let your emotions get out of hand.
A lot can be accomplished if you organize your time. You need to keep the peace and you will have to bend in order to do so. Social get-together will bring you in contact with intelligent new friends.
YouÂ’ll be in the mood to take control today, although you might feel that youÂ’re battling against the odds. However, the old saying about needing to break eggs to make an omelet has never been truer; invest the hard work now to take that control and youÂ’ll be able to bask in the rewards
Daily Horoscope
Take time to find out if anyone has a better suggestion before you make arrangements for the whole family. Attend seminars that will bring you in contact with the right people. You should be raising your self esteem and confidence in order to promote your work.
Opportunities to learn important information will surface through discussions with peers or seminars you attend. Be careful that you aren't saddled with the responsibilities of others. You'll communicate easily and develop new friendships.
YouÂ’ll feel as though you need some good old-fashioned TLC today. It could be that youÂ’re feeling neglected or overlooked, and you might believe that some attention and being noticed will solve your problems, but youÂ’ll be barking up the wrong tree! What you need is some good old-fashioned fun instead!
Daily Horoscope
Only offer to do the things you have time for. Luxury items will cost you more than you can truly afford. Take things slowly, especially for the sake of those you love. You may want to make changes that will turn your entertainment room into a real family affair.
Try not to take others for granted. Tempers could get out of hand today. Travel for business or pleasure. You may be overly emotional when dealing with your mate.
Your love life should move up a notch or three, thanks to the transit of Venus! Singles will find that their thoughts are turning more to romance, while attached Capricorns will be keen to spice things up with their partners. Either way youÂ’ll be easily distracted for the next few weeks!
Daily Horoscope
You may find that your plans will cost a little more than you had expected. You can make professional changes and direct your energy into making all the right moves. Go after your goals. You may overspend if you travel today; however, the trip will be one to remember.
Do not get involved in joint financial ventures. You could be cornered, so be prepared to tell the truth. Do not get involved in joint financial ventures.
Work or school takes priority today as you will find that your disciplined ways and clear communication make light work of any task to hand. YouÂ’re still in a very sociable mood, so donÂ’t use up all your energies during the day; reserve some in order to enjoy a nice evening out with friends.
Daily Horoscope
Invite friends over rather than spending money on lavish entertainment. You will learn a great deal from the foreigners you meet. Partnerships will be favorable and contracts can be signed.
You can make personal changes that will enhance your appearance and bring you greater popularity. Find ways to mellow out. Be confident in your endeavors and others will believe in your efforts.
YouÂ’ll be in tune with the demands of work or school today, thanks to the moon, and youÂ’ll also be feeling very motivated to do well but you will feel that someone, maybe a school mate or a work colleague, is holding you back. DonÂ’t let this dampen your enthusiasm as your efforts will be appreciated by those who matter.
Daily Horoscope
You will get drawn into groups that are not favorable to you. Be sure to organize events that will keep the children busy. Don't use emotional blackmail on someone you love.
You can make gains if you look at long-term investments. Things at work have been moving quickly and you may be feeling a little uncertain about the changes taking place. Changes could be overwhelming.
A sense of adventure is likely to overtake you from today, thanks to Mars. Normally a cautious sign you’ll feel that little bit more daring. For some of you the idea of spreading your wings will appeal! Journeys and travel are looking good, so what are you waiting for, Capricorn – there’s a world to explore!
Daily Horoscope
Investments will cost more than you anticipated. Your accomplishments could exceed your expectations if you mix a little business with pleasure. Look into any educational activities involving the whole family.
Social activity should be on your agenda. You should be putting in some overtime. Your partner may be erratic today if you haven't paid enough attention to him or her.
The office or school work has been dominating your life just a little too much lately and although you enjoy your reputation as a hard worker the stars are telling you itÂ’s time to take a break. This is a great day for doing nothing other than relaxing and letting that special someone in your life look after you.
Daily Horoscope
Don't push your luck with authority. Think before you act if you wish to avoid friction. Plan to get out and do a bit of travel.
