Daily Horoscope
Don't consume more than necessary. Be aware of any deception on the part of those you deal with. Spend time by yourself to avoid any conflicts with family members.
You will be attracted to unusual forms of entertainment and foreign cultures. Partnerships will be favorable and contracts can be signed. Don't let others bully you into agreeing with them.
The different aspects indicate that youÂ’ll be feeling in tune with peopleÂ’s feelings, youÂ’ll enjoy a creative streak, but that you might be inclined to let some good opportunities slip by. So today could be about cementing your relationships or about work or school, but either way stay alert!
Daily Horoscope
You will have the stamina and the know how to raise your earning power. Wait and get all the information before consulting your boss. The knowledge you have will enhance your reputation.
Limitations at work might set you back. Travel could turn out to be more exciting than you imagined. Investments will cost more than you anticipated.
The position of Jupiter is urging you to rethink your romantic situation; however the minor but negative aspect influencing Jupiter is misguiding you at the moment. The key is to face it rather than avoid it in order to clear your mind. Some straight talking will be required today.
Daily Horoscope
Loans will be attainable and legal matters easily taken care of. Watch for empty promises that may give you false hope. Look into family outings or projects.
You can make amends by taking them somewhere special. Secret affairs will come back to haunt you. Your concern with older family members and those less fortunate than yourself will only add to your attractiveness.
Your usually penetrating outlook will continue to be challenged today by the aspect between Pluto and Mars. However, the moon will imbue you with a certain amount of charisma and emotional influence, which means that youÂ’ll have people eating out of your hands!
Daily Horoscope
You have a tendency to think that no one else will do things properly. You can make changes to your living quarters that should please family members. Involvement with prestigious organizations will be to your advantage.
You need to control your temper and deal with the situation rationally. Peers may not be on your side. You can make major gains if you talk to your boss about your findings.
It is likely to be one of those days where you feel split in two. YouÂ’ll be able to deal with other peopleÂ’s problems admirably, but not your own! On one hand the moon in Pisces is lending you that extra level of perception, but on the other Pluto is still hampering your judgment! Just ride it out.
Daily Horoscope
You may find yourself caught in a triangle. You can make money if you concentrate on producing services or goods that will make domestic chores easier. Enlist coworkers in order to get the job done on time.
Get back to the comforts of cottage or home. You could experience unusual circumstances and meet eccentric individuals. You may be emotional if you allow your lover to take advantage of your good nature.
There is some kind of new beginning featured in your day today. Pluto might make it tricky and throw the occasional obstacle in your way, but ultimately this will be a positive day, with a change that could take your life in a whole new direction, so keep them peeled!
Daily Horoscope
Overindulgence will mean poor health. Not everyone will be pleased with your plans. You may be overly emotional when dealing with your mate.
Don't shy away from potential mates they want to introduce you to. You can pick up valuable information if you listen to those with more experience. You can buy or sell if you're so inclined.
The solar eclipse wonÂ’t have as much of an influence on you, but the fact that your ruling planet, Pluto, will start moving backwards today, will! Just start being more cautious with your finances and youÂ’ll be fine. Opening up a saving account an
Daily Horoscope
Sign up for courses that will bring you more skills. Have some fun, but draw the line if someone tries to fast talk their way into your heart. Your mate may not have been honest with you.
Invite friends over rather than spending money on lavish entertainment. Coworkers may not be giving you all the pertinent information. Don't be too quick to react.
Wow! Your ruling planet is pulling out all the stops today! Passion, intensity, power and drive are all on the menu today and with the moon moving into your seventh house this afternoon youÂ’ll be calling all the shots in terms of romance too! Whatever you do donÂ’t waste the day!
Daily Horoscope
Don't be too quick to judge. An older member of the family may need assistance. Travel opportunities should be your first choice.
The effects of Pluto on your day will lessen slightly today, but you will still be firing on all cylinders. However, with a rather demanding weekend to look forward to you would do well to take a breather. Some rest and relaxation will be enough to recharge your batteries!
Daily Horoscope
Get together with friends for some competitive physical activities. Better still, take your mate and let them foot the bill. Sign up for courses or join fitness clubs.
Don't count on correspondence to clear up major problems. You will feel the limitations if you have been overdoing it. You may not see your situation clearly.
