Daily Horoscope
Don't make a move; your confusion has caused this dilemma and you are best to back away and reassess the situation. Emotional situations could bring out your stubborn nature. Go out with friends who are positive and supportive.
Promote your ideas now. Changes regarding your career direction will payoff handsomely. Unforeseen changes in your location are apparent.
Thanks to the moon in Leo romance is looking a little spicier for you today. For once youÂ’ll be inclined to put work or school matters on the back burner as someone (possibly a go-getting fire sign) catches your eye! Go for it! The only thing holding you back is a lack of confidence!
Daily Horoscope
You will be full of energy and you need to find something constructive to do. Don't bother trying to make someone you live with see your point of view. Be prepared for an active but rewarding day.
Opportunities to get together with friends will be enlightening and entertaining. Romance is likely if you participate in unusual forms of entertainment. Put your energy into behind the scenes activities.
You are likely to experience an unusual day, abound with minor disruptions and temporary changes that throw you off kilter. Take them all in your stride and accept them for the little annoyances that they are. Instead plan a fun evening out where you can relax and laugh about the day.
Daily Horoscope
You will find that you are able to clear up a number of small but important details. Unfortunately, your personal life may suffer from a lack spare time. Your energetic personality will make you the center of attention at social gatherings.
You may find yourself changing plans for some form of entertainment. You may be tempted to spend too much on entertainment or luxury items. Don't be too quick to sign documents.
Unlike Sagittarius the boost of fire energy from Mars is exactly what you need and the impact on romance and matters of the heart are likely to be huge! Whether youÂ’re single or attached youÂ’ll feel more daring, more confident and more vibrant, and more able to take the lows as well as the highs!
Daily Horoscope
Don't bother getting even; they'll make themselves look bad. A little volleyball or other outdoor sports should be on your agenda. Try to get others to stand behind your good judgment.
You may find acquaintances being deceptive. Family may not want to get involved but an entrepreneur will. Overindulgence will mean poor health.
It could be that you start to feel ignored or that no one is really listening to you today. This wonÂ’t actually be the case; itÂ’s a low mood that is distorting the way you see things. Indulge in a pampering session or a new hairstyle to banish those negative thoughts. A piece of smoky quartz will help too.
Daily Horoscope
Get into fitness programs to keep in shape. Your ambitious mood may not go over well with loved ones. Don't get talked into get rich quick schemes. Communication will be your best bet.
Don't evade important issues; you may find yourself backed into a corner. Be sure to pay attention to your bank account. Direct your energy wisely today. Anger will prevail if you expect help from others.
The double whammy of someone playing hard to get and the less than positive views of a friend is likely to undermine your confidence today, but donÂ’t let it. ThatÂ’s easier said than done, but if you hold on to the fact that a disruptive aspect is causing this problem you should be able to keep up a cheerful front.
Daily Horoscope
Rethink your motives and make the necessary changes to yourself. You need to mingle with people who can spark enthusiasm and confidence in you. You may make someone else look bad.
You can look forward to a tranquil day that could potentially be a very constructive day if you donÂ’t waste the opportunities that are coming your way. So make sure you take up any invitations out or any suggestions that involve a break from the tired old routine.
Daily Horoscope
It's hard to stay mad if the object of the anger refuses to react. You will need to spend extra time sorting through your work. Don't be too quick to judge your loved ones.
Concern yourself with legal matters and formulating contracts rather than finalizing your objectives. Disappointments are likely if your mate embarrasses you in front of friends. Your high energy must be directed into productive goals, or frustrations will occur.
You could find that youÂ’re in the mood to do some good today. Maybe youÂ’ll want to give up a couple of hours for a volunteer group, or more likely, youÂ’ll decide to offer your services closer to home. DonÂ’t neglect yourself though. Nobody will think badly of you for doing some fun things too.
Daily Horoscope
This is a wonderful day to look into courses or hobbies that interest you. Go out with friends. Sentimental feelings may make it difficult to get much done at work.
Relatives may play an important role in your social activities. Travel will promote new romantic encounters and additional cultural knowledge. Be prepared to take care of the issues at hand.
An uncharacteristic need for excitement will be the focus of your thoughts, although the steady influence of Saturn will maintain a little bit of caution. This might lead to feelings of frustration but it does mean that youÂ’re unlikely to upset the balance at work or school and youÂ’ll still be able to let your hair down this evening.
Daily Horoscope
You need to take a good look at all sides of an issue before making a decision. You will be able to enlist the help of colleagues who believe in your ideas. Self-deception is likely.
