Daily Horoscope
You can sort out any differences you have in an amiable manner. Don't make any rash decisions that may affect friendships. Don't let friends or relatives make you feel guilty if you're not able to attend one of their affairs.
Maybe it's time to look into ways you can improve your health. Be careful when using machinery or electrical equipment. They will not have the patience to wait for you to complete things that they've asked you to do.
Focus on what you can do to improve your home and family life. You may get some opposition from someone you are close to. Remain calm and discuss your plans realistically and you will come to terms with one another. Present whatever you do or say with love.
Daily Horoscope
You will find it easy finalizing personal papers if you make an effort. Think of changes to your home that will please and add to everyone's comfort. Be sure to take time for old friends or relatives you don't get to see that often.
Think hard before going into business with friends or family. Don't use the interstate as a racetrack. You may find that purchases or entertainment could be expensive.
Look to the people you are most familiar with to lend you a hand. Don't limit yourself by being stubborn. There is a time and place for everything and today it's time to be humble, gracious and compromising.
Daily Horoscope
Help those incapable of taking care of their personal affairs. You can offer your help to others but back off if they appear to be offended by your persistence. You can make money through your creative efforts.
Dream a little today. Take care of any paperwork concerning institutional or governmental agencies. Try to be reasonable.
You can make your point and get things done today that will shape what happens to you in the future. Make your comments count and don't be afraid to be a little bit different. Take charge and try something new.
Daily Horoscope
Travel for business will not only bring you valuable information but also profits as well. Don't hesitate to look for alternatives that will enable you to raise the kind of donations you need to do the job right. Be careful if a friend asks you for advice.
You may have been trying to do too much, leaving yourself exhausted and open to colds and infections. Look into ways to better yourself through improving your dietary habits and daily routines. They will not have the patience to wait for you to complete things that they've asked you to do.
You will find that today will be much more balanced and harmonious than recently. YouÂ’ll have an inner confidence which helps you cope sympathetically with a friend in need. But donÂ’t forget yourself: some long overdue relaxation and fun should be scheduled into your busy day too.
Daily Horoscope
Your irritability may drive your loved ones crazy. You may find that you're being used. You need to enjoy the company of those who enjoy the same pastimes.
Knowledge can be acquired if you listen. You are best to work at home if you can. Talk to an older, established individual about your present situation.
Ultimately you will have a good day, although it will be full of minor mishaps and irritations. But just when you start wondering whether you should have stayed in bed for the day romance rears its head again! And it looks like itÂ’s the start of something rather special!
Daily Horoscope
Don't push your luck with authority figures. Today is not the day to try to comer people by giving them ultimatums. You should make sure that your personal papers are in order.
Be sure to take advantage of the opportunities that exist. Take a break; you can finally mend any disputes on the home front. If you can put some work into home improvements, you should.
The aspect influencing your ruling planet imposing all those feelings of restrictions has finally gone. You should wake up this morning with a feeling that the heavy millstone around your neck has been removed. Celebrate this sense of freedom with friends. Go shopping; go for lunch; go out!
Daily Horoscope
Your pursuits may end up being fruit less. Get more involved in group efforts at work. Get rich quick schemes will not be successful.
Don't be too quick to judge. There'll be difficulties if you spend too much. Professionalism will be of utmost importance.
Relationships will be important to you today as you will feel the need to spend some time with your family, your friends, or your partner. So take advantage of the day of rest to catch up on the gossip with your mates and maybe enjoy a sizzling date later in the evening.
Daily Horoscope
Real estate should be lucrative for you. Be sure to organize events that will keep the children busy. Do not sign your life away.
You may have ignored or neglected your mate lately. Put your thoughts into action. Stick to doing things that will make you a better person both physically and mentally.
You should be able to enjoy a very harmonious day today, thanks to a strong and positive aspect influencing your ruling planet. Your sense of self esteem will improve, as will your levels of charisma and charm, so make sure you plan at least one social event into the day!
Daily Horoscope
Involvement in financial schemes will be followed by losses. Don't turn down an invitation or a challenge that could enhance your chances of meeting someone special. Beware of individuals who are not that reliable or well known to you.
You will easily capture the interest of those you talk to. Deep discussions may only lead to friction. Try not to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
It will be a day for getting things done, for achieving things, for completing things, and a day to establish a firm workable routine. This kind of forward planning is what you need right now; it will provide the security you are looking for, but donÂ’t forget to include some leisure time in that plan of yours.