A minor negative influence from the moon could misdirect you today, especially in terms of romance. But this misdirection will be a temporary blip in an otherwise positive day. By the evening you should be back on track, and those intense moods should ease a little!
Daily Horoscope
Travel will be favorable. Don't allow your lover to take advantage of your good nature. However, be careful with luggage; it may be rerouted.
Don't let your emotional partner upset you today. Be inquisitive about unfamiliar circumstances. Travel will be on your mind; however, be careful and proceed with caution as minor accidents will cause delays.
With Venus still exerting considerable influence you are likely to have an intense day today. Be prepared for some dramatic developments in your life, especially in terms of romance, but when things get a bit too much, even for you, youÂ’ll be able to retreat to your home to recharge your batteries.
Daily Horoscope
You may be more emotional than usual. Old friends may not like your choices. Rewards, gifts, or money from investments or taxes can be expected.
Comfort is a necessity. Check your motives. Your irritability may drive your loved ones crazy. Think about taking the time to complete unfinished domestic chores.
Thanks to Pluto you are likely to veer from one extreme to another today, and this excitability of mood will confuse your nearest and dearest. YouÂ’ll be feeling more sensitive than usual, but if you express your concerns youÂ’ll find that life suddenly becomes much easier.
Daily Horoscope
Don't jump as quickly as you usually do. Don't reveal any personal details. A quiet restful day just staying in bed or catching up on reading will be your best bet.
You may have a problem at work with a female coworker. If you take on too much of a financial burden you may make yourself ill. You can't live your life for others.
It could be that someone at work or related to school will seem rather obstinate today, causing you a major headache. The trick is to either be more persistent, or to find a way around the problem and bypass it altogether! With your famed sense of resilience and determination this will be something you almost enjoy doing!
Daily Horoscope
You can't lose today unless you get involved in gossip or overwork to the point of exhaustion. Things have been moving so quickly that you need to do something physical to release your tension. Knowledge can be acquired if you listen.
Deception in your home is evident. Don't beat around the bush. Travel could include delays and other minor problems. You will have to watch out for minor health problems related to stress.
The Saturn/Venus shifts will have most impact on your career and creative pursuits. If there are any blocks or obstacles at work or school expect them to melt away, and some Scorpios might even find themselves being promoted or upgraded! In terms of creative pursuits go for those interests that speak to the emotions: music, art and writing are such examples.
Daily Horoscope
You may feel a need to make changes to your legal documents. This could be a difficult day to deal with coworkers. The great outdoors will allow you to teach youngsters some of the things you learned when growing up.
You need to make changes that will raise your self esteem, such as a new hairstyle or a new image. Romance may be better than you ever thought possible. You will not be able to trust someone you work with.
Things should quiet down for you as the numerous aspects affecting your ruling planet are starting to recede. This will be the ideal time to take up that new interest that will appeal to the emotions and which will also help you to express yourself more clearly!
Daily Horoscope
Opportunities to travel will develop through peers. Secret affairs could cause upset. Consider making pleasure trips or participating in entertainment that will require energy.
Your main concern will be to spend as little as possible of your own cash in the process. Don't give them the use of your credit card. You have been going through a period of change that no doubt caused problems with your loved ones.
A whole range of aspects from Pluto will ensure a dynamic day for you, but you would do well to focus on other peopleÂ’s needs and thoughts, because the presence of Mercury is clouding your vision a little. Spending time with close friends or family will go down well today!
Daily Horoscope
Don't be too quick to sign documents. Opportunities for travel must be carefully considered. Direct your energy into physical exertion. Residential moves will be favorable.
You may not see your situation clearly. You may find that you can be the recipient of valuable information if you're willing to be a good listener. Your need to get away could lead you into greater debt.
Mercury continues to cloud your vision today, but by focusing on pleasant interests with friends you can keep yourself grounded. If you find that youÂ’re feeling a little dreamy today try doing a good deed for someone; a generous gesture will make all the difference for you as well.
Daily Horoscope
Intellectual stimulation is what you are looking for. Your lover may be annoyed if you have been flirtatious or not attentive to their needs. Disharmony in your relationship may cause minor ailments.
Take your time. Try to keep a low profile. So smile!
You are likely to experience one of those up and down days where just as youÂ’re starting to feel despondent something good happens to make you feel great again. Scorpios are not as tough as theyÂ’d like everyone to think! Even Scorpios occasionally need a pampering session, and yours is long overdue!
