Today you may be inclined to take things a bit too easy. You may have problems with those you live with. You must strive to get the most important projects completed properly, rather than doling everything in a half baked way. You'll communicate easily and develop new friendships. Try not to upset others with your plans. You can make headway if you share your intentions with someone you care about. What you are looking for and what you get will not resemble the same thing. Everything you do will be by trial and error, so keep your wits about you. Damage control may be necessary.
Daily Horoscope
Today brings a change in consciousness. Uncertainty regarding your direction is likely. Things are looking up. You're eager to learn. You may win favors if you present your ideas and include your family. Disputes on the home front may be hard to avoid. If you renege on a promise you made or neglect your responsibilities, you will disappoint someone important to you. Chances are good that if you don't start doing your share, you will end up damaging the very relationships you hold so dear.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Get into some activities that will help you in making new friends. Don't get involved in idle chatter that will hurt your position. You can meet new and exciting friends who will provide mental stimulation.
Pursue outdoor activities or any physical exertion. You're on the right track in career matters and new opportunities. You'll sparkle with magic moon glow on this perfect day for romance and good times.
You will be riding high and probably have a comment about everything and everyone. Be careful: Someone you are close to may not be thrilled with your sense of humor. Praise will get you so much further.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
You may have a hard time relating to children today. You might find that delays will cause setbacks and upset. Deal with the needs of children.
Don't let relatives get the better of you. Discrimination will be in order. Your emotions have been pulled out of shape and you need to do a little backtracking.
There will be lots going on behind your back. Don't divulge too much information regarding your plans or your ideas. Focus on love, romance and getting closer to someone you really care about.
Daily Horoscope
Don't reveal any personal details. Teamwork between partners is excellent today. Your need to get away could lead you into greater debt. Property investments will payoff. Secret love affairs may be enticing; however, you must be prepared for the restraints that will follow. You should expect to have changes in your home. It's all about work, performance and advancement today. If you take a practical, industrious approach, you will turn heads, impress your peers and move ahead. A financial change is apparent.
Daily Horoscope
Your lover will be annoyed with your participation. You'll find it easy to talk about your feeling today. Help children with important projects. Your dramatic approach to life has probably gotten to your mate. Real estate investments could be to your ad vantage. Put your energy into self-improvement programs that promise to make you into a better you. There will be a lot going on behind closed doors. Money can be made and deals and contracts agreed upon. Make sure you do get everything in writing. Someone is likely to promise you something and not deliver.
Daily Horoscope
If you address those in a position to grant you favors you should get the support you require. Your charm will attract someone special. You can easily impress others with your generous nature. They will teach you far more than you expect. Be cautious when dealing with coworkers. Opportunities for financial gains through investments and games of chance are likely. Something may be going on behind your back. You have to take things one step at a time. An unusual partnership will turn out to be beneficial. A problem with an authority figure will be the direct result of not doing what you are supposed to be doing.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Don't let others restrict you from saying how you feel about family issues. Changes in your domestic scene are apparent. If you can avoid overspending, then dating and other pleasure interests are favored.
You might find that a coworker has been two faced. You may want to take a serious look at your goals and objectives. Any contributions you make to organizations will enhance your reputation and bring you offers.
Someone may be trying to fool you. Don't rely on surface information; dig deep and ask pertinent questions. You may be on a wild goose chase if you don't take control.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Listen to the problems of others and offer suggestions where possible. Nothing can be resolved if you don't want to talk about it. Don't push your mate if you want to keep this union going.
Opportunities to travel will develop through peers. You will have a little more energy than usual. You may be more emotional than usual.
Money can be made if you follow through with a financial deal. Helping someone out will result in a prosperous opportunity. This is a great day to buy and sell or make changes to your home.
Woah!! Me learn alot.. me Leo..
Originally posted by Gackt247:
Woah!! Me learn alot.. me Leo..
hiya gacky~ welcumz in for ur daily horos~
Daily Horoscope
Relatives may be less than easy to deal with. Spend some quality time with the one you love. Your partner may be reluctant to tell you how they feel. You need to take a good look at all sides of an issue before making a decision. You are best not to say too much to colleagues. Uncertainty about your relationship is prevalent. You should be concentrating on investments and budgeting. Money you don't expect will be a pleasant surprise. Dealings with institutions will bring positive results.
Daily Horoscope
It's a great day for travel and romance, but where business interests are concerned, don't force issues. You may have problems with children. Don't be too hard on yourself. Spend some quality time with the one you love. You can expect opposition at work. Social activity should be on your agenda today. You've got things lined up, so get on with it. Put your plans into motion before you run out of time. Your persuasive talent should help you to land a deal that can change your future.
Daily Horoscope
If you've been under stress and worrying about older members of the family, it's time to come to terms with the situation. Your lover will be annoyed with your participation. You may have difficulties with someone close to you. You will find that money could slip through your fingers. Try to enlist the help of those you trust in order to fulfill the demands being made of you. Don't jump as quickly as you usually do. Everything is looking good today. Plan your vacation -- a change will be as good as a rest and will revitalize your attitude. The company you keep will influence your outlook and attitude, so surround yourself with positive people.
