Daily Horoscope
Don't count on others to cover up for your shortcomings. You can expect sorrow to evolve from the information you discover. Involvement in groups of interest will bring you in touch with important individuals.
Residential moves are evident. Insincere gestures of friendliness may be misleading. Your sensitivity toward those you love will capture their hearts
Today the influence of Mars is acting very much in your favor and there is a real chance for you to do what you want. That is because the aspects that were conspiring to befuddle you will move away today. Prepare yourself for a hectic but ultimately fulfilling day!
Daly Horoscope
Your unique contribution to the organization will enhance your reputation. Short trips to visit others will do the whole family a world of good. Abstain from getting involved with married individuals.
Plans to make physical improvements may lead to psychological changes, too. The personal problems you may be having are interfering with your productivity. You may have a tendency to put on weight.
It is possible that youÂ’ll be exercising a little too much self control today, thanks to your ruling planet, the stern Saturn. The lack of other influences means that youÂ’ll be determined to do well at school or work, but you should plan in some genuine leisure time in order to recharge your batteries!
Daily Horoscope
Take your time; do not make any decisions in haste. Do your own thing. Read between the lines before you sign your name.
Look at your options before making commitments that could jeopardize your financial position. You will meet potential new mates through friends or relatives. Go out shopping today.
Tonight is very definitely the night for romance for you Capricorn! The powerful impact of Venus in your sign and its positive relationship to Mercury right now means that you really do have the magic touch today. You should find that the most romantic lines come easily to you today, so make the most of it and get out there ready to impress.
Daily Horoscope
Take part in stimulating debates that will allow you to show off your intelligence. Travel may be confusing. Don't believe everything you hear.
Entertainment should include your whole family. Set a limit on the amount you're willing to spend, and be sure to stick to it. Romantic encounters will be full of excitement.
A couple of strong and positive aspects influencing your ruling planets means that youÂ’ll have one of those days where everything just seems to fall into place! However, your natural reserve could stop you from really enjoying yourself. However, a luxurious pampering session should soon un-knot those tensions!
Daily Horoscope
You will be overly sensitive today. Don't expect support from your mate. Don't forget family obligations.
Talk to your mate about a vacation and discuss the expectations of your relationship. You can get ahead if you play your cards right. Unexpected romantic connections can be made if you go out with friends or take a pleasure trip.
A challenging aspect between Venus and your ruling planet is likely to pose some problems for you in matters of the heart and is likely to affect you for a few days. It is your natural reserve that is stopping things from moving forward, but carrying a piece of rose quartz will help you to open up that little more.
Daily Horoscope
Changes involving your domestic scene may be unpleasant. Be firm when dealing with matters pertaining to your environment. You may find that your boss is not delighted with your work lately.
You're best not to get involved in joint financial ventures. Secret affairs will eventually backfire on you. You can win points with children if you take the time to show interest in their accomplishments.
Thanks to a negative aspect between the moon and your ruling planet you could find that youÂ’re taking refuge in your work duties or school assignments. You need to stop avoiding the issue, which is likely to be a family matter and face it calmly. You will feel better, and more appreciated.
Daily Horoscope
Don't blow situations out of proportion. Avoid getting too close to coworkers or employers. You can make profitable investments if you purchase an art object for your home.
Make sure you concentrate if operating machinery or vehicles. Consider making pleasure trips or participating in entertainment that will require energy. Your best efforts will come through making changes in your home.
A little bit of healthy competition could be just what you need today to blow the cobwebs away! Sporting matches or creative challenges will not only appeal but will also give you a boost of much needed confidence. For you it will be the taking part that matters; if you win, all the better!
Daily Horoscope
Your self esteem will benefit. Friends will be loyal and caring. Time spent with family, children, or good friends will be regenerating and positive. Make alternate plans just in case you need to make a career shift.
Lay your cards on the table regarding your personal direction. Follow your gut feeling regarding your business ventures. Someone you live with may feel totally neglected.
The signs indicate that you need to concentrate on yourself instead for a change. Your mind should be particularly clear, which should not only help you identify what it is you need, but should also prove useful in tactfully explaining to friends and family why you need to be a little bit selfish just for once.
Daily Horoscope
Any attractions toward clients will be one sided and must be put right out of your head. Be sure to cover all the necessary groundwork before signing binding contracts. Travel will result in new romantic attractions.
You're apt to make a move or experience changes at home. Hassles with female colleagues may lead to problems with your boss. Don't use emotional blackmail on someone you love.
