Daily Horoscope
Brunch, a long walk, or a quiet dinner will secure your position in the relationship. Don't be too quick to sign documents. Love could develop at social events that are work relate.
You should try to elaborate on an idea you have regarding a product or service for the home. Work diligently and you will get ahead today. You are best not to retaliate if members of your household are trying to pick a fight.
Although youÂ’re an earth sign the solar eclipse will have some effect on you today, particularly in terms of airing old family squabbles or tensions, which can finally be resolved once and for all. You should welcome this as a positive development that enables you to finally move forward!
Daily Horoscope
Uncertainties regarding your home and family are evident. Such over indulgence due to emotional upset will be your downfall. Don't let your emotions get out of hand.
Some relatives will be extremely perplexing. Your magnetic, outgoing personality will capture hearts. It's hard to stay mad if the object of the anger refuses to react.
Romance could quite possibly cause you one or two headaches today, thanks to your ruling planet. You too, like a couple of other signs, are in dire need of some fun to remind you what life is all about, so get planning and arrange something today that will shift your focus to something more positive.
Daily Horoscope
You will earn recognition for the work you are doing. Go to the top if you're being harassed or held back. You can take advantage of opportunities if you are quick to make a move.
The demanding and negative aspect that affected your day yesterday will disappear altogether today, which means a much better day for you. You should try and finish off any outstanding duties or assignments, so that you can look forward to a stress-free, fun filled start to the weekend!
Daily Horoscope
Don't be afraid to speak in defense of others. You will enjoy physical activities more than you think. Colleagues may try to undermine you.
You can make some favorable changes to your looks. Be sure not to burn any bridges. Do not expect others to do your work.
Along with the moon moving into Gemini this evening will be a very positive aspect influencing your ruling planet. You should make the most of such an excellent start to the weekend by planning some fun activities that can include your friends. Invitations out are looking likely too.
Daily Horoscope
Try making some changes to your appearance and your attitude that will reinforce just that. This could be the cause of a dispute that may result in estrangement. You will enjoy interacting with those who come from different backgrounds.
You can accomplish a lot if you deal with other people's money or possessions today. You may have a hidden adversary who would love to prove you wrong. Try to bend but by no means should you give in completely.
Daily Horoscope
Sign up for courses or join fitness clubs. Minor health problems may lower your vitality. Put your thoughts on paper.
Set aside any decisions regarding your personal life today. People you live with will not be terribly happy with you regardless of what you do today. Secret affairs can only lead to devastating circumstances.
The challenging presence of Chiron could make it a rather emotional day for you, but you should be careful not to be too demanding with those you love. If you have plans for the evening check what other family members would prefer. If you want the day to end smoothly then be willing to build some flexibility into your arrangements.
Daily Horoscope
Your temper could be short if someone criticizes your efforts. You must be careful not to ignore the needs of the youngsters in your family. You will have a childlike approach today, big hearted and full of spunk.
Bring work home if it will help you get caught up. You will communicate easily and should be able to accomplish all that you set out to do. You are best to be discreet.
A brief but positive aspect from the moon in Cancer, which happens to be in your seventh house, bodes well for romance. YouÂ’ll certainly be in the mood for some cozy intimacy, so attached Capricorns should start planning dinner for two now, while singles should make the most of any unexpected invitations.
Daily Horoscope
If you address those in a position to grant you favors you should get the support you require. You may exaggerate your emotional situation. Romance could be exciting if you are spontaneous.
Your irritability may drive your loved ones crazy. Female members of your family may be difficult to deal with. The home environment will be unpredictable today.
At last! Your ruling planet, Saturn, is no longer moving backwards, which means that you should start feeling much more content and balanced. If silly things have been going wrong for the past five months you can expect them to go right from now on. The shift in Venus will help even more, making you feel more confident and more sociable!
Daily Horoscope
Do not travel unless absolutely necessary. Be careful. You always seem to spend more than you make. You will be overly sensitive today.
Losses are evident. Pleasure trips will be favorable and bring about possible romance. If you've been really busy, try to schedule some time to spend with loved ones.