Your best results will come through business trips. New friendships will develop through group events. Do you really want to start something with someone you can't reason with?
If you get some bad news regarding your finances today then donÂ’t worry. The aspect disrupting your cash situation will disappear by lunchtime, which means that the bad news will either be modified with good, or after a rethink, wonÂ’t seem so bad after all. Just hang in there.
Daily Horoscope
Start sending out those resumes. Minor health problems could result through exhaustion. You may be admired by colleagues and employers for your diplomatic way of handling your work and those you work with.
Organize your house and be sure to include the whole family in the projects you have set out to do. Empty promises will cause upset. A residential move may be in order.
Pulled in several directions today youÂ’re likely to feel that there are little bits of you all over the place! If your inclination is to hide until itÂ’s all over, donÂ’t, because there are some good things in the air, especially in terms of romance, if you can manage to settle things down again.
Daily Horoscope
Focus on using your creative abilities in other ways. You can certainly gain popularity; however, don't do it by paying for everyone else. Opportunities for financial gains through investments and games of chance are likely.
Your high energy and discipline will enable you to complete any seemingly insurmountable tasks. You could have a need to make some changes today. You will be overly sensitive when dealing with your personal life.
With so many positive aspects buzzing around today the general surge of energy and optimism should rub off on you too. Take advantage of the various celestial harmonies and arrange something cozy and romantic for this evening. Singles should make sure they look their best tonight!
Daily Horoscope
You must consider yourself for a change. Real estate investments could be to your ad vantage. You will do well with clients today.
Refrain from arguing with your mate. You can make it up to them later. Find out exactly what's expected of you and you'll be surprised to find out how capable you are.
At the moment, with both your ruling planet Saturn, and Mars occupying the same house you are being pulled in two directions. You either want to be utterly impulsive or ultra sensible, but today, two very beneficial aspects will turn this divide into an advantage, and youÂ’ll find that you gain the upper hand!
Daily Horoscope
Try not to lend or borrow money or belongings today. Plan your social events carefully. Your talent will be recognized.
Take time to relax. Stress and pressure at home may have worn you ragged. Refuse to get involved in idle chatter; it will only make you look bad. Be careful what you say.
Of all the signs the transit of Venus seems to be offering the least benefits to you. Even so, work or school will become that little bit easier, which will free up your energies for other, livelier fun pursuits. Take advantage of this period of relative harmony to rediscover yourself. Phone your friends and get organizing.
Daily Horoscope
Hassles with female colleagues may lead to problems with your boss. Don't be shy; if you want to spend more time with a special person, make a commitment. Finish overdue paperwork and catch up on letter writing and reading.
You can have a great time if you go out with the one you love. Try to be precise in your communications. Do not jump to conclusions concerning your romantic partner.
Romance is looking pretty good for you today: someone, quite possibly someone from work or school, turns up looking for a supportive shoulder, but play your cards right and it could develop into something more! So make sure youÂ’re looking good, and be gentle with them!
Daily Horoscope
Talk to those in a position of power about your intentions. Make sure you concentrate if operating machinery or vehicles. Emotional matters may not be easy for you to handle.
You could be attracting individuals who are anything but good for you. Don't use the interstate as a racetrack. Chronic health problems are likely to surface if you are keeping your problems locked up inside.
Keep an eye on the cash flow today and stay away from the mall; resist temptation to spend money. Instead plan a fun evening with a couple of friends, because you are in need of some fun! Be different and plan something unusual; you never know it might begin a whole new interest!
Daily Horoscope
Work quietly on your own. You may have difficulties with someone who lives with you. Don't let your personal dilemmas interfere with your goals.
Avoid friction with your mate. You may find that others do not do things the way you want; however, if the job gets done, let it pass. Your goals will be in reach if you direct your energy wisely.
A phone call or conversation with a friend this morning will do wonders for your self confidence today. This will be important later in the day when a teacher or supervisor at work may seem to be over critical. Just keep reminding yourself that if not everyone values your contribution in life there are many people who do!
Daily Horoscope
Mingle with those who can help you get ahead. You'll find you're detail oriented today. You will be extremely receptive to new and progressive methods at work.
Try to bend to their wishes if you want to avoid conflict. You will have additional discipline that will aid you in your objectives. You may exaggerate your emotional situation.
A new friendship is on the horizon: someone who is witty and full of fun will be a perfect compliment to your more serious and sincere nature. ItÂ’s possible that you wonÂ’t take a shine to this new person at first; they might seem too frivolous, but give them a chance!