Don't cause a scene, but when you get home let your partner know how you feel and why. Someone may try to damage your reputation. You should be getting into self-improvement projects.
A blind date, an unplanned introduction, or even a chance meeting could lead to some much needed spice in your life. Fortune is smiling down on you today, and so is the sun! Take advantage of any invitation out, because in all probability it will lead to something that you just werenÂ’t expecting!
Daily Horoscope
Dream a little today. You can have an enjoyable time if you socialize with friends. Make any necessary changes to your insurance policy.
Put your efforts into making changes to your domestic scene. Pleasure trips will promote new romantic encounters. Be sure to take care of the needs of youngsters.
Romance is looking great today – for the singles it could be a new meeting or an old flame that gets your heart pounding, while attached Capricorns should plan to take the phone off the hook and draw the curtains tonight in anticipation of some magic moments!
Daily Horoscope
Underhandedness regarding legal matters or contracts must be counteracted. Your generous nature could be taken advantage of. Expect your workload to be heavy.
If you can't get ahead in the company you're with, perhaps it's time to move on. It may not be the best day to confront employers or to present your ideas. Be supportive in order to avoid confrontations.
A couple of conflicting aspects could put you in rather an aloof mood today, which could unintentionally distance your nearest and dearest. If you feel the need for some space just gently explain to your friends and then curl up with a good book or your favorite film; tomorrow will be better!
Daily Horoscope
Don't make accusations unless you are completely sure that you are correct. Sudden romantic connections may be short lived. You will meet potential new mates through friends or relatives.
You should catch up on correspondence. Don't overspend to impress someone who interests you. You haven't been watching your spending habits and you may have been neglecting your duties.
Wow, youÂ’ll be sizzling today, thanks primarily to Venus, but it wonÂ’t be all passion to begin with! A serious heart to heart with either someone special or someone who could become special will lead to more intimate moments later; just be patient today, Capricorn!
Daily Horoscope
You can pick up wonderful buys if you really look hard today. You can get a promotion if you put in a little extra detail. Work quietly at your own goals and forget about situations that you can do little about.
You need some help today. You'll have great insight. Drastic changes regarding your personal attitude are evident.
Friendships come under the spotlight today, but unusually for Capricorn (who is probably the hardest working sign of the Zodiac) youÂ’ll be inclined to not give work or school one hundred percent. ItÂ’s great having a busy social life, but take care that you donÂ’t neglect other, more demanding areas of your life!
Daily Horoscope
The battle continues. Be honest if you wish to solve the problem. Talk to those in a position of power about your intentions.
Romantic opportunities will flourish through travel or communication. Most partner problems are a result of both people not living up to their promises. Don't be too quick to judge your position or surroundings at work.
Communications aren’t going to be your strongest point today, and vague feelings of dissatisfaction could bring your mood down. The planetary line-up is what’s causing this, so arm yourself with a couple of crystals – green adventurine and hematite, to soften the effects, and plan a day of fun with friends!
Daily Horoscope
Don't promise to deliver the goods if you aren't positive that you can meet the deadline. You will enjoy physical activities more than you think. Rewards, gifts, or money from investments or taxes can be expected.
Get some sound advice and help setting up a workable budget. The knowledge you have will enhance your reputation. Abstain from getting involved with married individuals.
You should experience a complete reversal of yesterdayÂ’s mood, thanks to the moon. Feelings of general contentment will replace that nagging dissatisfaction, and finally getting that long overdue recognition for something from the past will give you good cause to celebrate today!
Daily Horoscope
New emotional connections can be made through business contacts. Try to visit friends or relatives you don't get to see often. You will not be pleased with family members who try to put demands on you when you just don't have the time.
Group endeavors will provide you with entertainment. Don't shy away from potential mates they want to introduce you to. Don't let your boss make you feel guilty enough to take work home with you.
It could be one of those days where emotional matters become a little too tricky for you. A misunderstanding will have you running in circles! ItÂ’s likely that your desire for wanting to get things done will clash with someoneÂ’s need for some fun. YouÂ’ll need to compromise on this!