With an excellent aspect between your ruling planet and the moon you can expect some dramatic improvements in your love life. Attached Capricorns can look forward to a night to remember, while singles should get out there and see how the evening develops!
Daily Horoscope
Make money using your ingenuity and creative talent. Travel, although enticing, will cost more than you expect. Don't blow situations out of proportion.
This will be a good day for research and for sitting down with some good, informative reading material. Take whatever time you can to get to know each other all over again. Your practical approach to life may charm someone who has been observing you.
This is definitely a day to go to your local mall for either some stylish accessories for your bedroom, or for a new outfit to show off the new, more confident you! Making a day of it will help relax you: take friends with you and have lunch, and plan in an evening out too!
Daily Horoscope
You will feel compelled to do some traveling. You will be drawn to individuals who can provide you with both intellectual conversation and physical passion. Keep your wits about you and be sure that you can trust those you confide in.
Sign up for courses or join fitness clubs. Go out with friends and avoid the situation on the home front. Lack of cash might be partly to blame for the problems at home.
With a brief but positive aspect from the moon you could find yourself changing your plans at the last minute; go with the flow because youÂ’re unlikely to overlook any important details. Besides, a little bit of spontaneity every now and then will do you the world of good!
Daily Horoscope
Do not let in-laws upset you. Short trips will prove to be more fruitful than you imagined. You should put a little extra effort in at work.
You may find your self a bit frazzled if you allow someone to goad you into an unsavory debate. Travel opportunities look positive, but be cautious while driving. Don't trust others with private in formation that could be used against you.
For you a couple of challenging aspects could mean that there needs to be a little bit of rethinking on your part. It is likely that youÂ’ll be feeling slightly restless and inclined to indulge in some retail therapy, but being overly concerned with material things is what you will need to rethink.
Daily Horoscope
Deception will play an important factor in relationships. Compromise if you have to, to avoid verbal battles. You will have to make some changes regarding your direction if you wish to keep on top of your career expectations.
You need more space for the whole family. You may want to talk to your boss about your future goals. You will be in the mood for entertainment.
A little bit of discontent might creep in later this evening, thanks to the moon. The negative sun/moon aspect could make you feel even more restless, but the weekend for you looks much better. In the meantime treat yourself to a soothing massage to ease your knotted muscles!
Daily Horoscope
You are best to put in some overtime rather than get involved in family gatherings. You will meet new romantic partners if you get involved in seminars or travel. You can expect to experience delays or additional red tape if you deal with institutions.
Opportunities may come up at prestigious affairs. Overexertion and negligence will be your worst enemies. You need to do something that will make you feel better about yourself.
With Mars has moved into Cancer you too will feel the effect, particularly in terms of romance, whether youÂ’re attached or single! YouÂ’re likely to be more in touch with your emotions without being clingy, which means that other people will find it easier to relax with you!
Daily Horoscope
Opportunities for new partnerships will develop through the organizations you encounter. You will also encounter individuals who can help you further your goals. Spend some time on yourself.
Don't point your finger unjustly at others. Try to compromise rather than having an all out battle. This is a turning point.
With a positive influence from Mercury you are likely to be more intuitive than usual today, especially with your friends. As with a couple of other signs you should use the weekend to relax and have fun. For some Capricorns some good news could be on the way!
Daily Horoscope
You need to focus on yourself, not on others. Heart to heart talks will clear up vague issues. Go after your goals and don't be afraid to ask for assistance.
You may be looking through rose colored glasses. Get involved in creative projects that will enhance your earning power. You should be able to get a lot done.
Doing something that restores your flagging earth energy and bringing out that hidden sensual side will be just what you need today. A sumptuous lunch with friends or family, a leisurely walk in your local park and an evening of dancing would be perfect.
Daily Horoscope
Try to curb your habits, or you could find yourself in an awkward financial position. You can learn a great deal more if you listen rather than rant and rave. Your personal life will be disrupted if you have been too busy with business.
If you can't get ahead in the company you're with, perhaps it's time to move on. Deception is apparent. You will attract members of the opposite sex readily.