With the many demands being made on your time and energy over the past few days you will find yourself in need of some relaxing time. If work or school allows, then incorporate plans that provide both invigorating and relaxing experiences, such as time in the sauna, massages, and then finish the day with a trip to the movies!
Daily Horoscope
Avoid friction with your mate. You are best to stick to basics. Work on getting ahead by picking up added skills. Don't be too quick to let friends and relatives know what you're up to.
You need some help today. Residential moves will be favorable. You need to pamper yourself for a change.
Both money worries and relationship concerns will have you fretting throughout the day today, but needlessly! You have your financial matters in control, but stop yourself from dwelling on the ‘what ifs.’ Any qualms over romance will be resolved by the early evening.
Daily Horoscope
Older family members will make demands on your time. Get together with friends and catch up on reading and letter writing. Take a close look at any contracts you've signed in order to be sure exactly where you stand.
Make the necessary changes that will enable you to advance financially. You should consider getting into self improvement endeavors. You'll find it easy to upgrade your environment by redecorating or changing your residence.
A romantic encounter might fall short of your expectations today. YouÂ’ll be in the mood for some cozy one to one chats but you wonÂ’t be in the mood to reveal too much about yourself. Try and hit the middle ground on this one, or you could send out very confusing mixed messages.
Daily Horoscope
Don't allow colleagues to put unreasonable pressure on you. If you're preoccupied, be careful while operating a vehicle or any kind of equipment or machinery. Travel may change your attitudes with regard to your philosophy.
Don't be angry, but be on your guard. Avoid functions that will bring you in contact with those you find difficult to get along with. Do not give your heart to someone who may not live up to your standards.
You will be able to put your foot down more today and assert yourself, with surprising success. YouÂ’ll be more confident with people, and yet more expressive too. After the recent tensions this will come as a relief. Make sure that you plan some relaxing time for yourself this evening.
Daily Horoscope
When the work is done, they may serve you for a change. Lovers may no be truthful. You may be emotional about the way an organization you belong to is handling its business.
Empty promises will cause upset. Misunderstandings at work could easily lead to your demise. Don't try to twist things around so that they sound more enticing.
ItÂ’s going to be a very relaxing day for you today thanks to the positive influence of the moon. At the beginning of the day you may feel a little at a loss after all the energy that has been buzzing around you lately. However, by the end of the day you will have allowed yourself to simply ease into a more relaxed state.
Daily Horoscope
Over spending or unexpected bills could set you back. Delve a little deeper if you really want to know the score. You will easily capture the interest of those you talk to.
A passionate encounter with your mate should help alleviate that pent-up energy. Exaggeration or deception coupled with overindulgence might be a problem. Younger relatives may seek your advice.
Be sensible with your day today and pace yourself: donÂ’t leave everything till the last minute, or you could find that you will need to burn the midnight oil in order to get back on track. Any deadlines, any chores, any outstanding deadlines should be dealt with early in the day.
Daily Horoscope
Your home environment appears to be a little shaky. Chances are you split up the last time because you didn't really want to make a commitment. Opportunities to get together with friends will be enlightening and entertaining.
Health problems may prevail if you haven't been getting enough rest. Changes involving your domestic scene may be unpleasant. Be careful what you consume today.
You might find that youÂ’re in a sluggish mood today and have difficulty getting started, let alone finishing anything! The danger with this is missing those chance moments that are likely arise at work or school, which is a shame, because someone recognizes your potential.
Daily Horoscope
Leave your checkbook and credit cards at home. Property investments, insurance, taxes, or inheritance should bring you financial gains. Friendships could be terminated quickly if disappointments occur.
Your creative input will be appreciated by your boss. Do not push your opinions or try to reform your emotional partner today. Things are looking good for you, so open your eyes and get to it.
It is possible that youÂ’ll be feeling as though you need a change; maybe it seems as though youÂ’re stuck in a bit of a rut and need to introduce some changes into your life. YouÂ’ll certainly need to spend some time socializing with your friends, especially if someone is demanding too much.
Daily Horoscope
Put something away in case of an emergency. Let them know what your intentions are. You will be able to talk about emotional problems with your partner.
Get busy trying to make more money. Your energetic personality will make you the center of attention at social gatherings. Try and avoid getting involved in idle chatter or gossip that might get you in trouble.