Daily Horoscope
Your charm will attract someone special. You are best to listen for the time being. Catch up on correspondence.
Refrain from overspending on entertainment or luxury items. It's time to make professional changes. Opportunities to get ahead are evident.
With the moon moving into your seventh house you are likely to enjoy a rather passionate evening today. Whether thatÂ’s a romantic dinner with your partner or a sizzling date with someone who has caught your eye youÂ’ll certainly be in the mood for some well deserved intimacy.
Daily Horoscope
You can ask for favors or run your ideas by those who will be able to support your objectives. Secret affairs will come back to haunt you. Sit tight. Things aren't as bad as they appear.
Professionalism will be of utmost importance. Be discreet about your personal life or whereabouts. Be mysterious. Your suggestions for fund raising events will be well received.
In the next couple of days an aspect to your ruling planet is going to affect your sense of self discipline, so make sure you tackle any major assignments or deadlines today. Empty that in- tray and then when you feel less like working over the weekend youÂ’ll be able to relax with a clear conscience.
Daily Horoscope
You may have taken on a little too much, but you will enjoy every minute of it. Fitness or weight loss pro grams will help your self esteem. Don't expect romantic encounters to be lasting.
Your temper may erupt if you have allowed others to cost you too much money. Your creative ideas will be put to good use if you dig in and do things around the house that will make your family happy. Be discreet about your personal life or whereabouts. Be mysterious.
ItÂ’s possible that you will be invited out to an unusual venue this evening, or you will find yourself amongst unusual company. Whichever it will be you wonÂ’t be feeling very confident. Carry a piece of tiger eye or bloodstone crystal to help boost your self esteem so you can enjoy the evening.
Daily Horoscope
Friendships will be ruined if you let too many people get involved in any disputes. Your creative imagination will help you in coming up with unique ideas. Ask a close friend for advice.
Arguments could prevail. Lay your cards on the table regarding your personal direction. You can make money if you put your mind to it.
The aspect that affects your sense of self discipline appears today and will stay for a couple of days yet! You are likely to find it difficult to stick to any plans as a need for some thanks creeps in. However, even if itÂ’s not spoken outright, you are appreciated by those who matter.
Daily Horoscope
You may get some opposition. Personal changes will be to your benefit. You must not allow them to force you to rush. Fitness or weight loss pro grams will help your self esteem.
You may have been trying to do too much, leaving yourself exhausted and open to colds and infections. Romantic encounters are evident through travel or educational pursuits. You are best not to discuss your personal life with others.
The aspect affecting your ruling planet that has thrown you off kilter is still with you today. Fortunately, being Sunday itÂ’s unlikely to be a taxing day. You should really take advantage of this mellow mood to do some chilling out. Spend time with friends and revive your social life.
Daily Horoscope
Communication will be the source of your knowledge and you must be sure to spend time with those who have more experience. Disputes on the home front may be hard to avoid. You're in the mood to spend money.
You're in a high cycle for romance. Consider making residential changes; either moves or renovations could payoff. Go directly to the source if you want to know exactly what's been going on.
The aspect to your ruling planet that is affecting the way you apply yourself at work or school wonÂ’t disappear until this afternoon, so expect a day where nothing goes as planned. By the evening you should, however, be feeling much more energized and focused.
Daily Horoscope
Plan a day of enjoyment with them. Avoid any confrontations with colleagues. You need to enjoy the company of those who enjoy the same pastimes.
Be discreet about your personal life or whereabouts. Be mysterious. Get out and rub shoulders with people in high positions if possible. Investments may be misrepresented today.
There is absolutely nothing to stop you from celebrating ValentineÂ’s Day in any way that you choose. Try to overcome your natural shyness to plan some long overdue romance in your life. The traditional ways will be more up your street: a romantic dinner and dancing will appeal.
Daily Horoscope
Try to find another time to present work or ideas today. Generosity will put you in the poorhouse. Opportunities to show your worth will enhance your reputation and bring possible advancement.
Get on with your life. Don't hesitate to come right out and ask for the pertinent information. You will have additional discipline that will aid you in your objectives.
A minor aspect might be the source of some irritation in the morning, but it will disappear by lunchtime, leaving you feeling a lot happier. In terms of relationships but not necessarily romance you might feel a little claustrophobic today. Book yourself some chill time and hang out the ‘do not disturb’ sign!