Daily Horoscope
You will also encounter individuals who can help you further your goals. Try not to spend too much on children or entertainment. Try to include friends and relatives in your activities.
Make your intentions perfectly clear and find out exactly what is expected of you. You need to make your environment a better place, with more comforts and a better entertainment center. Get proper medical attention and confront your situation decisively.
Unlike quite a few signs today you are likely to breeze through the day, thanks to Pluto, which will drastically lessen the negative aspect between the sun and the moon. Take advantage of your sparkling mood: go shopping for a new outfit and arrange an evening of fun with friends!
Daily Horoscope
Don't neglect these problems; deal with them once and for all, then move on to more pleasurable tasks. You will meet new friends and enjoy a multitude of new activities. Social activity should be on your agenda today.
You can change your living arrangements. Keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself and you won't get dragged into an unsavory debate. Hide your cards and learn to say no.
Because Mars is your co-ruling planet its transit will affect you to a certain degree, so donÂ’t be surprised if your thoughts start turning to holidays, short breaks and travel. YouÂ’ll be in a more adventurous mood and with summer on the way you could start planning now!
Daily Horoscope
Don't let others put unreasonable demands on you. Your family needs to spend some time with you, too. Romance will develop through work related activities.
Be confident in your endeavors and others will believe in your efforts. Financial affairs do not look too favorable today. You may find that others do not do things the way you want; however, if the job gets done, let it pass.
By the looks of the planets you really need to learn to switch off and relax. Your serious mood needs some counterbalance today. Work or school should be pushed to the back of your mind to allow yourself a little time for some fun and games, so start the weekend now!
Daily Horoscope
Try not to argue about trivial matters. Look into projects that you feel would con tribute something to your appearance. You can meet potential new mates, but make sure that they aren't already committed to someone else.
You will need to take a look at the renovations that are necessary and try to find the cheapest way to get things done. You may be tempted to get involved in secret affairs or love triangles. Stay calm and focus on things that will help you understand the situation better.
Thanks to the positive arrangement of the planets money is looking favorable today, so make sure that you buy a lottery ticket, because you never know what you might win! Some good news is definitely on the way too, which could be in the form of an unexpected phone call from an old friend.
Daily Horoscope
Not everyone will be pleased with your plans. Secret affairs will come back to haunt you. You are best to do something energetic with friends instead.
Secret intrigues could get you into trouble. Get busy on projects that improve your own image; you'll have the discipline to succeed. Be careful to avoid wrong doings.
A couple of excellent aspects from both the sun and the moon suggest that cash matters are looking particularly strong even though your mood is a little up and down today. If you need an outlet do something that brings you closer to your water element this evening: anything from swimming to a stroll by a lake will do!
Daily Horoscope
Try not to allow your partner to lead you astray or upset your routine. Expect to have more people on your domestic scene. Competitive games will be your forte.
Someone may be trying to pull the wool over your eyes. You must try to lay your cards on the table. Talk to your mate and tell them how you feel. Don't bother getting even; they'll make themselves look bad.
The negative aspect from Mercury has finally gone, which means that now would be a good time to start a new health regime, which incorporates a new diet and daily exercise. Not only will you feel more in control of your life again youÂ’ll also look fit for the summer too!
Daily Horoscope
You may find acquaintances being deceptive. Sign up for seminars that will expand your business awareness. You can make alterations to your appearance that everyone will admire.
You will easily blow situations out of proportion. This will not be the best day to try to push your ideas or concerns. Loss or theft may occur if you are careless with your belongings.
You will find that youÂ’re concentrating on work or school at the moment, as your social life is put on the back burner. However, a bit of company and some fun is long overdue now, so take your friends bowling or out for a movie and make the most of the evening.
Daily Horoscope
You may find that you can be the recipient of valuable information if you're willing to be a good listener. Expect problems with settlements that you are trying to resolve. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
You can clear up important legalities and sign contracts today. Try looking into new ways to make extra money. Difficulties with your mate may lead to isolation.
Your love life will be the area that is most affected by the sun moving into Taurus today. Thanks to a particularly positive aspect between the sun and your ruling planet today youÂ’ll find that romantic developments are looking very possible indeed, so make sure that youÂ’re looking your best today!