You might find added popularity with those around you today. Be discreet and don't present your ideas until you're certain that they're foolproof. Good for private talks of a financial nature, bookkeeping, and mental work in general. You are best to work behind the scenes on projects that require detail or precision. Your lover may disappoint you in such a way that estrangement will follow. Someone you live with may cause drastic alterations in your usual routine. Special-interest courses will lead you in an unusual direction but not necessarily in the right direction. Don't overspend on something that may not pan out for you. Don't take chances.
Daily Horoscope
Be mysterious. Your dramatic approach to life has probably gotten to your mate. Brunch, a long walk, or a quiet dinner will secure your position in the relationship. Be careful when dealing with superiors. Try to be a bit more understanding or you may end up spending the evening alone. Don't be too eager to start any debates. You may be at odds with yourself. Spending on something you want, not something you need, will set you back further than you think. Refrain from getting in over your head financially, emotionally or physically.
Daily Horoscope
You can meet a new romantic partner or secure the love connection you already have by going out and entertaining yourself. You may be tempted to spend too much on entertainment or luxury items. Beware of someone who is trying to make you look bad. Be tactful if you see flaws in someone else's work. Family outings or a quiet stroll through the park will lead to stimulating conversation and a closer bond. You may find that your generosity has been taken for granted.
Daily Horoscope
You will have to put those you live with in their place if they try to interfere with your work. Don't invest too much of your own money. This is a better day than yesterday for getting things done. Find out if they have other commitments. The information that you gain can be used in every aspect of your life. You will enjoy socializing and unusual forms of entertainment.Do what you do best. It doesn't matter what, as long as you are developing something that intrigues or interests you. Love is looking good. You should begin to feel better about the direction you've chosen.
Daily Horoscope
Don't be too eager to buy things for those who really don't deserve it. Your charm and generosity will bring new friends and romantic opportunities. Sudden romantic infatuations could lead to a significant and prosperous connection. Listen to what your intuition tells you. You must make sure that all your personal documents are in order. Pamper yourself for a change. An opportunity to get involved in a publishing deal or something that will help to push your career higher is present. Networking should be treated as a social event. After all, if someone enjoys your company, he or she will want to work with you.
Daily Horoscope
Invite friends over. Those up at the crack of dawn will find inspiration and romance. The day spotlights your personal goals and interests.A social contact made today may prove to be a valuable contact in future business dealings. Dig deep to find out how costly a new venture will be before you sign on the dotted line. Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion. Money is coming your way -- through a rebate, winning, inheritance or perhaps an old debt. Look closely at any deal or investment that comes along. You can't lose if you take part in something that has cash involved.
Daily Horoscope
Don't be too shy to promote your own interests. You can ferret out secret information if you just listen to what others have to say. If you haven't already, consider starting your own business.The day favors shopping and making major home decisions. Be honest with yourself before getting involved with someone who is likely to lead you on. Someone you work with could have a personal interest in you. All the thought and research you've been putting into your future is about to pay off. Make yourself a list of the people you want to call and all the points you want to make in order to convince these people to do business with you. Confident communication will bring results early next week.
Daily Horoscope
Involvement in financial schemes will be followed by losses. You need to look into some private matters before you can proceed with your plans. Things may not be as harmonious as you would like with colleagues or employers today. You can look into new jobs but don't count on getting help from someone who may have promised you assistance. Today you work, but also enjoy a sense of accomplishment. Your ability to deal with humanitarian groups will enhance your reputation. Don't go getting all teary-eyed and upset today. Nothing is as bad as it seems. Concentrate on your talent. A change of attitude, heart and opinion will lead to hooking up with a very beneficial partner.
Daily Horoscope
Friendships will be ruined if you let too many people get involved in any disputes. Get involved in activities that will bring you knowledge about foreign land, philosophies, or cultures. Regardless of your first reaction, the outcome will be favorable. Be careful how you handle friends and relatives, they may take things the wrong way. You should get into some of those creative hobbies that you always said you wanted to do. You may be overly emotional when dealing with your mate. Someone is trying to take advantage of you. Be careful not to give away information that could make you look incompetent. Be observant and take things slowly.
Daily Horoscope
Changes in your home environment are likely. Someone may try to damage your reputation. Travel will be on your mind; however, be careful and proceed with caution as minor accidents will cause delays. Use discretion in your dealings and refrain from making verbal promises of any kind. Your determination and sheer desire to do your own thing will be successful. Dynamite developments in business will leave you with a sense of power and achievement. This is not the day to start a fight with anyone. Discord will lead to upset and mistakes. Put your efforts into physical work and forget about your worries for the moment.
Daily Horoscope
Try to calm down and listen to your partner's complaints. Extravagance and overindulgence are not a cure if you're feeling sorry for yourself. Don't be too critical. Don't expect romantic encounters to be lasting. Keep on your toes when dealing with others. You hard work and dedication will payoff, so stick to your guns and do your job well. Talking to friends or people who work in your industry will reveal some valuable information. If you are looking to make a profit, invest in yourself and your ideas not in somebody else's.
Daily Horoscope
Invite friends over rather than spending money on lavish entertainment. Get proper medical attention and confront your situation decisively. Advancement can be yours if you are assertive in your approach.When the work is done, they may serve you for a change. You may have difficulties with someone who lives with you. Spend some quality time with your lover. Step into the spotlight and show how funny, charming and talented you are. Your self-confidence will show even if you don't feel very sure of yourself. Professional advancement can be yours if you network with the right people.