Daily Horoscope
You'll stay out of trouble if you pick projects that will benefit the whole family. You may blow situations out of proportion when dealing with the one you love. Overexertion and negligence will be your worst enemies.
Compromising could be on the agenda today. Observations will be far more productive. Be careful what you consume today.
A minor conflict between your emotions and your nature will seem very noticeable today. SomeoneÂ’s tendency to be clingy could bring out your more aloof side as you will feel in need of some space and yet later in the day you could find that youÂ’re the one making demands. Just grin and bear it, because it will pass!
Daily Horoscope
Enjoy taking courses or lecturing others. Keep your feelings to yourself if you want to avoid embarrassment. This will not be the best day to make changes or renovations to your residence.
Time is money and you must be ready to take action in order to reach your highest potential. You will be able to catch up on overdue paper work. Focus on forming business partnerships.
With the moon in your sign and a conjunction influencing your ruling planet today you will find that you are far more emotionally sensitive than normal. But on the positive side this will also be a day for romance, whether itÂ’s catching someoneÂ’s eye or enjoying intimate moments with your partner.
Daily Horoscope
You can make money but not through harebrained schemes or gambling. Disappointments are likely if your mate embarrasses you in front of friends. Look into projects that you feel would con tribute something to your appearance.
If you try to manipulate emotional situations you will find yourself alienated. Get involved in creative projects that could turn into moneymaking ventures. If it can make you extra cash, it will be even better.
A couple of positive influences will offer an excellent start to the weekend. Attached Capricorns should organize a candlelit dinner for two; single Capricorns should wear a glamorous outfit and hit the town with a couple of friends this evening, because you should take advantage of a boost of charm!
Daily Horoscope
Family may not want to get involved but an entrepreneur will. Your mate may want to pick a fight but if you're persistent with your affections their anger should dissipate. Go after your goals and don't be afraid to ask for assistance.
Focus on your own domestic problems. It would be in your best interest to stay away from any intimate involvement with a client or coworker. Do not reveal personal information to those you feel may be untrustworthy.
The day is likely to come with some minor problems caused by your expectations of everyone else. But your need for perfectionism today will actually come from a lack of confidence, now that MarsÂ’ influence has gone! DonÂ’t listen to that nagging inner voice; take comfort in the positive comments from the people around you!
Daily Horoscope
Make plans to mix business with pleasure. Dinner with clients or business associates should be successful. Small business ventures can earn you extra cash. Do not overspend on entertainment.
If you can get away for a vacation, do so. Involvement in financial schemes will be followed by losses. Don't let your personal dilemmas interfere with your goals.
At last you can enjoy a little sense of the LibranÂ’s balanced outlook thanks to the moon. The positive aspects will result in a thoughtful and yet efficient day, since the tendency to be too cautious will be somewhat tempered by other more helpful influences. A relaxing activity in the evening will help you unwind even more.
Daily Horoscope
Don't reveal information that is personal or confidential. Don't prejudge. You may get drawn into a personal situation that will not be to your liking. There are ways of making extra cash if you put your mind to it.
Your best efforts will come through making changes in your home. This is not the best day to visit relatives who get on your nerves. Don't prejudge. You may get drawn into a personal situation that will not be to your liking.
The enduring and challenging influence of Jupiter suggests that someoneÂ’s negativity might put you off the mood to celebrate Independence Day, but if you can shake off this minor, minor setback and allow Venus to lift your spirits youÂ’ll soon turn things around again.
Daily Horoscope
You may have taken on a little too much, but you will enjoy every minute of it. Be sure to question any detail that you feel could leave you in a precarious position at a later date. Your partner could also use some time alone with you.
Work diligently and you will get ahead today. Concentrate on spending quality time with children. Don't let your mate stop you from attending an event that could be most important.
A touch of insecurity could have you behaving out of character as you try to mask your feelings with some over-the-top reactions, and with Mercury going backwards youÂ’re likely to get the wrong end of the stick today. A piece of hematite will banish the negative feelings and burning some sandalwood will soothe your nerves.
Daily Horoscope
You may feel that someone at work is holding you back. Be careful when dealing with loved ones. Romantic encounters will develop through colleagues.
You can make a huge difference to children if you are able to put yourself in their shoes. Don't overextend your self in order to add luxury items to your entertainment center. Travel and communications will not run as smoothly as you had hoped.
Thank goodness for friends, because today the T-Square formation thatÂ’s bugging nearly everyone else will bug you too. Money is likely to be the cause of friction, but like Cancer the crab youÂ’re in danger of becoming too focused on material things, although a friend will help you realize thereÂ’s more to life!