Daily Horoscope
Make changes to your living quarters that will please the whole family. Sudden changes will occur through communications with friends or in-laws. Satisfy your passionate mood.
If you address those in a position to grant you favors you should get the support you require. You can meet new friends who will let you know just how valuable you are. Put your money into a safe place that will ensure a profit if you let it sit long enough.
You should be able to enjoy a balanced day today, with everything running smoothly. Work or school allowing you should take some time to do those things that make life worthwhile: lunch with friends, a little bit of shopping and an evening of dancing or bowling are long overdue.
Daily Horoscope
Invite friends over. You need to get involved in groups that offer physical activities. You'll be able to discuss your ambitions with your mate.
You will need a little competition today. Gel involved in activities that will stretch your stamina. Do what you can to help them but don't neglect your own family. You may be frustrated by the way situations are being handled in your personal life.
You could find that a short period of apathy drags you down today as the aspects influencing your ruling planet suggest that youÂ’ll let opportunities just drift by today. However, be on the lookout for something that could greatly benefit your personal life, so be open to some grounded advice and an invitation out!
Daily Horoscope
Don't let individuals with wild schemes talk you into a financial deal that is not likely to be successful. Business partnerships should turn out to be quite lucrative. Much can be accomplished if you compromise.
Minor accidents could occur if you don't take precautions. Your partner may make you feel jealous and unloved. Take time to find out all you can.
Your ruling planet, Saturn, will be negatively aspected by the moon today, impacting on your emotions. YouÂ’ll feel things deeply and will be easily upset. Take comfort in your friends. Plan sociable activities throughout the day where you can enjoy yourself.
Daily Horoscope
There could be opposition or temper tantrums on the home front. Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. Social functions will bring you in touch with new lovers.
Romantic opportunities are evident if you get involved in large groups or organizations. Be extra careful with your valuables; loss and theft are evident today. Don't allow your lover to take advantage of your good nature.
Something will rattle you this morning, and although the negative influence causing this soon disappears the effects may live on in the form of restless discontent. ItÂ’s more than possible that this source of discontent will be because of a friend. Facing the problem head on will resolve it.
Daily Horoscope
Your partner may not understand your mood swings but if you are willing to communicate, a lot of grief can be avoided. Do a little shopping. You're likely to find a real bargain. Be discreet and don't present your ideas until you're certain that they're foolproof.
Don't believe everything you hear. A series of misunderstandings may be at fault. The experience will be good.
The restlessness and feelings of disappointment will go, to be replaced with a warm glow of self confidence and a call for some long overdue fun. Surround yourself with friends this evening and just feel yourself loosen up on the dance floor. Sometimes itÂ’s good to burn the candle at both ends!
Daily Horoscope
Everything is moving quickly, just the way you like it. You will be accident prone if you aren't careful today. You will be in a high cycle regarding work.
Your mate may not be too sure about your intentions. Your tendency to vacillate will drive everyone crazy. However, you must not neglect your family.
Usually regarded as the solid reliable sign Capricorns today will be inclined to buck the trend in a big way, thanks to the influence of Mars! YouÂ’ll be likely to take on a cause that you consider to be important, and in the process youÂ’ll inspire the people around you.
Daily Horoscope
You may find that your generosity has been taken for granted. You can make gains if you look at long-term investments. You can stabilize your personal relationship if you're willing to communicate honestly.
Don't be afraid to talk to close friends or relatives about pressing personal problems. Follow your gut feeling regarding your business ventures. Try to be reasonable.
The aspect that is infusing you with that extra fire energy will stay with you today. While you wonÂ’t be afraid to meet anything head on youÂ’ll find that you seem to be constantly in the wrong place at the wrong time today. Give yourself some time out for some physical activity to help absorb the fire energy.
Daily Horoscope
Your lack of responsibility and attention has been a key issue in your relationship. Your unique approach to life will interest others. Be aware that you might be at fault as well.
Personal alterations will be in your best interest. Your energetic personality will make you the center of attention at social gatherings. People you live with will not be terribly happy with you regardless of what you do today.
Your shy nature is likely to make a romantic encounter very difficult for someone today. They might be in the mood for an intimate evening with you; however you might feel a little overwhelmed by this. Make sure you know what you want and be prepared to express your feelings.