ItÂ’s highly likely that you will catch someoneÂ’s eye today, and the more you play it cool the harder they will chase! ItÂ’s possible that youÂ’ll feel a little aimless, despite the romantic distractions. Try restoring some earth energy into your life: cooking for and dining with your friends will help you to relax.
Daily Horoscope
Before you proceed be sure to talk your plans over with those they will affect. If you want to make your mark, try to get involved in projects that will bring you some glory. Get rich quick schemes will not be successful.
Don't let others try to create unwarranted guilt if you can't meet their demands. Be sure that you have all the facts before you take action. Plans to make physical improvements may lead to psychological changes, too.
A couple of enduring aspects continue to bring your attention to those specific areas of life that are in need of an overhaul. At the moment your friends are a valuable asset who can provide you with some useful advice on matters of the heart, especially if youÂ’re undecided on someone.
Daily Horoscope
You may come down with minor infections if you have allowed yourself to get rundown. Find ways to mellow out. Advancement can be yours if you put your efforts into work related matters.
You'll be dropping friends for no apparent reason. Your involvement in groups will be favorable for meeting new and exciting individuals. This could be a difficult day to deal with coworkers.
The positive aspect from the sun will continue to imbue you with good feelings but in a much more fiery, energetic way today. This is thanks to the influence of Aries, which can be harnessed in many forms, but take the opportunity to harness some fun this evening with your friends.
Daily Horoscope
You can take advantage of opportunities if you are quick to make a move. You need time to rejuvenate. Don't settle for less than the best.
Moneymaking opportunities will surface. This will be a great night to invite friend over to visit. You might not be as reserved on an emotional level as you'd like.
The disharmony between the sun and the moon is likely to affect your day today, especially when the moon moves into your sign. It is more than possible that the source of tension will be in the home, but you would do well to put your wants aside and heed the advice of a family member.
Daily Horoscope
Don't get upset. Don't expect support from your mate. Confusion regarding other people's money and joint ventures will come to a head.
Financial difficulties may be worrying you. Try to satisfy both of your needs. Don't go hog wild when it comes to entertainment or you could find yourself short of funds at the end of the month.
Thanks to a negative, but thankfully minor aspect between your ruling planet and Mars you are likely to push yourself too hard today at work or school. ItÂ’s possible that something will undermine your confidence and youÂ’ll feel the need to
Daily Horoscope
Don't let coworkers get wind of your ideas or they might try to take credit for your hard work. You will find that unfinished projects at home will be most satisfying. Your temper may erupt if you have allowed others to cost you too much money.
You need to do something energetic and different. Arguments with employers or colleagues will be to your detriment. Changes regarding your career direction will payoff handsomely.
ItÂ’s possible that youÂ’ll have some good luck today, especially in terms of financial gain, which could come from an unusual source, but try not to get too distracted by the material things in life. Invite your friends round for the evening for a meal, a movie and some good old fashioned conversation.
Daily Horoscope
Don't start a dispute unless you're prepared to accept irreversible results. A change in position could be better than you thought. You can meet new and exciting friends who will provide mental stimulation.
You will be emotional about your personal life. Consider the source before you believe what you hear. Direct your energy wisely today. Anger will prevail if you expect help from others.
There could be the chance of meeting someone new this evening, which could bode well for romance. However, a minor but challenging aspect between your ruling planet and the moon means that youÂ’ll be inclined to be too cautious. Some tiger-eye could offer the fiery energy you need right now!
Daily Horoscope
You must not let others talk you into doing things that will probably limit you financially at a later date. You can get your point across if you don't beat around the bush. You may find that your documents are not in order.
Try to convince a good friend to take a holiday with you. Listen and formulate your course of action. You will be indecisive. Direct your energy wisely today. Anger will prevail if you expect help from others.
Prepare yourself for a mainly dynamic day as your confidence levels soar, thanks to the sun in Aries. YouÂ’re likely to surprise and please your work or school mates with a fresh and flexible attitude, which are qualities that you can enjoy outside the workplace or classroom too!
Daily Horoscope
Look into joining groups that can give you hands-on advice about business. Self-deception about relation ships is a problem. You can work in conjunction with those in the know in order to get to the bottom of any pending issue.
Don't be shy to promote your own interests. Your ability to work with detail will bring recognition. Make sure that all your legal papers are in proper order.
The sun/moon conjunction is likely to have a major impact on your day, as they both affect your ruling planet today. YouÂ’ll be more inclined to take risks, and your spontaneous mood will be an asset at any social gathering, so make sure you accept any invitations out.