Daily Horoscope
Emotional partnerships may develop through projects you initiate. Talk to someone you trust in order to see the whole picture. Be careful while traveling. You can anger others quickly today. Travel opportunities must be taken advantage of. Patience will be of utmost importance. It will be important to know exactly what everyone is up to if you want to make headway; however, don't be difficult or uncompromising. Someone may try to start trouble. Deal with such matters diplomatically.
Daily Horoscope
Residential moves will be favorable, and larger quarters the most probable direction. Don't be too eager to give a piece of your mind or even your opinion today. New partnerships will develop if you join investment groups. Don't ruffle the feathers of those you care about most. You can't lock your partner up and if you keep restricting their freedom you may be left out in the cold. Find out more, if you want to start your own business. Problems may erupt if you get involved with someone who is overindulgent or has other personal problems. You mustn't let anyone lean on you unnecessarily. You will be respected more if you offer only suggestions.
Daily Horoscope
Don't be too quick to judge. You'll need to exercise control. You can get a lot done if you get your hands on the right equipment. Find out more, if you want to start your own business. You should try to elaborate on an idea you have regarding a product or service for the home. Catch up on correspondence. Stop worrying about everyone else and do the things you enjoy doing. The people who want to be with you will take on your challenges and your pastimes. Your discipline and hard work will pay off.
Daily Horoscope
You should socialize with clients or upper echelons of your industry if possible. You could have a tendency to spend too much on your home or entertainment. Look for professional guidance if it will help unite the family. Don't let your personal partner hold you back or slow you down. Activities based at home are likely to be more fun than social entertainment. Don't hesitate to sign up for creative courses or physical fitness programs. Everything is turning around for you. This is a perfect time to let your creative juices flow. You shouldn't have to spend money to impress someone -- be yourself and share your thoughts, and that should be enough.
Daily Horoscope
Double-check before you go out. Do not travel unless absolutely necessary. Stick to basics. Exhaustion combined with overindulgence could result in minor health problems. Changes in your home will be positive. Colleagues may try to undermine you when talking to superiors. Personal matters will turn out totally different from what you expect. Work from your home, if possible, and you will get more done in the long run. A change to your looks, attitude or surroundings will turn out favorably and boost your confidence.
I never knew a thread like this existed
Originally posted by alexkusu:
I never knew a thread like this existed
its been ard sooo long! i give daily updates.. read the first pg abt it too anyway, welcum in for ur daily horos~
Daily Horoscope
An older member of your family may have left you with a pressing situation. It's a fairly routine day, but improved powers of concentration will enable you to accomplish a bit more than usual. Travel opportunities should be your first choice. You should be able to get a lot done. You might just as well let others do their own thing. You could easily lose your temper at work. The energy around you is electric. If you spread your news or ideas around, you will get a fabulous response. Today can be rewarding if you aren't too shy to share. Get involved in activities that allow you to show your talents.
Daily Horoscope
Your salesmanship skills are an asset to you in both business and your personal life. Don't let your personal partner hold you back or slow you down. You're on the right track and you can make money if you are willing to go out on a limb. Your mate may want to pick a fight but if you're persistent with your affections their anger should dissipate. Your partner may be reluctant to tell you how they feel. Difficulties with females you live with could cause emotional stress. Don't stop until you have finished what you started. It will be important that you do everything possible to advance today. You will be surprised by an offer or deal that is presented to you.
Daily Horoscope
Think about starting your own small business, Think about taking the time to complete unfinished domestic chores. Secret enemies may be holding a grudge that you're not even aware of. Put in some extra hours and finish those careful jobs before you move on to some fun and games. You will be uncertain of your feelings. Losses are likely if you have left your financial affairs in other people's hands. Your trendy style and unique way of doing things will entice new acquaintances. Your kindness and generosity will pay off. Volunteer for an organization you truly believe in. Business or personal connections can be made. Jump at the chance to apply for professional advancement.
Daily Horoscope
Take the time to close deals that have been up in the air. You'll look guilty if you don't lay your cards on the table. Pleasure trips will promote new romantic encounters. Someone you work with could have a personal interest in you. This may not be your day if you are overly melodramatic and unnerving everyone around you. You can surprise members of your family, which in turn will bring you a pat on the back. You aren't getting all the information you need to make a proper decision. Do your own investigation if you aren't satisfied with the answers you are getting. Don't settle for what others are saying if you have doubts.
Daily Horoscope
Get back into a routine that promises a better looking, more aware individual. Your mate, however, may not be too pleased with you. You haven't been watching your spending habits and you may have been neglecting your duties. Educational courses will be stimulating and successful. Get back into the swing of things. There is not much you can do to alleviate the problem, but consider putting some extra work into your house. If you think you are going to pull the wool over someone's eyes today, forget it. Take care of your responsibilities. Promises must be kept if you want things to run smoothly.
Daily Horoscope
You will be accident prone if you aren't careful today. Seminars will provide you with knowledge and amusement. I Don't let siblings put pressure on you. Curb your mood swings; they could result in loneliness. Investments that deal with property will pay off but could cause conflict with some family members. Be prepared to lose friends or alienate other people if you insist on being stub born. Look at the possibilities and strive to get your ideas out in the open where others can appreciate your talent. The future looks bright, but hard work and discipline will be necessary to make it so.