A couple of challenging aspects affecting your ruling planet are likely to make you feel more easily aggravated today. On top of this there might be a minor disagreement between you and a family member to deal with! Not one of your better days, but it will pass!
Daily Horoscope
If you can get away for a vacation, do so. Pursue outdoor activities or any physical exertion. Try not to allow your partner to lead you astray or upset your routine.
Your involvement with children will be most rewarding. Try to take care of the needs of those you love. Travel should be on your agenda.
A minor but positive aspect from Mars could give a much needed boost to romantic matters today, especially after yesterday. Make sure that you accept any invitations out if youÂ’re looking to meet someone new, while attached Capricorns should start planning a hot date!
Daily Horoscope
Don't overindulge in anyway. Check your personal papers and make sure everything is in order. You can expect to face opposition on the home front.
Start sending out those resumes. You will get drawn into groups that are not favorable to you. You must take care not to over exert yourself if involved in sports.
You might find that your schedule has become a little stagnant lately and that youÂ’re walking through treacle. To counteract this feeling let a couple of friends drag you to the mall. Even if you donÂ’t buy anything at least it will create a welcome diversion from the normal routine!
Daily Horoscope
Get together with friends for some competitive physical activities. Don't push your luck with authority. You will impress new friends and acquaintances with your intellectual wit.
You need to pamper yourself for a change. Expect to have problems with the ones you love. Don't give your heart too readily.
With the sun in Taurus (Taurus being an earth sign like you) you should start thinking about taking up some new interests and hobbies that compliment the earthy energy of your sign. Anything that gets you a little closer to nature will help, such as a stroll through the park. The more adventurous might consider rock climbing!
Daily Horoscope
Upgrading at this point is not a bad plan. Trips should be your choice. You will have to make changes in order to eliminate the tension.
Compromise may be necessary. You must strive to get the most important projects completed properly, rather than doling everything in a half baked way. Go out with friends who are positive and supportive.
With the moon moving into Aquarius the slightly negative aspect affecting it suggests that you hold off any spending today! Even though your friends might have some quite lavish plans donÂ’t be tempted to keep up with them. Be sensible and resist the urge to splurge!
Daily Horoscope
Don't overspend on luxury items. Money problems will be difficult to deal with if you have a partner. Compromising could be on the agenda today.
Your ability to charm others will bring added popularity. You can make major accomplishments while on short trips. Do things with your children and avoid situations that make you feel as if you've neglected the ones you love.
The day might seem as though nothing is going right, but go with the flow and youÂ’ll find that the interesting romantic developments were worth all the stress! Someone in your family will be on hand to offer a helping hand if things get a bit too much though!
Daily Horoscope
Stick to travel or do things in conjunction with groups. New romantic ties can be made; however, you must make sure that your motives are not selfish before you make your move. Be careful when using machinery or electrical equipment.
Real estate investments could be prosperous. Be prepared to neutralize any threats. Secret affairs may be tempting.
Three minor but negative aspects suggest that you will have a challenging day today, especially in terms of communication! So if your ride to work or school doesnÂ’t show, or your car doesnÂ’t start donÂ’t be too surprised. Just give yourself more time for journeys to compensate for those unforeseeable little mishaps!
Daily Horoscope
Watch for empty promises that may give you false hope. Your partner may make you feel jealous and unloved. Don't exaggerate.
Today may bring some profound insights about the way you really want to be living your life. This is likely to stimulate some major changes on a number of levels. It is important that you have someone to share these new feelings with and so you should spend some time with a close friend this evening.
Daily Horoscope
You could have trouble persuading others to accept your ideas and opinions. Be careful not to confuse issues when discussing the matters at hand. You will want to complain about the in justice that is going on,
Make plans to attend group discussions or get together with friends who like to talk as much as you do. Emotional deception will cause friction on the home front. Look into career choices and courses being offered.
Your ruling planet is causing you some difficulties today so try and take it easy if at all possible. You may well be feeling a little under the weather and there may be some less than pleasing news arriving in the mail. Things will improve in a few days and the best thing to do is to try and see the opportunities hidden within the obstacles that you are facing.