Daily Horoscope
Don't let those close to you get under your skin. You are better off visiting friends or relatives than entertaining at home. Hobbies will be good for your emotional well being. Mix-ups could delay getting a project started. You should focus on moneymaking matters and stay away from emotional disputes. Valuable information can be yours if you listen to those with experience. Don't let personal issues get you down. It's only a matter of time before the tide turns, so let it go. Don't neglect your responsibilities, or someone you thought you could count on will not be in your corner.
Daily Horoscope
Avoid letting children and friends borrow. Career changes may not be your choice right now, but in the long run they will be to your advantage. Time to deal with institutional environments, government agencies, and matters of a private nature today. You need to clear up some important personal documents before the end of the year. Your family may not be pleased with your decisions. Networking will be a necessity. Be an observer today. If you speak out, you may have regrets. Don't start a senseless war over trivial issues. Be brave and hold your cards close to your chest.
Daily Horoscope
Control your emotions and everything will fall into place. Luck is with you, regardless of the financial venture. Romance will develop through work. You may find out that someone has not been completely honest with you. Channel your efforts into achieving your goals. Advancement can be yours if you are assertive in your approach. Be careful how you handle the people around you. Being too overbearing or pushy will not bring the results you are looking for. Consider how you can improve your professional direction. Taking a risk will not pan out, so don't bother.
Daily Horoscope
This may not be the time to lend or borrow. You could be drawn to events that concern children. You will accomplish the most through or. You may be somewhat emotional concerning a rather private matter. It will be all around you. Someone you work with may be emotional. Take part in something that will better inform you of your options for physical enhancement. A demonstration or trying a sample that is geared toward self-improvement will give you some ideas. Social events will lead to a new partnership.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Expect to experience a sudden reversal of fortune. Promote your ideas now. Turn things around, make sure that they do their share.
You should put your efforts into creative projects. Your dreams are vague and not of much use to you tonight. Tell them to get out of the mess they are in and then you'll consider getting together with them.
Put your efforts into activities that will help others. Volunteer your services or contribute to an organization you believe in. Romance is predominant and should not be ignored. Take a trip or visit with someone you deal with professionally.
Daily Horoscope
You may find that doing odd jobs around the house will be successful and appreciated by loved ones. You are in a high energy, get it all done, mood and you'll have little patience with those who are slacking off. You'll be able to discuss your ambitions with your mate. Make any necessary changes to your insurance policy. Look into projects that you feel would con tribute something to your appearance. Your ability to see other people's points of view will allow you to come to reasonable agreements. A change in your financial situation looks positive. Use your intelligence to get your idea approved by the people who can make a difference to your professional position.
Daily Horoscope
You can sell your ideas to those who have the money to back them. Make changes that will heighten your appeal. Make sure you don't act like a wise-guy. This has left you in a confused and uncertain state. Empty promises will cause upset. You might not be as reserved on an emotional level as you'd like. There is a lot going on behind the scenes that can affect your financial future. Stay in the loop by asking questions and getting involved. A little wheeling and dealing can make a difference.
Daily Horoscope
You will enjoy physical activities more than you think. You might just as well let others do their own thing. You'll meet with social opportunities, but your mind will be on business not pleasure. Take time to do something nice for yourself. You need to get out and have some fun to reduce tension. Don't overspend to impress someone who interests you. You may not be thinking clearly emotionally, but that is no reason to overspend just to impress someone. A little time and effort spent on your domestic surroundings can bring some fabulous results.
Daily Horoscope
Make creative changes to your living quarters. Older family members may take advantage of you by making you feel guilty. Help elders with their concerns. Things may not be as harmonious as you would like with colleagues or employers today. Take the day to relax and pamper yourself. Caustic language may cause you to want to get out of the house. You may find it difficult to get others to have your vision. Believe in what you are doing and work hard to develop your idea to a point that others appreciate what you are trying to do.
Daily Horoscope
Join a club to work off that excess energy; but consider ways of doing that without spending the money. Take the time to help old friends or relatives who have had a stroke of bad luck. Your talents will shine at work. You can make successful moves. Confidential backing puts you a step closer to reaching an important goal. Trips will be enjoyable, and communication with your lover will clear up any misconceptions. Plan a bit of an outing if you can't get away on vacation. You need to experience different surroundings and lifestyles to spark your imagination. This is a perfect day for love and romance.
Daily Horoscope
Don't make a move; your confusion has caused this dilemma and you are best to back away and reassess the situation. You can win if you're open and up front with your boss. Be courteous if you wish to avoid major delays. Caustic language may cause you to want to get out of the house. Your questions will help you ferret out secret information. Put your efforts into physical fitness programs or competitive sports. Your personal needs will start your thinking about a better professional position. Look into the possibilities of retraining or picking up courses or skills that will help you. Don't let someone hold you back.